#closures #vec #matrix #array #multi-dimensional #algorithm


为n维向量元素访问提供统一特质的 trait,特别适用于需要通过抽象输入来实现灵活性和通过单态化来实现性能的算法。


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443算法 中排名

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为n维向量元素访问提供统一特质的 trait,特别适用于需要通过抽象输入来实现灵活性和通过单态化来实现性能的算法。

A. 特质和方法

trait FunVec<const DIM: usize, T> 表示 DIM 维的 T 向量,只需要实现以下方法:

fn at<Idx: IntoIndex<DIM>>(&self, index: Idx) -> Option<T>

FunVec 与多维向量不同,原因如下:

  • 元素不一定连续或密集。它们可以代表任何稀疏度/密度级别,具体取决于底层类型。
  • 假设为无限长度。

此外,该特质还提供并自动实现了 iter_over 方法,允许遍历给定索引处的向量值。

该crate还提供了返回引用的对立面 FunVecRef<const DIM: usize, T>,需要实现 fn ref_at<Idx: IntoIndex<DIM>>(&self, index: Idx) -> Option<&T>

B. 实现和特性

B.1. 可用实现


特质 FunVec<1, T> 特质 FunVec<2, T>
HashMap<usize, T> | BTreeMap<usize, T> HashMap<(usize, usize), T> | BTreeMap<[usize, usize], T>
闭包<捕获,usize,T> 闭包<捕获,(usize, usize),T>
Box<dynFn(usize) ->T> Box<dynFn([usize, usize] -> T)

您可能会注意到索引的模式;(usize, usize)[usize, usize]可以互换使用,因为它们都实现了IntoIndex<2>。当我们移动到更高维度时,只有索引维度会变化。

然而,允许组合的递归实现也是可用的。例如,所有以下类型都实现了FunVec<2, T>,对于任何V1,只要V1实现了FunVec<1, T>

  • Vec<V1>
  • [V1;N]
  • HashMap<usize, V1> | BTreeMap<usize, V1>
  • 闭包<捕获,usize,V1>
  • Box<dynFn(usize) ->V1>

最后,ScalarAsVec<T>EmptyVec<T>实现了FunVec<D, T>,对于任何维度D。这些实际上是很有用的常见特殊情况。

B.2. 通过功能提供的可选实现


  • ndarray通过impl_ndarray功能,
  • indexmap通过impl_indexmap功能,
  • smallvec通过impl_smallvec功能,
  • 或者通过impl_all功能提供所有实现。

B.3. 扩展


C. 动机



  • 需求:图中的每个节点都有一个需求量,它表示负供给。
  • 成本:每条弧都有一个相关的单位流量成本。
  • 容量:每条弧都有一个有限的流量容量。


  • 如果只有两个节点的需求非零,则问题是单一商品问题;否则,它可以表示多商品mcnf问题。
  • 如果源节点和汇节点的需求为1和-1,其他所有节点的需求为零,并且容量无关紧要,则问题变为最短路径问题。
  • 如果我们想要找到最少的弧数而不是最短路径,我们可以使用一个所有元素都是1的弧成本矩阵。


C.1 问题设置


use orx_funvec::*;

const N: usize = 4;
type Unit = i32;

struct FakeResult {
    sum_demands: i32,
    sum_costs: i32,
    sum_capacities: i32,

struct FakeMcnfSolver<Demands, Costs, Capacities>
    Demands: FunVec<1, Unit>,
    Costs: FunVec<2, Unit>,
    Capacities: FunVec<2, Unit>,
    demands: Demands,
    costs: Costs,
    capacities: Capacities,

impl<Demands, Costs, Capacities> FakeMcnfSolver<Demands, Costs, Capacities>
    Demands: FunVec<1, Unit>,
    Costs: FunVec<2, Unit>,
    Capacities: FunVec<2, Unit>,
    fn fake_solve(&self) -> FakeResult {
        let sum_demands = self
            .filter(|x| x > &0)

        let mut sum_costs = 0;
        let mut sum_capacities = 0;
        for i in 0..N {
            for j in 0..N {
                if let Some(cost) = self.costs.at([i, j]) {
                    sum_costs += cost;

                if let Some(capacity) = self.capacities.at((i, j)) {
                    sum_capacities += capacity;
        FakeResult::new(sum_demands, sum_costs, sum_capacities)

C.2 变体 - 单商品


  • 一个单商品问题,其中需求向量是一个廉价的闭包(Closure<_, usize, Unit>),
  • 一个完整的成本矩阵(Vec<Vec<Unit>>),
  • 一个表示为廉价的闭包的统一容量矩阵(Box<dyn Fn((usize, usize)) -> Unit>)。
use orx_closure::Capture;

fn some_if_not_self_edge(ij: (usize, usize), value: i32) -> Option<i32> {
    if ij.0 == ij.1 {
    } else {

// mcnf problem with a single source and sink
let source = 0;
let sink = 2;
let demand = 10;

// demands vector as a no-box orx_closure::Closure
let demands =
    Capture((source, sink, demand)).fun(|(s, t, d), i: usize| match (i == *s, i == *t) {
        (true, _) => Some(*d),
        (_, true) => Some(-*d),
        _ => None,

// complete cost matrix
let costs = vec![
    vec![0, 1, 2, 3],
    vec![2, 0, 2, 2],
    vec![7, 10, 0, 9],
    vec![1, 1, 1, 0],

// capacities matrix as a box dyn Fn
let capacities: Box<dyn Fn((usize, usize)) -> Option<i32>> =
    Box::new(|ij: (usize, usize)| some_if_not_self_edge(ij, 100));

// simulate & assert
let solver = FakeMcnfSolver::new(demands, costs, capacities);
let result = solver.fake_solve();

assert_eq!(10, result.sum_demands);
assert_eq!(41, result.sum_costs);
assert_eq!((N * (N - 1) * 100) as i32, result.sum_capacities);

C.3 变体 - 多商品


  • 一个多商品问题,其中需求向量通过实时闭包计算(Closure<_, usize, Unit>),
  • 通过闭包使用捕获的节点位置计算弧成本作为欧几里得距离(Closure<_, (usize, usize), Unit>),
  • 使用哈希表的一个稀疏容量矩阵(Vec<HashMap<usize, Unit>>)。
use orx_closure::Capture;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn get_euclidean_distance(location1: (f64, f64), location2: (f64, f64)) -> i32 {
    let (x1, y1) = location1;
    let (x2, y2) = location2;
    (f64::powf(x1 - x2, 2.0) + f64::powf(y1 - y2, 2.0)).sqrt() as i32

// multi-commodity mcnf problem
struct Commodity {
    origin: usize,
    destination: usize,
    amount: Unit,
let commodities = vec![
    Commodity {
        origin: 0,
        destination: 2,
        amount: 10,
    Commodity {
        origin: 1,
        destination: 3,
        amount: 20,

// demands vector as a no-box orx_closure::Closure capturing a reference of commodities collection
let demands = Capture(&commodities).fun(|com, i: usize| {
            .map(|c| {
                if c.origin == i {
                } else if c.destination == i {
                } else {

// costs computed as Euclidean distances of node coordinates
let locations = vec![(0.0, 3.0), (3.0, 5.0), (7.0, 2.0), (1.0, 1.0)];
let costs = Capture(locations).fun(|loc, (i, j): (usize, usize)| {
        .and_then(|l1| loc.get(j).map(|l2| (l1, l2)))
        .map(|(l1, l2)| get_euclidean_distance(*l1, *l2))

// capacities defined as a Vec of HashMap to take advantage of sparsity in the graph
let capacities = vec![
    HashMap::from_iter([(1, 100), (3, 200)].into_iter()),
    HashMap::from_iter([(3, 300)].into_iter()),
    HashMap::from_iter([(0, 400), (3, 500)].into_iter()),

// simulate & assert
let solver = FakeMcnfSolver::new(demands, costs, capacities);
let result = solver.fake_solve();

assert_eq!(30, result.sum_demands);
assert_eq!(54, result.sum_costs);
assert_eq!(1500, result.sum_capacities);

C.4 变体 - 最短距离


  • 需求向量除了表示为廉价的闭包的源点和汇点外,其余都是零(Closure<_, usize, Unit>),
  • 通过闭包使用捕获的节点位置计算弧成本作为欧几里得距离(Closure<_, (usize, usize), Unit>),
  • 容量是一个所有元素为1的矩阵,由一个具有数字内存大小的标量值表示,at调用将被内联值替换(ScalarAsVec<Unit>)。
let source = 3;
let sink = 1;

// demands vector as a no-box orx_closure::Closure
let demands = Capture((source, sink)).fun(|(s, t), i: usize| match (i == *s, i == *t) {
    (true, _) => Some(1),
    (_, true) => Some(-1),
    _ => None,

// costs computed as Euclidean distances of node coordinates
let locations = vec![(0.0, 3.0), (3.0, 5.0), (7.0, 2.0), (1.0, 1.0)];
let costs = Capture(locations).fun(|loc, (i, j): (usize, usize)| {
        .and_then(|l1| loc.get(j).map(|l2| (l1, l2)))
        .map(|(l1, l2)| get_euclidean_distance(*l1, *l2))

// uniform capacities for all edges
let capacities = ScalarAsVec(1);

// simulate & assert
let solver = FakeMcnfSolver::new(demands, costs, capacities);
let result = solver.fake_solve();

assert_eq!(1, result.sum_demands);
assert_eq!(54, result.sum_costs);
assert_eq!((N * N) as i32, result.sum_capacities);

C.5 变体 - 特殊成本矩阵



type Unit = i32;

use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap};

struct DistanceProvider {
    // graph: skipping for the brevity, but we'd probably hold a graph ref to compute the shortest distances
    cached: RefCell<HashMap<(usize, usize), Option<Unit>>>,
impl DistanceProvider {
    fn distance(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Option<Unit> {
        if let Some(cached) = self.cached.borrow().get(&(from, to)) {
            return *cached;

        let distance = self.compute_shortest_distance(from, to);
        self.cached.borrow_mut().insert((from, to), distance);

    /// Computes shortest distance between `from` and `to` returns `None` if `to` is unreachable from `from`.
    fn compute_shortest_distance(&self, _from: usize, _to: usize) -> Option<Unit> {
        Some(1) // expensive computation!

现在,我们能否将我们的 DistanceProvider 作为 FakeMcnfSolver 的 'costs' 输入?是的。我们只需要实现以下 FunVec<2, Unit>at 方法。

impl FunVec<2, Unit> for DistanceProvider {
    fn at<Idx: IntoIndex<2>>(&self, index: Idx) -> Option<Unit> {
        let [from, to] = index.into_index();
        self.distance(from, to)


let source = 3;
let sink = 1;

// demands vector as a no-box orx_closure::Closure
let demands = Capture((source, sink)).fun(|(s, t), i: usize| match (i == *s, i == *t) {
    (true, _) => Some(1),
    (_, true) => Some(-1),
    _ => None,

// our custom caching distance provider
let costs = DistanceProvider::default();

// uniform capacities for all edges
let capacities = ScalarAsVec(1);

// simulate & assert
let solver = FakeMcnfSolver::new(demands, costs, capacities);
let result = solver.fake_solve();

assert_eq!(1, result.sum_demands);
assert_eq!(4 * 4, result.sum_costs);
assert_eq!((N * N) as i32, result.sum_capacities);


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