40 个版本

新版本 0.2.20 2024年8月22日
0.2.17 2024年4月2日
0.2.16 2024年3月7日
0.2.5 2023年11月29日
0.0.5 2022年11月23日

#35 in Cargo 插件

Download history 1844/week @ 2024-05-02 1696/week @ 2024-05-09 1332/week @ 2024-05-16 1548/week @ 2024-05-23 2571/week @ 2024-05-30 2533/week @ 2024-06-06 3887/week @ 2024-06-13 4186/week @ 2024-06-20 3908/week @ 2024-06-27 2314/week @ 2024-07-04 3414/week @ 2024-07-11 3162/week @ 2024-07-18 3122/week @ 2024-07-25 9316/week @ 2024-08-01 7643/week @ 2024-08-08 4591/week @ 2024-08-15

25,332 每月下载量

MIT 许可证


crates.io Discord

Leptos 的构建工具

Leptos Logo


  • 在监视模式下并行构建服务器和客户端以快速提供开发者反馈。
  • CSS 热重载(无需重新加载页面,仅更新 CSS)。
  • 为客户端渲染模式(不支持)构建服务器和客户端。
  • 支持工作区和单包设置。
  • 使用 dart-sass 编译 SCSS。
  • 使用 Lightning CSS 进行 CSS 转换和最小化。
  • 使用 Cargo 构建(wasm)服务器和客户端二进制文件。
  • 使用 wasm-bindgen 生成 JS - Wasm 绑定。
    • 包括对 JS 片段 的支持,以便您从 WASM 调用一些 JS 代码。
  • 使用 Binaryenwasm-opt 对 wasm 进行优化。
  • watch 命令用于在浏览器实时重新加载的情况下自动重新构建。
  • test 命令用于运行构成 Leptos 项目的 lib 和 bin 包的测试。
  • build 构建服务器和客户端。
  • end-to-end 命令,用于构建、运行服务器和调用 bash shell 钩子。钩子通常用于启动 Playwright 或类似工具。
  • new 命令,用于根据模板创建新项目,使用 cargo-generate。当前模板包括
  • 'no_downloads' 功能,允许用户管理可选依赖项



cargoinstall --lockedcargo-leptos


cargoinstall --githttps://github.com/leptos-rs/cargo-leptos --lockedcargo-leptos


cargoleptos --帮助

关于设置您的项目,请参阅 示例


当使用 sasswasm-optcargo-generate 时,如果它们尚未安装并且由 which 找到,则它们会自动安装到一个缓存目录中。依赖项的不同版本可能会积累在这个目录中,因此您可以随意删除它。

操作系统 示例
Linux /home/alice/.cache/cargo-leptos
macOS /Users/Alice/Library/Caches/cargo-leptos
Windows C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Local\cargo-leptos

如果您希望强制安装依赖项,或正在使用 Nix 或 NixOs,您可以通过启用 no_downloads 功能来安装它,以防止 cargo-leptos 尝试下载和安装它们。

cargoinstall --功能no_downloads --lockedcargo-leptos



配置参数定义在包 Cargo.toml[package.metadata.leptos] 部分中。有关可以使用参数的完整列表,请参阅参数参考。所有路径都是相对于包根目录(即 Cargo.toml 文件)的。



所有定义了 Cargo.toml[package.metadata.leptos] 部分的工作区成员都将自动包括为 Leptos 单包项目。多包项目在工作区级别定义在 Cargo.toml[[workspace.metadata.leptos]] 部分中,该部分需要三个必填参数

# project name
name = "leptos-project"
bin-package = "server"
lib-package = "front"

# more configuration parameters...



使用 cargo-leptos 构建时,前端库包使用目标 wasm-unknown-unknown 和功能 --no-default-features --features=hydrate 编译为 wasm。服务器二进制文件使用功能 --no-default-features --features=ssr 编译。


这些参数用于工作区部分 [[工作区.元数据.leptos]] 或包中,对于单个包设置,部分 [package.metadata.leptos]

请注意,Cargo清单使用单词 目标 有两种不同的含义。作为包配置的 [[bin]] 目标以及作为编译输出目标三元组。在这里,后者被称为 目标三元组


# Sets the name of the binary target used.
# Optional, only necessary if the bin-package defines more than one target. Can also be set with the LEPTOS_BIN_TARGET=name env var
bin-target = "my-bin-name"

# Enables additional file hashes on outputted css, js, and wasm files
# Optional: Defaults to false. Can also be set with the LEPTOS_HASH_FILES=false env var (must be set at runtime too)
hash-files = false

# Sets the name for the file cargo-leptos uses to track the most recent hashes
# Optional: Defaults to "hash.txt". Can also be set with the LEPTOS_HASH_FILE_NAME="hash.txt" env var
hash-file-name = "hash.txt"

# The features to use when compiling all targets
# Optional. Can be extended with the command line parameter --features
features = []

# The features to use when compiling the bin target
# Optional. Can be over-ridden with the command line parameter --bin-features
bin-features = ["ssr"]

# If the --no-default-features flag should be used when compiling the bin target
# Optional. Defaults to false.
bin-default-features = false

# The profile to use for the bin target when compiling for release
# Optional. Defaults to "release".
bin-profile-release = "my-release-profile"

# The profile to use for the bin target when compiling for debug
# Optional. Defaults to "debug".
bin-profile-dev = "my-debug-profile"

# The target triple to use when compiling the bin target
bin-target-triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"

# The features to use when compiling the lib target
# Optional. Can be over-ridden with the command line parameter --lib-features
lib-features = ["hydrate"]

# If the --no-default-features flag should be used when compiling the lib target
# Optional. Defaults to false.
lib-default-features = false

# The profile to use for the lib target when compiling for release
# Optional. Defaults to "release".
lib-profile-release = "my-release-profile"

# The profile to use for the lib target when compiling for debug
# Optional. Defaults to "debug".
lib-profile-dev = "my-debug-profile"

# Fixes cargo bug that prevents incremental compilation (see #203)
# Optional. Defaults to false prior to 0.2.3, unconditionally enabled (with the setting becoming deprecated) since 0.2.3 and #216
separate-front-target-dir = true

# Pass additional parameters to the cargo process compiling to WASM
# Optional. No default
lib-cargo-args = ["--timings"]

# Pass additional parameters to the cargo process to build the server
# Optional. No default
bin-cargo-args = ["--timings"]

# The command to run instead of "cargo" when building the server
# Optional. No default. Env: LEPTOS_BIN_CARGO_COMMAND
bin-cargo-command = "cross"


可以通过设置相应的环境变量来覆盖这些参数。它们也可以在 .env 文件中设置,因为 cargo-leptos 会读取包或工作区目录以及任何父目录中找到的第一个。

# Sets the name of the output js, wasm and css files.
# Optional, defaults to the lib package name or, in a workspace, the project name. Env: LEPTOS_OUTPUT_NAME.
output-name = "myproj"

# The site root folder is where cargo-leptos generate all output.
# NOTE: It is relative to the workspace root when running in a workspace.
# WARNING: all content of this folder will be erased on a rebuild!
# Optional, defaults to "/site" in the Cargo target directory. Env: LEPTOS_SITE_ROOT.
site-root = "target/site"

# The site-root relative folder where all compiled output (JS, WASM and CSS) is written.
# Optional, defaults to "pkg". Env: LEPTOS_SITE_PKG_DIR.
site-pkg-dir = "pkg"

# The source style file. If it ends with _.sass_ or _.scss_ then it will be compiled by `dart-sass`
# into CSS and processed by lightning css. When release is set, then it will also be minified.
# Optional. Env: LEPTOS_STYLE_FILE.
style-file = "style/main.scss"

# The tailwind input file.
# Optional, Activates the tailwind build
tailwind-input-file = "style/tailwind.css"

# The tailwind config file.
# Optional, defaults to "tailwind.config.js" which if is not present
# is generated for you
tailwind-config-file = "tailwind.config.js"

# The browserlist https://browsersl.ist query used for optimizing the CSS.
# Optional, defaults to "defaults". Env: LEPTOS_BROWSERQUERY.
browserquery = "defaults"

# Assets source dir. All files found here will be copied and synchronized to site-root.
# The assets-dir cannot have a sub directory with the same name/path as site-pkg-dir.
# Optional. Env: LEPTOS_ASSETS_DIR.
assets-dir = "assets"

# JS source dir. `wasm-bindgen` has the option to include JS snippets from JS files
# with `#[wasm_bindgen(module = "/js/foo.js")]`. A change in any JS file in this dir
# will trigger a rebuild.
# Optional. Defaults to "src"
js-dir = "src"

# Additional files your application could depends on.
# A change to any file in those directories will trigger a rebuild.
# Optional.
watch-additional-files = ["additional_files", "custom_config.json"]

# The IP and port where the server serves the content. Use it in your server setup.
# Optional, defaults to Env: LEPTOS_SITE_ADDR.
site-addr = ""

# The port number used by the reload server (only used in watch mode).
# Optional, defaults 3001. Env: LEPTOS_RELOAD_PORT
reload-port = 3001

# The command used for running end-to-end tests. See the section about End-to-end testing.
# Optional. Env: LEPTOS_END2END_CMD.
end2end-cmd = "npx playwright test"

# The directory from which the end-to-end tests are run.
# Optional. Env: LEPTOS_END2END_DIR
end2end-dir = "integration"



来自 Leptos 配置的输出



  • LEPTOS_LIB_DIR: 从工作目录到库包的路径
  • LEPTOS_BIN_DIR: 从工作目录到二进制包的路径


  • cargo-leptos 在构建和运行之前将工作目录更改为项目根目录或,如果在工作区中,则更改为工作区根目录。
  • 当在单个包配置中运行时,这两个设置为相同的值。
  • 除非您能保证整个项目结构在运行时也可用,否则请避免在运行时使用它们。

内部,cargo-leptos 调用的外部工具的版本是硬编码的。使用这些环境变量来覆盖 cargo-leptos 应使用的版本(例如,LEPTOS_SASS_VERSION=1.69.5



cargo-leptos 提供端到端测试支持以方便使用。它是一个简单的包装程序,围绕在特定目录 end2end-dir 中执行的 shell 命令 end2end-cmd

end2end-cmd 可以是任何 shell 命令。对于运行 Playwright,它将是 npx playwright test


  • 在终端中,运行 cargo leptos watch
  • 在另一个终端中,切换到 end2end-dir 并运行 end2end-cmd

在测试设置时,请首先尝试上述操作。如果那样做可以工作,但 cargo leptos end-to-end 不行,那么请创建一个 GitHub 问题。


~1.5M SLoC