6 个版本
0.1.6 | 2024 年 5 月 9 日 |
0.1.5 | 2024 年 5 月 8 日 |
#399 in 可视化
34K SLoC
这是一个使用 ApexCharts JavaScript 库生成图表的 Rust WASM 绑定。该库提供了使用 yew
和 leptos
框架创建图表的组件。ApexCharts 是一个现代的开源图表库,帮助开发者为网页创建美丽且交互式的可视化。
![]() Firefox |
![]() Chrome |
![]() Safari |
![]() Edge |
![]() IE11 |
31+ ✔ | 35+ ✔ | 6+ ✔ | Edge ✔ | (IE11) ✔ |
[dependencies] apexcharts-rs = {version="0.1", features=["yew"]}
use yew::prelude::*; use apexcharts_rs::prelude::{ApexChartComponent, ChartType, ChartSeries, SeriesData}; #[function_component] fn MyApp() -> Html { // This is the data to chart. The data is a vector of `ChartSeries` // which contains the name of the series, the data points, color, type // and z-index. Note that different charts require different data types. let series = vec![ ChartSeries { name: "New users".to_string(), data: SeriesData::Single(vec![6500, 6418, 6456, 6526, 6356, 6456]), color: "#1A56DB".to_string(), r#type: None, z_index: None, } ]; // Options to further configure how the chart looks. Kindly refer to the ApexCharts documentation for more options. let raw_options = r##"{ "chart": { "fontFamily": "Inter, sans-serif", "dropShadow": { "enabled": false }, "toolbar": { "show": false } }, "xaxis": { "categories": ["01 February", "02 February", "03 February", "04 February", "05 February", "06 February", "07 February"], "labels": { "show": false }, "axisBorder": { "show": false }, "axisTicks": { "show": false } }, "yaxis": { "show": false }, "legend": { "show": false }, "stroke": { "width": 6, "curve": "smooth" }, "grid": { "show": true, "strokeDashArray": 4, "padding": { "left": 2, "right": 2, "top": 0 } }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true, "x": { "show": false } } }"##; html! { <div> <ApexChartComponent options={raw_options.to_string()} r#type={ChartType::Area} id={"chart1".to_string()} series={series.clone()} /> </div> } } pub fn main() { yew::Renderer::<MyApp>::new().render(); }
[dependencies] apexcharts-rs = { version="0.1", features=["leptos"] }
use leptos::*; use apexcharts_rs::prelude::{ApexChartComponent, ChartType, ChartSeries, SeriesData}; #[component] fn MyApp() -> impl IntoView { // This is the data to chart. The data is a vector of `ChartSeries` // which contains the name of the series, the data points, color, type // and z-index. Note that different charts require different data types. let series = vec![ ChartSeries { name: "New users".to_string(), data: SeriesData::Single(vec![6500, 6418, 6456, 6526, 6356, 6456]), color: "#1A56DB".to_string(), r#type: None, z_index: None, } ]; // Options to further configure how the chart looks. Kindly refer to the ApexCharts documentation for more options. let raw_options = r##"{ "chart": { "fontFamily": "Inter, sans-serif", "dropShadow": { "enabled": false }, "toolbar": { "show": false } }, "xaxis": { "categories": ["01 February", "02 February", "03 February", "04 February", "05 February", "06 February", "07 February"], "labels": { "show": false }, "axisBorder": { "show": false }, "axisTicks": { "show": false } }, "yaxis": { "show": false }, "legend": { "show": false }, "stroke": { "width": 6, "curve": "smooth" }, "grid": { "show": true, "strokeDashArray": 4, "padding": { "left": 2, "right": 2, "top": 0 } }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true, "x": { "show": false } } }"##; let (series, _) = create_signal(series); view! { <div> <ApexChartComponent options={raw_options.to_string()} r#type={ChartType::Area} id={"chart1".to_string()} series={series} /> </div> } } pub fn main() { mount_to_body(MyApp); }
要在单个图表中组合多个系列,可以将更多的 ChartSeries
添加到 series
- 区域图
- 折线图
- 柱状图
- 条形图
- 饼图
- 环形图
- 径向条形图
- 热力图
- 蜡烛图
- 雷达图
- 极坐标区域图
- 气泡图
- 散点图
- 树形图
- 箱线图
- 范围条形图
use apexcharts_rs::prelude::SeriesData;
let data = SeriesData::Single(vec![6500, 6418, 6456, 6526, 6356, 6456]);
// or
let data = SeriesData::CategoryPaired(vec![
("01 February".to_string(), 6500),
("02 February".to_string(), 6418),
("03 February".to_string(), 6456),
("04 February".to_string(), 6526),
("05 February".to_string(), 6356),
("06 February".to_string(), 6456),
// or
// Note that this data format should only be used for the Radial Charts
// like Pie Chart, Donut Chart, and Radial Bar Chart. The sum of the values
// should be 100.
let data = SeriesData::Radial(vec![
("Rent".to_string(), 42.0),
("Gas".to_string(), 12.4),
("Electricity".to_string(), 8.4),
("Food".to_string(), 11.2),
("Clothes".to_string(), 9.5),
("Entertainment".to_string(), 16.5),
不同的图表可能需要不同的数据格式。请参阅 ApexCharts 文档以获取更多信息。
更多示例请查看 示例目录。
本项目采用 Apache License 2.0
许可 - 有关详细信息,请参阅 LICENSE 文件
~185K SLoC