
  1. config

    Layered configuration system for Rust applications

    v0.14.0 1.1M #configuration #config-file #yaml-config #environment #json-toml #settings #env
  2. dotenvy

    A well-maintained fork of the dotenv crate

    v0.15.7 1.4M #envvar #env-file #dotenv #environment #env #settings
  3. configparser

    configuration parsing utility with no dependencies that allows you to parse INI and ini-style syntax. You can use this to write Rust programs which can be customized by end users easily.

    v3.1.0 476K #ini #config-file #parser #configuration #settings #config
  4. twelf

    configuration solution for Rust including 12-Factor support. It is designed with layers in order to configure different sources and formats to build your configuration. The main goal…

    v0.15.0 3.3K #configuration #build-configuration #config #environment #env #settings #format
  5. uefisettings

    read/get/extract and write/change/modify BIOS/UEFI settings from Linux terminal

    v0.1.4 3.5K #linux-terminal #settings #uefi #bios #read-write #hii-db #ilo
  6. vscli

    A CLI tool to launch vscode projects, which supports devcontainers

    v0.3.0 #settings #development #command-line-tool #cli
  7. aws-sdk-taxsettings

    AWS SDK for Tax Settings

    v1.11.0 500 #aws-sdk #tax #information #trn #registration #numbers #settings
  8. sdmw

    Dotfiles Manager

    v0.4.1 #restore #repository #settings #add #cli #subcommand #path
  9. bitwarden

    Secrets Manager SDK

    v0.5.0 6.6K #secrets-manager #secret #sdk #client #authentication #settings #client-settings
  10. foundations

    service foundations library

    v3.3.0 18K #metrics #settings #telemetry #seccomp #service #service-configuration #foundation
  11. mp4-merge

    losslessly join multiple .mp4 files shot with same camera and settings

    v0.1.9 650 #mp4 #merge #multiple #join #camera #settings #data
  12. reset

    A wip universal Linux settings application

    v2.0.0 #settings #applications #bluetooth #daemon #network-manager #wifi #pulse-audio
  13. cfg-rs

    configuration loader

    v0.4.0 #configuration #settings #yaml-config #env #environment #config
  14. grafton-config

    Load configuration from toml files with token variable expansion and environment overrides

    v0.2.1 #configuration #toml-config #config #settings #env-vars
  15. product-os-configuration

    Product OS : Configuration provides a structured format for configuring Product OS : Server to run with different features and services. This crate is intended to be used with Product OS : Server.

    v0.0.25 550 #product-os #server #configuration #ecosystem #services #settings
  16. dotenv-vault

    An extension to dotenvy supporting .env.vault files

    v0.1.2 120 #env #vault #env-file #environment #settings #dotenv
  17. cvars

    Configuration variables - a simple and ergonomic way to store and edit configuration at runtime

    v0.4.2 100 #console #configuration #settings #debugging #gamedev #struct-fields #config
  18. cvar

    Configuration variables

    v0.4.1 #config #var #convar #dvar #settings
  19. pop-os/system76-keyboard-configurator

    Keyboard configuration UI

    GitHub 1.3.12 #keyboard #system76 #configuration #led #settings #keymap #ui
  20. env-settings

    Initialize Rust structs using environment variables (like pydantic’s BaseSettings)

    v0.1.11 #env-vars #variables #environment #settings #config #base-settings
  21. tui_lib

    Be the base of a Tui Operation

    v0.1.8 #tui #terminal-interface #console #linux #mutex #font #settings
  22. bstorage

    A lightweight library for working with application configuration files

    v0.2.1 #settings #file-storage #bincode #fs #filesystem #config #single-file
  23. bevy-settings

    struct as persistent settings between game launches. Usefull for e.g. storing the audio settings

    v0.6.0 100 #settings #persistent #gamedev #config-file #launch
  24. confmg

    managing personal config files on different platforms

    v2.0.0 #config-file #configuration-management #git-config #platform #different #file-path #settings
  25. sbp-settings

    SwiftNav settings API library

    v0.6.24 150 #settings #swift-nav #navigation #api #information #kind #warranty
  26. nvcli

    Command line interface to change a number of Nvidia control panel display settings

    v1.1.4 #nvidia #monitor #command-line-interface #settings #display #cli-interface #resolution
  27. service_utils_rs

    A brief description of your crate

    v0.1.3 450 #jwt #service #settings #up #configuration #description #brief
  28. justconfig

    Just a configuration information source for rust

    v1.0.1 #env-vars #configuration #settings #config #environment #env #multiple-values
  29. confgr

    application configuration derive macro

    v0.2.1 #env-vars #configuration #environment #settings #config #config-toml #configuration-management
  30. appconfig

    configuration file manager for desktop applications

    v0.2.1 370 #desktop-applications #config-file #toml #file-manager #settings #app #configration
  31. activate

    A sane way to manage environment-specific configurations

    v0.3.0 #env-vars #configuration #environment #sane #settings #variables #manage
  32. dev_menu

    in-engine developer menu library

    v0.41.0 #menu #gfx #settings #developer #piston #key #arrow
  33. opentalk-controller-settings

    Settings for opentalk-controller

    v0.18.0 310 #settings #opentalk #env-vars #set #config #opentalk-controller #url
  34. google-groups-settings

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Google Groups Settings API

    v0.7.0 220 #group #api-client #google #settings #opinionated #client-token #generated
  35. stupid_simple_dotenv

    A stupid simple dotenv parser

    v0.2.4 #env-vars #env-file #env #dotenv #environment #configuration #settings
  36. nmstatectl

    Command line tool for networking management in a declarative manner

    v2.2.35 250 #networking #linux #command-line-tool #declarative #management #manner #settings
  37. decomp_settings

    reading the decomp.yaml settings file

    v0.0.7 650 #settings #file #decomp #yaml #read #target-file #specification
  38. gostd_settings

    reading and writing properties files. 是一个用于读写属性配置文件的库

    v0.1.4 100 #settings #ini #conf #gostd #config
  39. bevy_device_lang

    Crossplatform way to query device language setting

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #bevy #mobile #gamedev #settings #macos-ios #crossplatform
  40. rzip


    v0.9.20 #archiver #zip #zip-archive #settings #toml #exclude #zip-per
  41. regolith-powerd

    Power Settings Daemeon for Regolith Wayland Session

    v0.3.7 450 #power #settings #wayland #session #regolith #action #daemeon
  42. prosa


    v0.1.1 #service-oriented #processor #microservices #adaptor #settings #architecture #protocols
  43. hashmap_settings

    HashMap wrapper for layered Settings

    v0.5.1 #account #settings #hash-map
  44. Hconfig

    Json configuration file manager

    v1.1.0 #hconfig #json-configuration #config-file #json #settings #file-manager #json-file #config
  45. okcodes-config

    Layered configuration system for Rust applications

    v0.14.3 #configuration #env-vars #settings #config #environment #toml-config #env
  46. ducc

    Rust bindings for Duktape, the embedded JavaScript engine

    v0.1.5 104K #duktape #javascript-engine #bindings #interface #share #settings
  47. setting_tracker

    type for tracking setting changes

    v0.1.3 130 #setting #utility #tracker #settings #wrapper
  48. ini

    macro built on top of configparser to load and parse ini files. You can use this to write Rust programs which can be customized by end users easily.

    v1.3.0 2.0K #config-file #configuration #settings #macro #config #key-value
  49. appcfg

    Unix style command line parameter and configuration file parsing library

    v1.0.1 #command-line #config-file #arguments-parser #settings #style #parameters #applications
  50. redis_config

    Redis source as Async source for config-rs crate

    v0.2.2 #redis #configuration #settings #config
  51. pgcat_config

    PgCat configuration. This package can be used by applications to generate configuration files for PgCat.

    v2.0.0-alpha5 #configuration #pg-cat #generate #settings #package #applications
  52. gphoto2_test

    Test environment for gphoto2-rs

    v1.0.1 #camera #environment #gphoto2 #settings #gphoto #libgphoto2 #image
  53. azure_app_config

    Azure App Configuration REST API Wrapper

    v0.1.1 110 #azure #azure-sdk #microsoft #app-config #sdk #settings #appconfiguration
  54. env-settings-utils

    Initialize Rust structs using environment variables (like pydantic’s BaseSettings)

    v0.1.11 #env-vars #variables #environment #settings #config #base-settings
  55. fast_config

    A small and simple multi-format crate to handle config files

    v1.1.3 #config-file #config #json5 #configuration #yaml-config #settings #file-format
  56. krossbar-settings-lib

    Krossbar settings library

    v0.5.1 #settings #configuration #json-file #krossbar #read #handle #json-configuration
  57. socit

    Dynamically control inverter SoC settings

    v0.2.1 #battery #control #settings #soc #dynamically #load #inverter
  58. envfury

    procedural reading of the env varaibles

    v0.2.0 1.1K #env-vars #env #settings #config
  59. krossbar-settings-viewer

    Krossbar settings viewer

    v0.5.1 #settings #configuration #krossbar #viewer #service #key #storage
  60. krossbar-settings-common

    Krossbar settings common data

    v0.5.3 #settings #configuration #krossbar #data
  61. simple-locale

    An interface to all manner of locale-related information

    v0.2.0 #locale #posix #codes #identifier #settings #interface #information
  62. dotenvx

    A dotenv implementation for Rust

    v0.0.2 #envvar #environment #dotenv #env #settings #env-file #config
  63. pagetop-admin

    PageTop package that provides a unified settings interface to other packages

    v0.0.21 1.0K #settings #pagetop #admin #packages #web-framework #server-side-rendering #config
  64. html-purifier

    HTML Purifier

    v0.3.0 #html #purifier #allowlist #filter #w3c #standard #settings
  65. sledtool

    Command-line tool to query, modify, import and export Sled key-value databases

    v0.1.2 #sled-database #key-value-database #sled #cli-tool #migration #settings #import-export
  66. env-loader

    storage for env variables with typings

    v0.3.2 #env #env-var #settings #env-file #web #config #web-apps
  67. miniconf_cli

    Menu/CLI for Miniconf

    v0.2.0 #mqtt #json #serde #settings #no-std
  68. actix-settings

    Easily manage Actix Web's settings from a TOML file and environment variables

    v0.8.0 330 #actix-web #env-vars #toml #settings #variables #environment #framework
  69. doug

    A time tracking command-line utility

    v1.10.0 130 #time-tracking #command-line-tool #utility #tracker #settings #times #stop
  70. music-player-settings

    The settings module for the music player

    v0.1.6 150 #music-player #settings #grpc-api #audio-devices #tui #daemon
  71. bulwark-config

    Configuration for the Bulwark security engine

    v0.6.0 #configuration #bulwark #config-parser #config #settings
  72. librenvy

    .env file manager that merges defaults with custom settings

    v0.1.6 #env-file #settings #env #file #file-manager
  73. tg_admin

    tg interface to change local structured data

    v0.1.0 #telegram-bot #data #local #settings #structured #configuration #change
  74. konfiguration

    Toml configuration loader with environment variables support

    v1.2.0 #toml-config #env-vars #configuration #settings #environment #env #config
  75. dux

    X11 backlight manager

    v0.2.0 #x11 #brightness #graphics #backlight #window-manager #adaptive #settings
  76. cvars-console-fyrox

    In-game console for the Fyrox game engine, using the cvars crate for configuration

    v0.5.0 #console #debugging #configuration #settings #gamedev #game-engine
  77. dotenv

    A dotenv implementation for Rust

    v0.15.0 538K #envvar #env-file #environment #env #settings #config
  78. prefstore

    Easily store and retrieve preferences in rust

    v0.5.0 #preferences #settings #config #options
  79. factorio-settings

    CLI application to deserialize & reserialize Factorio's mod-settings.dat to JSON or TOML

    v1.0.0 #factorio #json-toml #settings #dat #applications #mod #deserialize
  80. ultra

    Cryptanalysis of the Engima

    v0.6.1 #enigma #decryption #cryptanalysis #machine #encryption-decryption #settings #ring
  81. mg-settings

    Parse config files

    v0.4.3 120 #config-parser #config-file #settings #command #parse-input
  82. miniconf_mqtt

    MQTT interface for miniconf, using minimq

    v0.13.1 550 #mqtt #settings #serde #json #no-std
  83. rotenv

    A dotenv implementation for Rust

    v0.15.0 #envvar #env-file #environment #dotenv #env #settings #config
  84. torrust-tracker-configuration

    provide configuration to the Torrust Tracker

    v3.0.0-alpha.11 #settings #config-file #config #library
  85. blinds

    Wrap an async abstraction over a window

    v0.2.0 270 #window #async #events #event-stream #settings #key #run
  86. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  87. terraphim_settings

    Terraphim settings handling library

    v0.1.0 #settings #ai #privacy #configuration #personal-assistant #config #default
  88. rssettings

    A lib crate to manage .ini style settings file

    v0.2.0 #ini #settings #style #manage #lib
  89. ft260

    used for interfaceing with the ftdi ft260 chip

    v0.1.0 #chip #communication #uart #data #bridge #usb #settings
  90. hydroconf

    Effortless configuration management for Rust

    v0.2.0 #configuration #settings #config #12factorapp
  91. abserde

    platform-agnostic Rust crate for managing application settings/preferences

    v0.6.0 #preferences #settings #serde #config #config-file #json-format #options
  92. m8-files

    Parse the Dirtywave M8's file formats

    v0.2.0 #music #parse #file-format #m8 #dirtywave #song #settings
  93. settings-schema

    Derive macro for structs and enums GUI metadata

    v0.2.0 500 #schema #settings #enums #macro #gui #struct #serialization
  94. motionsync3

    data types for (de)serializing motion sync settings from motionsync3.json files

    v0.2.0 #deserialize #json #serialization #settings #sync #motion #de
  95. penguincrab

    Rust wrapper for Linux Kernel as a Library

    v0.1.63 #linux-kernel #command #flags #file #settings #wrapper #shared
  96. physics3

    data types for (de)serializing physics settings from physics3.json files

    v0.2.0 #json #physics #deserialize #settings #command
  97. dotenv_rs

    A dotenv implementation for Rust

    v0.16.1 #env-var #dotenv #environment #env #settings #config
  98. sserver

    serve your repositories as webpages

    v1.0.3 #repository #git-repository #serve #html #file #settings #markdown
  99. nonvolatile

    A package providing the ability to store configuration data out of the way

    v0.8.3 #configuration #storage #settings #store #local
  100. configster

    parsing configuration files

    v0.1.1 #config-parser #settings #parser #config #library #configuration
  101. renvy

    .env file manager that merges defaults with custom settings

    v0.1.6 #env-file #env #file-manager #settings #file #api-key #merge
  102. envctl

    Take full control over your .env environment variables

    v1.1.0 #env-vars #env #environment #variables #control #update #settings
  103. cvars-console-macroquad

    In-game console for the macroquad game engine, using the cvars crate for configuration

    v0.3.0 #console #configuration #debugging #settings #gamedev #game-engine
  104. motion3

    data types for (de)serializing motion settings from motion3.json files

    v0.2.0 #deserialization #motion #json #settings #de #serialization
  105. model3

    data types for (de)serializing model settings from model3.json files

    v0.2.0 #json #deserialization #serialization #model #settings #de #command
  106. userdata3

    data types for (de)serializing user settings from userdata3.json files

    v0.2.0 #deserialization #serialization #json #settings #user #de
  107. prologue_logger

    produce Rust-like logs for source code or settings files

    v0.1.0 #source #settings #produce #logs #console #target #line
  108. exp3

    data types for (de)serializing expression settings from exp3.json files

    v0.2.0 #json #serialization #deserialization #expression #settings #de
  109. pose3

    data types for (de)serializing pose settings from pose3.json files

    v0.2.0 #deserialization #serialization #settings #json #pose #de
  110. cdi3

    data types for (de)serializing display settings from cdi3.json files

    v0.2.0 #serialization #deserialization #json #display #settings #de
  111. example_crate_with_settings

    demonstrating configurable crate settings from the crate-settings crate

    v0.0.7 #settings #configurable #demonstrating #crate-settings
  112. envconf

    Boilerplate free initialization of structs from environment variables

    v0.1.1 #env-var #variables #environment #settings #env #configuration #config
  113. dotenvx_codegen

    A dotenv implementation for Rust

    v0.0.2 #env-vars #env-file #dotenv #environment #env #settings #config
  114. structconf

    Combine clap and rust-ini into a single procedural macro

    v0.5.0 #clap #configuration #config #settings #rust-ini #compile-time #proc-macro
  115. simple_login_rs

    Wrapper for simplelogin.io

    v0.1.2 #simplelogin #io #client #alias #api #mailbox #settings
  116. zaplib_cef

    CEF helpers for Zaplib

    v0.0.3 #cef #zaplib #path #applications #helper #settings #early-stage
  117. optionee

    The macro to create option struct easily

    v0.2.0 #options #configuration #settings #utility #data-structures
  118. dotenvy_macro

    A macro for compile time dotenv inspection

    v0.15.7 3.0K #dotenv #env #settings #environment #compile-time #config
  119. basic_log

    A basic logging crate for Rust

    v0.2.0 #log #basic #logging #settings #trace #debugging #logger-settings
  120. envtime

    Runtime and compile time environment resolution for Rust

    v0.0.4 #env-vars #environment #build #env #settings #proc-macro
  121. rocketchat

    Rocket.Chat API Implemented in Rust

    v0.4.1 #api-wrapper #chat #rocket #settings #implemented #login-settings #auth-token
  122. printnanny-settings

    interacting with PrintNanny settings

    v0.7.1 #settings #print-nanny #printnanny
  123. rt3conf

    An unofficial tool for configuring Railroad Tycoon 3

    v0.1.0 #settings #config #rt3 #config-file
  124. webvtt

    A bare-bones WebVTT parser

    v0.2.0 #bare-bones #parser #settings #region #style
  125. gsettings-macro

    Macro for typesafe GSettings key access

    v0.2.1 360 #macro #gtk #settings #glib #gio #api-bindings #reduce-boilerplate
  126. settings_manager

    Settings manager

    v0.0.2 #settings #file #lock-file #manager #file-exists #object #system
  127. env-map

    EnvConfig: A Rust crate for easily mapping environment variables to structs with support for .env files and global accessibility

    v0.1.0 #env-var #env-file #env #configuration #configuration-management #settings #config
  128. tvm-build

    A CLI and library for programmatically building TVM

    v0.2.4 350 #tvm #programmatically #build #install #settings #tool
  129. reggie

    fast Windows registry search tool

    v0.1.1 #windows-registry #settings #local #user #hives #search #tool
  130. dotenv_config

    parse env to config struct for Rust

    v0.1.9 2.6K #dotenv #env #environment #config #settings
  131. mac_proxy

    fetch the proxy settings on MacOS

    v0.1.0 #proxy #mac #macos #settings #fetch
  132. mcf-config-demo-settings

    A Proof of Concept

    v0.1.0 #settings #embedded-devices #flags #demo #behavior #config #tune
  133. uefisettings_thrift_srcs

    Thrift source files of the uefisettings tool

    v0.1.0 #thrift #source #settings #uefi #uefi-settings #bios #tool
  134. cli-settings-derive

    Manage CLI settings with configuration file(s) and command line parsing, using serde and clap

    v0.3.0 #arguments-parser #clap #serde-derive #setting #config-parser #serde #settings
  135. kalgan_config

    Collection of functions to retrieve data and settings parameters defined in yaml files used by Kalgan Framework

    v0.9.1 #yaml #parameters #settings #yaml-config #configuration #config
  136. setting

    The styles of all graphics elements

    v0.2.2 #config #settings #style #elements #graphics #plotters
  137. dotini

    parsing INI files into a HashMap

    v0.1.0 #ini-parser #config-parser #ini #parser #configuration #settings #parsing
  138. meilisearch-index-setting-macro

    Helper tool to generate settings of a Meilisearch index

    v0.27.1 6.1K #meilisearch #index #settings #generate #helper #tool
  139. retry_async

    retrying, with specific support for the Azure SDK for Rust (cf. https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-rust).

    v0.1.3 #azure-sdk #retry #retrying #github #attempt #async #settings
  140. config-derive

    Proc macro used by Twelf crate

    v0.15.0 3.2K #configuration #environment #env #config #settings #build-configuration #source
  141. cvars-console

    In-game console using the cvars crate for configuration - internal crate, use cvars-console-fyrox or cvars-console-macroquad in your game

    v0.2.0 #console #settings #configuration #debugging #gamedev
  142. server-env-config

    Util types and functions to quickly and easy set up an HTTP server from environment variables

    v0.1.1 #env-variables #env #http-server #environment #settings #object
  143. config-maint

    Layered configuration system for Rust applications. (Maintenance fork)

    v0.11.0 #configuration #environment #env #settings #config
  144. ssh-sensible

    tooling to produce sensible settings for SSH

    v1.0.0 #ssh #ssh-config #cipher #tooling #produce #settings #sensible
  145. confyg

    TOML-based, ENV-enabled library that can find and merge configs

    v0.2.0 #environment #toml #env #settings #configuration #config
  146. pbix

    Parsing library for Power BI report files (.pbix)

    v0.1.0 #report #power #parser #extract #file #page #settings
  147. rhis

    modification to fit my usage based on McFly 0.8.1

    v0.10.1 #mc-fly #fit #modification #bash #command #shell #settings
  148. displayz

    A CLI tool and library to control display settings on Windows written in Rust

    v0.1.0 330 #display #settings #cli-tool #cli
  149. bindgen-cfg

    Specify bindgen settings using yaml

    v0.1.1 #yaml #settings #specify #cfg #block #bindgen #opaque
  150. aet_file_settings

    An easy way to store file settings for apps

    v0.1.4 #settings #file #store #apps
  151. any_mail

    way to send emails from your application

    v0.1.0 #send-email #email #mail #smtp #tokio #settings #mail-server
  152. ymlfxr

    rust cli for formating yaml v1.2 that passes yamllint with default settings

    v0.3.2 550 #yaml #yamllint #passes #settings #cli #default #formatting
  153. kconfig

    from Rust

    v0.1.0 #kde #settings #framework #applications #api-bindings #qt #persistent
  154. dotenv_config_ext

    parse env to config struct for Rust

    v0.1.3 #dotenv #env #environment #config #settings
  155. uefisettings_backend_thrift

    Backend interface definition DB for the tool to read/get/extract and write/change/modify BIOS/UEFI settings from Linux terminal

    v0.1.0 3.4K #linux-terminal #settings #uefi #back-end #read-write #bios #interface