
  1. winapi

    Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API

    v0.3.9 5.7M #api-bindings #win32 #directx #com #windows #ffi
  2. wmi

    WMI crate for rust

    v0.13.3 55K #winapi #com #api-bindings
  3. aws-sdk-opsworks

    AWS SDK for AWS OpsWorks

    v1.39.0 430 #aws-sdk #stack #default-value #web-services #parameters #opsworks #com
  4. webview2-com

    Rust bindings for the WebView2 COM APIs

    v0.33.0 81K #webview2 #windows-api #gui-applications #api-bindings #com #generated-bindings #standalone
  5. darwin-v7

    Unofficial rust client for the V7 annotation platform

    v0.5.0 4.1K #annotation #client #v7 #api-client #platform #darwin #com
  6. com

    implementing COM Client and Servers

    v0.6.0 90K #com-interface #component #ffi #programming #producing #windows-api #client-server
  7. windows-native

    Windows Native Undocumented API for Rust Language 🔥

    v1.0.44 130 #winapi #native #com #api-bindings #ffi #windows #system-api
  8. dnote-tui

    TUI for dnote

    v0.5.9 300 #tui #dnote #ratatui #user-interface #com #getdnote
  9. rustfinity

    Rustfinity.com CLI

    v0.2.10 320 #challenge #download #com #command #interact #repository #future
  10. win-wrap

    用于Rust的Windows API的高级封装

    v0.2.5 300 #api的高级封装 #com #用于rust的windows #hook #message #graphic #shell
  11. pastebin-cli

    CLI for pastebin.com

    v0.1.7 380 #pastebin #cli #com #terminal
  12. urlnorm

    A URL normalization library for Rust

    v0.1.6 #url #query-string #normalization #heuristics #scheme #path #com
  13. db_ip

    An (unofficial) Rust library for querying db-ip.com data

    v0.3.9 #ip-geolocation #country-code #csv #com #querying #ip-lookup #database
  14. omni-cmd

    Unused crate - contact dave eddy (daveeddy.com) if you want it

    v0.9.9 #unused #contact #com #dave #daveeddy #eddy
  15. partial_sort

    version of std::partial_sort

    v0.2.0 161K #sorting #partial #algorithm #version #en #com #cpp
  16. footballscore

    a CLI tool to retrieve football score from api-football.com

    v0.2.4 200 #score #football #cli-tool #com #retrieve #data #api-football
  17. functiontrace-server

    The server component that FunctionTrace (functiontrace.com) clients will spawn and connect to

    v0.8.0 200 #python-module #component #trace #com #hook #information #events
  18. dj-wizard

    CLI for DJs

    v0.1.20 420 #com #download #song #dj #spotify #soundeo #queue
  19. envpath

    parsing and deserialising paths with special rules. The format is similar to ["$proj(com.xy.z): data ? cfg", "$const: os", "$val: rand-16"]

    v0.0.1-beta.3 #file-path #directory #env #cfg #proj #com #config-file
  20. render-cli

    Command line actions for Render.com

    v0.10.3 #render #command-line #com #cli #command-line-tool #action #team
  21. com_logger

    Serial port logger through COM ports

    v0.1.2 240 #serial-port #logger #com #std #bare-metal #no-std #info
  22. variant-rs

    VARIANT support for Rust. Clean, idiomatic handling of WinAPI/COM results.

    v0.4.0 1.2K #variant #com #winapi #codec #windows
  23. windows-result

    Windows error handling

    v0.2.0 472K #error #winapi #api-error #com #win-rt #propagation #hresult
  24. google-search-console-api


    v0.1.1 150 #google-search #console #search-console #index #api #com #search-console-api
  25. ghc

    Cli for efficient development in china

    v0.1.13 #github #com #repleace #china #contain #ghproxy #recover
  26. gale

    Malleable computational medium

    v0.0.3 #research #computational #medium #malleable #com #surfocal #contact-surfocal
  27. alfred

    writing Alfred workflows. http://www.alfredapp.com

    v4.0.2 270 #alfred-workflow #com #helper #alfredapp
  28. open-meteo-rs

    HTTP client for open-meteo.com api

    v0.0.4 #http-client #com #open-meteo #api-client #forecast
  29. dolarhoy-core

    fetching currency values from dolarhoy.com

    v0.3.0 #currency #client #dolarhoy #fetching #com #values #error
  30. hxcfe

    Bindings for libhxcfe https://github.com/jfdelnero/HxCFloppyEmulator/. Unfinished work, contributions are welcomed.

    v0.1.5 #bindings #wrapper #hx-c-floppy-emulator #github #com #contributions #libhxcfe
  31. aws-manager

    AWS SDK manager

    v0.30.4 650 #aws-sdk #com #manager #github #release #awslabs
  32. winvd

    functions for accessing Windows 11 virtual desktop API, requires at least 22621 build

    v0.0.46 #virtual #desktop #accessing #bindings #11 #api #com
  33. com_macros_support

    Support library for COM crate macros

    v0.6.0 102K #com-interface #com #macro #ffi #windows
  34. ugc-scraper

    Scraper for ugcleague.com

    v0.4.1 470 #web-scraping #com #ugcleague #home #steam-id #ugc #api
  35. ig_trading_api

    client for the REST and Streaming APIs from IG.com

    v0.2.2 #streaming #client #com #ig #api-client
  36. sbcom

    skylar bleed common modules

    v0.1.3 430 #module #bleed #skylar #com
  37. winfw

    Interact with the Windows Firewall from Rust

    v0.1.8 800 #firewall #windows #win32 #com #ffi
  38. rust-padbuster

    It's a port of python-paddingoracle (https://github.com/mwielgoszewski/python-paddingoracle)

    v0.1.2 #oracle #padbuster #port #github #com #python-paddingoracle #mwielgoszewski
  39. ip-api4rs

    ip-api.com API

    v2.0.4 #ip #blocking #com #async-api #ip-api #ip-api-client #feature
  40. weather-union

    A package for https://www.weatherunion.com/

    v0.2.0 #weather #api #api-key #locality #com
  41. android-manifest

    Android Manifest serializer and deserializer for Rust

    v0.2.0 #android #applications #activity #xml #manifest #com #intent
  42. chess_dl

    Chess.com game downloader

    v0.3.10 #chess #bulk #com #downloader #time #control #async
  43. com-croftsoft

    Re-export of com-croftsoft-* crates

    v0.11.0 #re-exports #com #io #croftsoft
  44. miniblink

    Rust bindings to mininlink49

    v0.3.0 #bindings #mininlink49 #webview #ready #api #view #com
  45. mssf-core

    Azure Service Fabric. Rust safe APIs.

    v0.0.9 #api-service #fabric #azure #safe #wrapping #applications #com
  46. cetkaik_full_state_transition

    The full state transition functions for cetkaik. See https://sites.google.com/view/cet2kaik/%E4%BB%96%E8%A8%80%E8%AA%9E%E7%89%88-other-languages/the-standardized-rule-in-english for more context.

    v1.3.1 #transition #cetkaik #functions #com #view #google #cet2kaik
  47. mssf-com

    Azure Service Fabric. The COM base layer.

    v0.0.9 #fabric #azure #service #com #layer #api #service-fabric
  48. mqtt-async-client

    An MQTT 3.1.1 client written in Rust, using async functions and tokio

    v0.3.1 2.6K #mqtt-client #async-client #function #requests #mqtt-async-client-rs #repository #com
  49. mytiki-core-trail-storage

    Generic storage libaray for interacting with the raw mytiki.com trail assets

    v0.1.3 140 #trail #com #storage #assets #raw #mytiki #generic
  50. vit

    View Image in Terminal

    v1.2.3 #image #terminal #view #jpeg #cdn #photo #com
  51. send-future

    Ergonomic and performant fix for https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/96865

    v0.1.0 6.2K #send #issue #github #com #fix #workaround #traits
  52. jf-tool

    My personal command line tool for various tasks

    v0.1.0 #command-line-tool #github #tasks #josef-friedrich #com #personal
  53. cetkaik_yhuap_move_candidates

    See https://sites.google.com/view/cet2kaik/the-standardized-rule-in-english and https://github.com/sozysozbot/cerke_online_utility for context

    v1.3.1 #com #src #github #online #context #sites #view
  54. vikid

    A Cli to retrieve Finnish language subtitled TV Series info from viki.com (and wmda)

    v0.1.6 #subtitle #tv #series #rating #info #finnish #com
  55. ipapi-client

    An API client for ipapi.com

    v0.3.1 200 #api-client #com #ipapi
  56. battlesnake-game-types

    game types for play.battlesnake.com

    v0.17.0 #game #representation #battlesnake #wire #com #types #decoding
  57. be_eloistree_hellocrate

    My first Hello Crate

    v0.1.22 160 #hello #first #eloistree #hellocrate #github #com #docs
  58. webview2-com-sys

    Bindings generated with the windows crate for the WebView2 COM APIs

    v0.33.0 82K #webview2 #winapi #bindings #com #api #windows #webview2-com
  59. resend_email_rs

    Lightweight mailing SDK for Resend.com

    v0.1.0 #send-email #resend #plain-text #html #com #attachment #bulk
  60. com-impl

    Automatically implement Win32 COM interfaces from Rust, along with some useful helper types for getting it done

    v0.2.0 110 #com-interface #com #win32api #windows
  61. rbgg

    that will fetch the BGG data using the APIs defined on boardgamegeek.com (https://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/BGG_XML_API). This will take input queries and return JSON responses.

    v0.1.1 #json-response #boardgamegeek #com #wrapper #api-client #xml #fetch
  62. fxbot

    Discord bot that fixes embeds for twitter.com / x.com links by reposting with https://fxtwitter.com

    v0.1.1 #discord-bot #com #twitter #links #fixes #post #embeds
  63. EMDisi_lib

    This project is part of the EMNetChain

    v0.1.7 230 #emdisi_lib #part #lib #em-net-chain #em-disi #github #com #git
  64. ing2ynab

    cleans up ing.com.au transactions for YNAB

    v0.0.5 #transaction #com #ynab #au #ing #up #cleanup
  65. rustc-ap-rustc_span

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_span in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 9a27044f42ace9eb652781b53f598e25d4e7e918 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github…

    v727.0.0 900 #rustc-auto-publish #compiler #repository #language #github #com #alexcrichton
  66. crates-publish-minimal

    A minimal Rust project for publishing to crates.io

    v0.1.1 #publishing #io #com
  67. dingtalk-rs


    v0.1.16 120 #dingtalk #rust #open #document #com #钉钉rust版sdk #orgapp-server
  68. flattiverse_connector

    Connector library for the flattiverse.com game server

    v42.1.3 #connector #flattiverse #game-server #websocket #com #events #ship
  69. speedrun-api

    A wrapper for the speedrun.com REST API

    v1.3.0 #com #speedrun #wrapper #client #async-client #query #endpoints
  70. wio

    Windows IO wrapper

    v0.2.2 82K #windows #winapi #com #ffi #api-bindings
  71. bili-live

    A command line tool for starting and stopping live streams on bilibili.com, capable of providing the RTMP address and stream key for streaming software such as OBS

    v0.1.1 160 #live #stream #command-line-tool #bilibili #capable #streaming #com
  72. swc_plugin_emotion

    SWC plugin for https://npmjs.net.cn/package/babel-plugin-transform-imports

    v0.12.4 #swc-plugin #emotion #com #next #babel-plugin-transform-imports #css-in-js #label
  73. render_cerke_board

    See https://sites.google.com/view/cet2kaik/the-standardized-rule-in-english for context

    v0.1.18 #sites #context #com #view #google #cet2kaik #the-standardized-rule-in-english
  74. strava_client

    Client API for Strava. https://developers.strava.com/

    v0.1.0 #api-client #strava #time #was #com #open-api #athletes
  75. winapi-ui-automation

    Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API. Temporary package until UI Automation definitions will be merged

    v0.3.10 #api-bindings #winapi #directx #com #windows #ffi
  76. query-wmi

    query WMI classes in Windows OS

    v1.1.3 #windows #wmi #query #winapi #com
  77. napchart

    Rust interface for the https://napchart.com API alpha

    v0.3.1 140 #interface #strongly-typed #com #api-bindings #alpha #snapshot #napchart-rs
  78. hxcadaptor

    Bindings for libhxcfe https://github.com/jfdelnero/HxCFloppyEmulator/. Unfinished work, contributions are welcomed.

    v0.1.4 #bindings #github #wrapper #hx-c-floppy-emulator #assembly #com #libhxcfe
  79. wireapp/proteus

    Axolotl protocol implementation

    GitHub 1.0.4 #protocols #axolotl #github #wire #com
  80. shindanmaker-rs

    Shindanmaker in Rust

    v0.3.1 #shindanmaker #com #en #client #com-917962
  81. nuidl

    The nucom IDL compiler

    v0.1.1 #nucom #idl #compiler #com #macro #command-line #command-line-tool
  82. chesscom-openapi

    OpenAPI-generated API client bindings for Chess.com

    v0.1.1 #api-client #open-api #chess #api-bindings #com #codegen #was
  83. remove-markdown-links

    Turns [example](https://example.com) into example. That’s it

    v1.0.0 440 #markdown #com #turns
  84. mdl_monkey

    Monkey programming language from https://interpreterbook.com/

    v1.0.0 #programming-language #monkey #com #interpreterbook #licensed #build
  85. sap-scripting

    interface to the SAP Scripting COM objects

    v0.3.8 #sap #scripting #com #interface #api #objects #safe
  86. minigrep-yogie

    A demo Rust to grep some word from rust-lang.com

    v0.1.1 #grep #mini-grep #com #word #clone
  87. protontweaks-api

    api for interacting with https://api.protontweaks.com

    v0.4.1 #com #protontweaks #api
  88. cargo-l1x

    L1X build tool

    v0.1.2 200 #l1x #build-tool #cargo #template #create #com
  89. em-client

    bindings for Enclave Manager API

    v3.0.0 #enclave #manager #bindings #client #information #fortanix #com
  90. vehicle-signals

    DDS topics (for cyclonedds-rs) created from GENIVI/W3C Vehicle Signal Specification

    v0.4.0 #vehicle #specification #signal #topic #dds #com #speed
  91. datastreamcorelib

    Rust version of https://gitlab.com/advian-oss/python-datastreamcorelib

    v1.0.1 #zeromq #version #api #gitlab #com #advian-oss #python-datastreamcorelib
  92. sport_monks

    Unofficial SportMonks.com Rust Client

    v0.1.4 #sport #com #client #historical #api-client #insight #team
  93. dnspod-ddns

    dnspod ddns tool

    v0.1.11 #ddns #dnspod #tool #com
  94. rspack_util

    rspack util

    v0.1.0 100 #utilities #github #com #webpack #rspack #port #lib
  95. mscorlib-sys

    Raw FFI bindings for mscorlib

    v0.1.11 #com #mscorlib #ffi #windows
  96. avfaudio2-sys

    Rust bindings to AVFAudio

    v0.2.4 #bindings #build #avf-audio #generated #github #com #avf-audio-avf-audio
  97. comedy

    Windows error handling, COM, and handles

    v0.2.0 2.3K #com #winapi #api-bindings #windows
  98. guid_win

    Windows GUID/CLSID/IID string and binary serialization

    v0.2.0 2.0K #winapi #com #binary-encoding #windows #api-bindings
  99. filetime_win

    Windows FILETIME and SYSTEMTIME string and binary serialization

    v0.2.0 2.2K #winapi #com #win32 #binary-encoding #api-bindings #windows
  100. developer_disk_image

    A port of https://github.com/doronz88/DeveloperDiskImage to Rust

    v0.1.0 #github #port #com #doronz88
  101. irating

    Estimate iRacing iRating changes

    v0.1.0 #iracing #elo #estimate #calculator #issue #github #com
  102. snailcrypt

    access api.snailcrypt.com

    v0.3.0 #com #encryption #client #factory #date-time #rc #string
  103. hkalbasi-rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_data_structures in the hkalbasi/rust repository from commit e77366b57b799dfa3ce1fcb850c068723a3213ee The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github…

    v0.0.20230517 #structures #hkalbasi #rustc #repository #package #github #com
  104. com-croftsoft-lib

    Re-export of com-croftsoft-lib-* crates

    v0.1.1 #re-exports #com #io
  105. winapi_forked_icmpapi

    Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API

    v0.3.7 750 #winapi #com #directx #windows #ffi
  106. pastebin_rust_api

    posting content to pastebin.com

    v0.5.14 #pastebin #com #content #api #expiration #format #access
  107. genius_lyrics

    Fetches lyrics of song from genius by it's URL

    v1.0.4 #lyrics #genius #song #url #fetches #tokio #com
  108. nanocom

    Nano-COM, extremly small subset of cross-platform COM

    v0.2.1 #com #abi #xpcom #api-bindings
  109. track_album_number_genius

    Fetches track's number (starting from zero) in album by album's URL

    v1.0.3 #album #numbers #track #url #fetch #com #zero
  110. mscorlib-safe

    Safe wrappers around FFI bindings to mscorlib

    v0.1.3 #com #mscorlib #wrapper #api-bindings #windows
  111. meet

    building website

    v0.2.0 #site #tool #static-website #building #variables #open #com
  112. mcom

    MaulingMonkey's COM wrappers

    v0.1.4 110 #com #winapi #wrapper #api-bindings
  113. fast-cli

    fast.com, but from the terminal

    v0.1.5 #com #cli #sorhus #sindre #terminal #abstract
  114. caniuse-rs

    A command line client for caniuse.com, written in Rust

    v0.4.1 #command-line #fuzzy-finder #com #caniuse #alfred-workflow #search-query #client
  115. com-policy-config

    Rust bindings to IPolicyConfig COM API

    v0.5.0 #audio-devices #com #windows #audio #com-interface #win-sdk #api-bindings
  116. robotevents

    Wrapper for the RobotEvents.com v2 API

    v0.5.0 130 #com #robotics #api-bindings #competition #api-client #robotics-competition
  117. mathlogic

    made by Faizan Faisal, Email: [email protected], [email protected]

    v0.1.3 #integer #weight #calculator #float #math #com #operations
  118. adenosine

    Common libraries for AT protocol and bsky.app

    v0.4.0 #at-proto #protocols #atproto #applications #com #bsky
  119. keepachangelog

    CLI / Crate API to manipulate CHANGELOG's by following keepachangelog.com guidelines, built with Rust

    v0.1.0 #changelog #com #cli #following #built #manipulate #maintain
  120. datastreamservicelib

    Rust version of https://gitlab.com/advian-oss/python-datastreamservicelib

    v1.0.0 #zeromq #version #tokio #mutex #gitlab #com #advian-oss
  121. posthog-rs

    An unofficial Rust client for Posthog (https://posthog.com/)

    v0.2.2 #client #posthog #com #post-hog
  122. chesscom

    Chess.com API client

    v0.1.3 #chess #com #client #api-client #data #user
  123. fen4

    A parser and writer for the fen4 file format used by Chess.com for 4 player chess games

    v0.7.0 #file-format #chess-board #player #com #piece #writer #parser
  124. pocket

    bindings for Pocket API (https://getpocket.com)

    v0.1.3 #api-bindings #com #oauth #getpocket #api-access #consumer-key #authentication
  125. i18n

    This package does nothing and has been abandoned. If you wish to adopt it, contact me at [email protected]

    v0.0.2 #localization #internationalization #translator #translation #abandoned #nothing #com
  126. juju

    interact with the Juju system. For an example charm see: https://github.com/cholcombe973/gluster-charm

    v1.0.0 #com #interfacing #charm #system #log-level #information #charms
  127. ticked

    cli tool for managing ticktick.com tasks

    v0.1.1 #ticktick #task #edit #com #editor #web-api #text-editors
  128. wordnik

    Bindings for the wordnik api

    v0.1.2 #api-bindings #wordnik #bindings #com
  129. tvdb

    API wrapper to http://thetvdb.com (open database for TV episode data)

    v0.6.0 #api #web #com #episode #com-interface #basic #thetvdb
  130. pprof-backtrace

    acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at runtime in a Rust program. Fork from https://github.com/rust-lang/backtrace-rs/tree/0.3.61.

    v0.3.63 #backtrace #stack-trace #run-time #frame #fork #com #tree
  131. adenosine-pds

    informal personal data server (PDS) for AT protocol and bsky.app

    v0.4.0 #at-proto #protocols #personal #com #file #account #atproto
  132. baselinker

    BaseLinker.com API client

    v0.2.2 #api-client #com #e-commerce
  133. nucomcore

    Nucom, cross-platform Component Object Model implementation

    v0.1.1 #com #nucom #object #model #cross-platform #component #idl
  134. mealdb

    Async API wraper for themealdb.com

    v0.1.1 #themealdb #async-api #json-api #com #api-bindings #meal #title
  135. other-pocket

    Async bindings for Pocket API (https://getpocket.com)

    v0.1.0 #pocket #api-bindings #com #getpocket #oauth #token #consumer
  136. swc_plugin_transform_imports

    SWC plugin for https://npmjs.net.cn/package/babel-plugin-transform-imports

    v0.13.2 #transform #package #com #plugin #babel-plugin-transform-imports #npmjs #swc-plugin
  137. pgn4

    A parser and writer for the pgn4 file format used by Chess.com for 4 player chess games

    v0.3.3 #chess #file-format #player #writer #com #variant #pgn
  138. roosterteeth_rs

    Rust Bindings for the RoosterTeeth SVOD API

    v0.3.1 #bindings #api-bindings #rooster-teeth #svod #com #strongly-typed
  139. windows-snapshot

    Find out windows state asynchronously and more

    v0.1.1 #com #winapi #query #wmi #asynchronous
  140. gerencianet

    Biblioteca para comunicação com o serviço de PIX da Gerencianet

    v0.1.7 #pix #da #de #com #para #biblioteca #comunicação
  141. plummerprimes

    Builds, Runs, and reports benchmarks from https://github.com/PlummersSoftwareLLC/Primes

    v0.2.5 #benchmark #primes #github #builds #com #reports #plummers-software-llc
  142. prowl

    Send prowl notifications. See https://www.prowlapp.com

    v0.2.5 #notifications #api-calls #send-notifications #devices #priority #com #api-key
  143. lcr

    Happy Leetcoding with Rust

    v0.0.7 #solution #happy #leetcoding #com #author #id #symbol
  144. speedrunapi

    REST API wrapper for speedrun.com's API in rust!

    v0.3.0 #speedrun #api-wrapper #com #user #cover #api #coms
  145. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  146. domain_info

    Fetch information about a domain, including front page stats and technologies used

    v0.1.1 #domain #page #information #front #host #com #language
  147. stremio

    A fast & async library for Stremio written in Rust

    v0.1.3 #async #com #api-bindings #client #api #user #api-client
  148. ip-cli

    query ip location info

    v0.1.5 #ip #info #ip-address #location #query #com
  149. sgb_wrobel

    collection of components for yew https://small-software.com

    v0.1.15 #component #yew #collection #wrobel #com
  150. cyclonedds-sys

    Rust bindings for cyclonedds autogenerated by bindgen

    v0.2.1 #cyclone-dds #github #bindings #com #series #git #eclipse-cyclonedds
  151. itunes-com

    Bindings over iTunes COM API

    v0.2.0 #itunes #com #api #wrapper #api-bindings #windows
  152. linku-sona

    Types from https://npmjs.net.cn/package/@kulupu-linku/sona ported to rust

    v0.1.0 #deserialize #package #ported #com #debugging #sona #format
  153. lyrics

    CLI to get lyrics of a song from Genius using a public availed API

    v0.2.0 #api-wrapper #song #rust #genius #cli #line #com
  154. canihazip

    A [unoffical] rust library for https://icanhazip.com/

    v3.0.0 #ip-address #com #icanhazip #unoffical
  155. connpass-rs

    An api client for connpass.com

    v0.1.0 #connpass #api-client #com #blocking-client #http-request #query-builder #asynchronous
  156. win-idispatch

    that aims to provide a more ergonomic way of working with idispatch in winapi based projects

    v0.3.0 #com #idispatch #windows
  157. solanafm-sfm-programs-api-sdk

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v0.5.5-fix-3 #api #generated #generator #api-client #openapi #github #com
  158. lead-oxide

    WIP API wrapper for pubproxy.com

    v0.2.0 #api-wrapper #com #proxy #rate-limiting #pubproxy #public #limit
  159. worterbuch-openapi

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v0.34.0 #generated #generator #openapi #api-client #github #com #openapitools
  160. yew_heroicons

    Yew components for heroicons (https://heroicons.com)

    v0.3.0 #heroicons #yew #component #com
  161. indentasy

    Indent like a party

    v0.3.0 #indent #party #world #hello-n #nhello-nworld #com
  162. rust-anonfiles-api

    project for uploading files to anonfiles.com

    v0.1.1 #com #uploading #anonfiles #link
  163. civitai

    Load models from civit ai

    v0.1.3 #diffusers #models #github #wiki #com #ai #load
  164. ash_api

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v0.1.7 #generated #open-api #generator #api-client #generate #github #com
  165. smart_meter

    reading smart meters

    v0.2.0 #meter #smart #dlms #reading #pdf #com #upload
  166. monkeyinterpreter

    An interpreter written in Rust for the monkey programming language described in the book 'Writing An Interpreter In Go' (https://interpreterbook.com/)

    v0.2.0 #programming-language #interpreter #monkey #go #described #com #book
  167. toggl-rs

    interact with track.toggl.com APIs

    v0.0.3 #toggl #track #com #api #interact
  168. static-valorant-api

    API Wrapper for valorant-api.com

    v0.1.0 #api-wrapper #com #valorant-api
  169. readah

    Key component of Readability module extracted from https://gitlab.com/news-flash/article_scraper

    v0.1.4 #readability #extracted #module #article #gitlab #component #com
  170. cetkaik_calculate_hand

    Ported https://npmjs.net.cn/package/cerke_hands_and_score into Rust. See https://sites.google.com/view/cet2kaik/the-standardized-rule-in-english for more context.

    v1.0.0 #hands #score #com #context #sites #ported #package
  171. cl-generic-read-buf

    a ReadBuf implementation based on cl-generic-vec

    v0.1.3 #read-buf #cl-generic-vec #methods #issue #github #com
  172. hkalbasi-rustc-ap-rustc_serialize

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_serialize in the hkalbasi/rust repository from commit e77366b57b799dfa3ce1fcb850c068723a3213ee The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github…

    v0.0.20230517 #github #repository #rustc-serialize #version #codec #com #types
  173. tinycom

    Tiny COM implements the tiny subset necessary to consume IUnknown interfaces

    v0.1.0 #com #com-interface #tiny #subset #consume #necessary #windows
  174. pliocomp

    PLIO Compression Library

    v0.1.1 #plio #compression #github #blob #com #statement #port
  175. russian-warship

    Russia stop invading Ukraine

    v0.2.1 #peace #stop #ukraine #russia #twitter #com #invading
  176. json-placeholder-data

    Copy of the data on https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ used in testing

    v0.2.1 #testing #typicode #com
  177. pid_control

    A PID controller library

    v0.7.2 1.7K #pid #controller #com #safe #blog #brettbeauregard #2011
  178. diamondfire-actiondump

    A wrapper around the code action dump from DiamondFire

    v0.2.1 #action #dump #database-schema #com #diamond-fire #mcdiamondfire
  179. dfa

    A simple dfa

    v0.2.0 #smallcultfollowing #complete #blog #com
  180. cetkaik_kiaak

    See https://sites.google.com/view/cet2kaik/the-standardized-rule-in-english and https://github.com/jurliyuuri/ckka for context

    v0.1.9 #sites #github #context #com #view #google #com-jurliyuuri-ckka
  181. crate_that_i_break_sometimes_for_testing

    that I break sometimes for testing https://github.com/rukai/mado_rust_library_template

    v0.1.2 #testing #template #rukai #mado #break #github #com
  182. pekzep_syllable

    See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1--lOlGkzQsd2aTX_NzAljkmQoouzhbU3wly48JJqHhc/edit, https://sites.google.com/site/syxobo/paigu-yu/wen-fa-luee-shuo, https://github.com/jurliyuuri/spoonfed_pekzep…

    v0.1.2 #com #github #site #google #document #details #edit
  183. ambient-weather-progenitor

    A client for ambient-weather's REST api generated using progenitor

    v0.1.0 #client #api-client #ambient-weather #generated #progenitor #github #com
  184. intistelecom-rs

    intistele.com, you can access and organise SMS mailouts from your own software via API

    v0.1.2 #sms #client #intistelecom #api #message #api-client #com
  185. paster

    Easily paste from your terminal to services like pastebin.com

    v0.1.1 #paste #pastebin #services #com #terminal #key #format
  186. hikaru

    Download all games from Chess.com

    v0.1.2 #chess #download #com #wrapper #api #player #game
  187. neutron-sdk

    Neutron CosmWasm SDK for interacting with Neutron blockchain

    v0.11.0 1.3K #query #neutron #inter-chain #cosmwasm #module #github #com
  188. i18n-find-locale

    compile time i18n implementation in Rust

    v0.1.0 #compile-time #locale #internationalization #language #i18n-rs #github #com
  189. hostparser

    A very fast hostparser

    v0.1.3 #com #google #echo #ext #glass-eur #🦀
  190. tsdb

    Parse Prometheus tsdb files

    v0.3.3 #prometheus #parse #specs #github #com #docs #tree
  191. pg_vizurl

    CLI frontend for explain.dalibo.com

    v0.1.1 #postgresql #explain #com #front-end #plan #dalibo #query
  192. ya-world-time

    getting current time from the world clock

    v0.1.3 #world #keeping #clock #precise #server #time #com
  193. currencyapi-rs

    An api wrapper for currencyapi.com

    v0.1.0 #api-wrapper #com #currency #converter #currencyapi #response
  194. dpdk-unix

    An internal crate to make it easier to iterate on unix requirements

    v0.3.0 100 #unix #dpdk #terms #com #found #directory #bindings
  195. git-trailers

    support parsing and display git trailers https://git.js.cn/docs/git-interpret-trailers

    v0.1.0 390 #git #parser #display #trailers #docs #com #git-scm
  196. factorio-exporter

    export prototype definitions from Factorio (http://www.factorio.com)

    v0.9.0 #factorio #gaming #definition #prototype #export #exporter #com
  197. howlongtobeat

    api for https://howlongtobeat.com

    v0.5.2 #search #api #long #com #website #detail #information
  198. clipboard2

    improved version of clipboard-rs with better error handling and MIME type handling on Windows

    v0.1.1 230 #clipboard #error #improved #better #com #rust-clipboard #mime
  199. moonsdk

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v1.0.1 #generated #generator #openapi #github #com #api #openapitools
  200. phaneron

    media compositing software

    v0.1.2 #media #compositing #md #github #refer #blob #com
  201. com-wrapper

    An interface for types which are a wrapper around a wio::com::ComPtr

    v0.1.0 120 #wrapper #com #interface #com-ptr #wio #types
  202. hxcadaptor-sys

    Bindings for libhxcfe https://github.com/jfdelnero/HxCFloppyEmulator/. Unfinished work, contributions are welcomed.

    v0.1.5 100 #github #com #bindings #hx-c-floppy-emulator #jfdelnero #libhxcfe #cpclib
  203. freecurrencyapi-rs

    An API wrapper for freecurrencyapi.com

    v0.1.0 #com #freecurrencyapi #api #response #wrapper #api-wrapper
  204. foursquare

    Rust interface for Foursquare

    v0.1.14 100 #hyper #interface #api-bindings #credentials #client #string #com
  205. hxcfe-sys

    Bindings for libhxcfe https://github.com/jfdelnero/HxCFloppyEmulator/. Unfinished work, contributions are welcomed.

    v0.1.5 #github #com #bindings #hxcfe #hx-c-floppy-emulator #jfdelnero #libhxcfe
  206. posthog-unofficial

    An unofficial Rust client for Posthog (https://posthog.com/)

    v0.2.3 #client #posthog #post-hog #com