#changelog #markdown #entries #section #git-version #merge #git-commit

bin+lib unclog

unclog 允许您从一组独立的文件中构建变更日志。这有助于防止在协作共享代码库时出现令人烦恼且不必要的合并冲突。

14 个版本

0.7.3 2024年2月12日
0.7.1 2023年12月5日
0.6.0 2023年3月10日
0.5.0 2022年6月23日
0.3.0 2021年7月25日

#184 in 开发工具

Download history 51/week @ 2024-04-13 1/week @ 2024-04-20

每月 95 次下载


2.5K SLoC


Crate Docs Build Status Apache 2.0 Licensed Rust Stable








  • 使用最新的Rust稳定版进行测试
  • Git
  • 您的项目托管在GitHub或GitLab上(用于从CLI自动生成变更日志条目)


# Install to ~/.cargo/bin/
cargo install unclog


cargo install --git https://github.com/informalsystems/unclog.git




.changelog/                   - The project's .changelog folder, in the root of the repo.
|__ unreleased/               - Changes to be released in the next version.
|   |__ breaking-changes/     - "BREAKING CHANGES" section entries.
|   |   |__ 890-block.md      - An entry in the "BREAKING CHANGES" section.
|   |
|   |__ bug-fixes/            - "BUG FIXES" section entries.
|   |   |__ module1/          - "BUG FIXES" section entries specific to "module1".
|   |       |__ 745-rename.md - An entry in the "BUG FIXES" section under "module1".
|   |__ features/             - "FEATURES" section entries.
|   |
|   |__ summary.md            - A summary of the next release.
|__ v0.1.0/                   - Changes released historically in v0.1.0.
|   |__ breaking-changes/     - "BREAKING CHANGES" section entries for v0.1.0.
|   |   |__ 467-api.md        - An entry in the "BREAKING CHANGES" section for v0.1.0.
|   |   |__ 479-rpc.md        - Another entry in the "BREAKING CHANGES" section for v0.1.0.
|   |
|   |__ bug-fixes/            - "BUG FIXES" section entries for v0.1.0.
|   |
|   |__ summary.md            - A summary of release v0.1.0.
|__ epilogue.md               - Any content to be added to the end of the generated CHANGELOG.



# Detailed information regarding usage.
unclog -h


# Creates a ".changelog" folder in the current directory.
unclog init

# Creates a ".changelog" folder in the current directory, and also copies your
# existing CHANGELOG.md into it as an epilogue (to be appended at the end of
# the final changelog built by unclog).
unclog init -e CHANGELOG.md

# Automatically generate a `config.toml` file for your changelog, inferring as
# many settings as possible from the environment. (Right now this mainly infers
# your GitHub project URL, if it's a GitHub project)
unclog init -g



  1. 完全通过CLI
  2. 通过您的默认$EDITOR


# First ensure your config.toml file contains the project URL:
echo 'project_url = "https://github.com/org/project"' >> .changelog/config.toml

# Add a new entry whose associated GitHub issue number is 23.
# Word wrapping will automatically be applied at the boundary specified in your
# `config.toml` file.
unclog add --id some-new-feature \
  --issue 23 \
  --section breaking-changes \
  --message "Some *new* feature"

# Same as above, but with shortened parameters
unclog add -i some-new-feature \
  -n 23 \
  -s breaking-changes \
  -m "Some *new* feature"

# If your project uses components/sub-modules
unclog add -i some-new-feature \
  -n 23 \
  -c submodule \
  -s breaking-changes \
  -m "Some *new* feature"


# First ensure that your $EDITOR environment variable is configured, or you can
# manually specify an editor binary path via the --editor flag.
# This will launch your configured editor and, if you add any content to the
# feature file it will be added to
# ".changelog/unreleased/features/23-some-new-feature.md".
# The convention is that you *must* prepend the issue/PR number to which the
# change refers to the entry ID (i.e. 23-some-new-feature relates to issue 23).
unclog add --section features --id 23-some-new-feature

# Add another feature in a different section
unclog add -s breaking-changes -i 24-break-the-api


- A user-oriented description of the change ([#123](https://github.com/someone/someproject/issues/123))



# Run from your project's directory to build your '.changelog' folder.
# Builds your CHANGELOG.md and writes it to stdout. Does not build any
# unreleased entries.
unclog build

# Only render unreleased changes (returns an error if none)
unclog build --unreleased-only
unclog build -u

# Build all entries, both released and unreleased.
unclog build --all
unclog build -a

# Save the output as your new CHANGELOG.md file.
# NOTE: All logging output goes to stderr.
unclog build > CHANGELOG.md

# Increase output logging verbosity on stderr and build your `.changelog`
# folder.
unclog -v build

# Get help
unclog --help


# Moves all entries in your ".changelog/unreleased" folder to
# ".changelog/v0.2.0" and ensures the ".changelog/unreleased" folder is empty.
unclog release v0.2.0



unclog add -i some-new-feature \
  -n 23 \
  -c submodule \
  -s breaking-changes \
  -m "Some *new* feature"


- [submodule](./submodule)
  - Some *new* feature ([#23](https://github.com/org/project/issues/23))




# List all the duplicate entries across releases.
unclog find-duplicates



# The GitHub URL for your project.
# This is mainly necessary if you need to automatically generate changelog
# entries directly from the CLI. Right now we only support GitHub, but if
# anyone wants GitLab support please let us know and we'll try implement it
# too.
project_url = "https://github.com/org/project"

# The file to use as a Handlebars template for changes added directly through
# the CLI.
# Assumes that relative paths are relative to the `.changelog` folder. If this
# file does not exist, a default template will be used.
change_template = "change-template.md"

# The number of characters at which to wrap entries automatically added from
# the CLI.
wrap = 80

# The heading right at the beginning of the changelog.
heading = "# CHANGELOG"

# What style of bullet to use for the instances where unclog has to generate
# bullets for you. Can be "-" or "*".
bullet_style = "-"

# The message to output when your changelog has no entries yet.
empty_msg = "Nothing to see here! Add some entries to get started."

# The name of the file (relative to the `.changelog` directory) to use as an
# epilogue for your changelog (will be appended as-is to the end of your
# generated changelog).
epilogue_filename = "epilogue.md"

# Sort releases by the given property/properties. Possible values include:
# - `version` : Sort releases by semantic version.
# - `date`    : Sort releases by release date.
# This is an array, as one could potentially first sort by date and then version
# in cases where multiple releases were cut on the same date.
# Release dates are currently parsed from release summaries, and are expected to
# be located on the first line of the release summary.
sort_releases_by = ["version"]

# Release date formats to expect in the release summary, in order of precedence.
# See https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html for
# possible format specifiers.
release_date_formats = [
    # "*December 1, 2023*
    "*%B %d, %Y*",
    # "*Dec 1, 2023*
    "*%b %d, %Y*",
    # "2023-12-01" (ISO format)

# Settings relating to unreleased changelog entries.

# The name of the folder containing unreleased entries, relative to the
# `.changelog` folder.
folder = "unreleased"

# The heading to use for the unreleased entries section.
heading = "## Unreleased"

# Settings relating to sets (groups) of changes in the changelog. For example, a
# particular version of the software (e.g. "v1.0.0") is typically a change set.

# The filename containing a summary of the intended changes. Relative to the
# change set folder (e.g. `.changelog/unreleased/breaking-changes/summary.md`).
summary_filename = "summary.md"

# The extension of files in a change set.
entry_ext = "md"

# Settings relating to all sections within a change set. For example, the
# "BREAKING CHANGES" section for a particular release is a change set section.

# Sort entries by a particular property. Possible values include:
# - `id`         : The issue/PR number (the default value).
# - `entry-text` : The entry text itself.
sort_entries_by = "id"

# Settings related to components/sub-modules. Only relevant if you make use of
# components/sub-modules.

# The title to use for the section of entries not relating to a specific
# component.
general_entries_title = "General"

# The number of spaces to inject before each component-related entry.
entry_indent = 2

    # The components themselves. Each component has a name (used when rendered
    # to Markdown) and a path relative to the project folder (i.e. relative to
    # the parent of the `.changelog` folder).
    component1 = { name = "Component 1", path = "component1" }
    docs = { name = "Documentation", path = "docs" }



unclog = { version = "0.6", default-features = false }


版权所有© 2021-非正式系统及其贡献者





~422K SLoC