0.0.13 | 2024年7月18日 |
0.0.12 | 2024年3月19日 |
0.0.6 | 2024年1月22日 |
0.0.3 | 2023年11月17日 |
#23 在 数据格式
183 每月下载次数
用于 4 crates
6.5K SLoC
基于图的 glTF 处理库。使用 petgraph 创建可遍历的glTF文档图。
use gltf_kun::graph::{Graph, GraphNodeWeight, gltf::document::GltfDocument};
let mut graph = Graph::default();
// Create a new glTF document within the graph.
let doc = GltfDocument::new(&mut graph);
// Create a new scene.
// This `scene` variable is just a wrapper around a u32 index into the graph,
// making it cheap to copy and pass around.
let mut scene = doc.create_scene(&mut graph);
// To read or write data, we need to get the weight.
let weight = scene.get_mut(&mut graph);
weight.name = Some("My Scene".to_string());
// Create a glTF node and add it to the scene.
let mut node = doc.create_node(&mut graph);
scene.add_node(&mut graph, node);
// Iterate over all scenes in the document, printing their names.
doc.scenes(&graph).iter().for_each(|scene| {
let weight = scene.get(&graph);
println!("Scene name: {:?}", weight.name);
use gltf_kun::{extensions::DefaultExtensions, io::format::glb::GlbExport};
// Export the document to a GLB byte array.
let glb = GlbExport::<DefaultExtensions>::export(&mut graph, &doc).ok();
~273K SLoC