2 个不稳定版本

0.2.0 2023 年 8 月 3 日
0.1.0 2023 年 1 月 29 日

#6 in #magnetometer


246 代码行(不含注释)


crates.io Released API docs

用于与 BerryIMU v3 交互的纯 Rust 库。

此库支持通过 i2c 读取加速度计和磁力计数据,以及通过 SPI 读取加速度计和陀螺仪数据。设置是固定的,i2c 只在 Linux 上工作。欢迎提交拉取请求以添加更多功能。


这将通过 i2c 打印出倾斜补偿航向

use std::error::Error;
use std::f64;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

use berryimu;

pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let mut accelerometer = berryimu::i2c::Accelerometer::new_from_address("/dev/i2c-1")?;
    let mut magnetometer = berryimu::i2c::Magnetometer::new_from_address("/dev/i2c-1")?;

    loop {
        let (acc_x, acc_y, acc_z) = accelerometer.read()?;
        let (mag_x, mag_y, mag_z) = magnetometer.read()?;

        // Normalize accelerometer raw values.
        let acc_x_norm =
            (acc_x as f64) / ((acc_x * acc_x + acc_y * acc_y + acc_z * acc_z) as f64).sqrt();
        let acc_y_norm =
            (acc_y as f64) / ((acc_x * acc_x + acc_y * acc_y + acc_z * acc_z) as f64).sqrt();

        //Calculate pitch and roll
        let pitch = acc_x_norm.asin();
        let roll = -((acc_y_norm / pitch.cos()).asin());

        // Calculate the new tilt compensated values
        // The compass and accelerometer are oriented differently on the the BerryIMUv1, v2 and v3.
        // This needs to be taken into consideration when performing the calculations.
        // X compensation
        let mag_x_comp = (mag_x as f64) * pitch.cos() + (mag_z as f64) * pitch.sin();
        // Y compensation
        let mag_y_comp = (mag_x as f64) * roll.sin() * pitch.sin() + (mag_y as f64) * roll.cos()
            - (mag_z as f64) * roll.sin() * pitch.cos();

        // Calculate heading in degrees
        let mut heading = 180.0 * mag_y_comp.atan2(mag_x_comp) / f64::consts::PI;
        if heading < 0.0 {
            heading += 360.0;


        // Sleep for 25ms

请参阅 examples/ 目录。

