#目录结构 #mdbook #预处理器 #文件夹 #Markdown #渲染 #Markdowns

bin+lib mdbook-all-the-markdowns

渲染给定目录结构中的所有 Markdown 文件

2 个不稳定版本

0.3.0 2021 年 11 月 10 日
0.2.0 2021 年 11 月 1 日


MIT 许可证

361 代码行

All the markdowns
所有 Markdowns!

这是一个 mdbook 预处理器,它将遍历指定的基本路径并将所有 Markdown 添加到您的 mdbook。这是一个相当简单的工具,可能最适合小型项目,但您也可以尝试用于任何目录结构!



# This will mark all folders generated for a proper index as draft, making them
# non clickable. By default this is false and the content will just be the name
# of the folder as title.
draft-folders = true

# The title to use in the index on the left. Can be useful if book also consist
# of static content or if creating multiple sections.
title = "Auto generated"

# The base directory to find markdowns in, this is usually the root of your
# project if you're only creating a single section.
base = "./examples/example-folder-structures/slim"

# Paths to ignore. No matter where you set your base you can always ignore given
# patterns. These needs to be relative to the base since the directory traverser
# will match if a file or director _starts with_ any of these patterns.
ignore = []

由于 section 是一个表格列表,您可以通过添加多个部分来添加多个组。


title = "Libraries"
base = "./examples/example-folder-structures/slim/my-libraries"
ignore = []

title = "Services"
base = "./examples/example-folder-structures/slim/my-services"
ignore = []



├── my-libraries
   └── lib-biz
       ├── INSTALLATION.md
       ├── README.md
       ├── sub-lib-a
       │   ├── CONTRIBUTORS.md
       │   ├── README.md
       │   └── USAGE.md
       └── sub-lib-b
           └── README.md
└── my-services
    ├── service-bar
       ├── README.md
       └── infra
           └── kubernetes
               └── README.md
    └── service-foo
        └── README.md


第一个示例的一个部分的结果。 第二个示例的多个部分的结果。


您可以使用 mdbook serve examples/book1examples/book1 中测试渲染此目录中的任何示例文件夹。


~352K SLoC