#bioinformatics #data #science #command-line #reproducibility #command-line-interface #command-line-utilities

bin+lib alpine-core

ALPINE (Anachronistic Lineage and Persistent INfection Explorer) 核心工具

3 个版本

0.1.2 2024年1月23日
0.1.1 2024年1月20日
0.1.0 2024年1月19日


MIT 许可证


ALPINE (Anachronistic Lineage and Persistent INfection Explorer) 核心工具

Open Source Starter Files Rust CI Crates.io Crates.io

请参阅这里原始的 ALPINE 工作流程仓库。此仓库包含正在开发的用于替换先前用 Julia 编写的 ALPINE 管道核心组件的 Rust 源代码。该工具具有丰富的命令行界面,旨在允许研究人员在没有调用整个 Nextflow 管道和相关 Docker 容器的情况下执行 ALPINE 类型的分析。

当你运行 alpine --help 时,出现的工具用法如下


ALPINE: Anachronistic Lineage and Persistent INfection Explorer

Command line interface for the core Rust components of ALPINE.
These commands are called in the full pipeline, which is imple-
mented in Nextflow alongside `seqkit`, `csvtk`, `nushell`,
`vsearch`, and a bin of bespoke Python scripts. However, users
may also use the commands available in this crate to run
similar analyses themselves via the command line.

Usage: alpine [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  replace-gaps       Replace FASTA gap symbols '-' with masked bases 'N'.
  filter-by-n        Filter out FASTA records with more than the desired number of masked 'N' bases.
  separate-by-month  Use collection dates from FASTA record metadata to sort all FASTA records into a separate FASTA for each year-month combination.
  distance-matrix    Compute a symmetric pairwise distance matrix based on how dissimilar sequences in the provided FASTA are to one another.
  help               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbose...         Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...           Decrease logging verbosity
  -t, --threads <THREADS>  [default: 3]
  -h, --help               Print help

要设置和尝试此工具集,可以安装 Rust 工具链并自行构建,或者在克隆到您的机器上的此目录后运行 ./easy_install


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