25 个版本

0.5.0 2024年2月11日
0.4.2 2023年6月17日
0.4.1 2022年11月3日
0.4.0 2021年6月25日
0.0.1 2017年3月24日

#412 in 数据结构

frunk 中使用

MIT 许可证

1.5K SLoC

Frunk Crates.io 持续集成 Gitter Frunk

frunk frəNGk

  • Rust 中的函数式编程工具包。
  • 一开始可能感觉有些古怪,但你会喜欢的。
  • 来源于:funktional(德语)+ Rust → Frunk

总体思路是,通过在 Rust 中提供函数式编程工具,使事物变得更简单,从而允许这样的操作

use frunk::monoid::combine_all;

let v = vec![Some(1), Some(3)];
assert_eq!(combine_all(&v), Some(4));

// Slightly more magical
let t1 =       (1, 2.5f32,                String::from("hi"),  Some(3));
let t2 =       (1, 2.5f32,            String::from(" world"),     None);
let t3 =       (1, 2.5f32,         String::from(", goodbye"), Some(10));
let tuples = vec![t1, t2, t3];

let expected = (3, 7.5f32, String::from("hi world, goodbye"), Some(13));
assert_eq!(combine_all(&tuples), expected);

要深入了解,请参阅 RustDocs


  1. HList
  2. 泛型
  3. Coproduct
  4. Validated
  5. Semigroup
  6. Monoid
  7. 特性
  8. 基准测试
  9. 待办事项
  10. 贡献
  11. 灵感
  12. 维护者




首先,让我们启用 hlist

use frunk::{HNil, HCons, hlist};


let h = hlist![1];
// Type annotations for HList are optional. Here we let the compiler infer it for us
// h has a static type of: HCons<i32, HNil>

// HLists have a head and tail
assert_eq!(hlist![1].head, 1);
assert_eq!(hlist![1].tail, HNil);

// You can convert a tuple to an HList and vice-versa
let h2 = hlist![ 42f32, true, "hello" ];
let t: (f32, bool, &str) = h2.into();
assert_eq!(t, (42f32, true, "hello"));

let t3 = (999, false, "world");
let h3: HList![ isize, bool, &str ] = t3.into();
assert_eq!(h3, hlist![ 999, false, "world" ]);

HLists 有一个 hlist_pat! 宏用于模式匹配;

let h: HList!(&str, &str, i32, bool) = hlist!["Joe", "Blow", 30, true];
// We use the HList! type macro to make it easier to write
// a type signature for HLists, which is a series of nested HCons
// h has an expanded static type of: HCons<&str, HCons<&str, HCons<i32, HCons<bool, HNil>>>>

let hlist_pat!(f_name, l_name, age, is_admin) = h;
assert_eq!(f_name, "Joe");
assert_eq!(l_name, "Blow");
assert_eq!(age, 30);
assert_eq!(is_admin, true);

// You can also use into_tuple2() to turn the hlist into a nested pair


let list = hlist![true, "hello", Some(41)];
// h has a static type of: HCons<bool, HCons<&str, HCons<Option<{integer}>, HNil>>>
let (head1, tail1) = list.pop();
assert_eq!(head1, true);
assert_eq!(tail1, hlist!["hello", Some(41)]);
let list1 = tail1.prepend(head1);
assert_eq!(list, list1);

// or using macro sugar:
let hlist_pat![head2, ...tail2] = list; // equivalent to pop
let list2 = hlist![head2, ...tail2];    // equivalent to prepend
assert_eq!(list, list2);


// Reverse
let h1 = hlist![true, "hi"];
assert_eq!(h1.into_reverse(), hlist!["hi", true]);

// Fold (foldl and foldr exist)
let h2 = hlist![1, false, 42f32];
let folded = h2.foldr(
        |acc, i| i + acc,
        |acc, _| if acc > 42f32 { 9000 } else { 0 },
        |acc, f| f + acc
assert_eq!(folded, 9001)

// Map
let h3 = hlist![9000, "joe", 41f32];
let mapped = h3.map(hlist![
    |n| n + 1,
    |s| s,
    |f| f + 1f32]);
assert_eq!(mapped, hlist![9001, "joe", 42f32]);

您可以使用 pluck()HList 中提取类型,这将返回提取该类型后的剩余部分。此方法在编译时进行检查,以确保您请求的类型 可以 被提取。

let h = hlist![1, "hello", true, 42f32];
let (t, remainder): (bool, _) = h.pluck();
assert_eq!(remainder, hlist![1, "hello", 42f32])


let h = hlist![9000, "joe", 41f32, true];
let (reshaped, remainder): (HList![f32, i32, &str], _) = h.sculpt();
assert_eq!(reshaped, hlist![41f32, 9000, "joe"]);
assert_eq!(remainder, hlist![true]);





frunk_core = { version = "$version" }



HList ⇄ Struct

#[derive(Generic, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Person<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,

let h = hlist!("Joe", "Blow", 30);
let p: Person = frunk::from_generic(h);
           Person {
               first_name: "Joe",
               last_name: "Blow",
               age: 30,




  • 您有一个从外部API反序列化的模型和用于您的应用程序逻辑的等效模型
  • 您想使用类型来表示相同数据的不同阶段(参见StackOverflow上的这个问题


// Assume we have all the imports needed
struct ApiPerson<'a> {
    FirstName: &'a str,
    LastName: &'a str,
    Age: usize,

struct DomainPerson<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,

let a_person = ApiPerson {
                   FirstName: "Joe",
                   LastName: "Blow",
                   Age: 30,
let d_person: DomainPerson = frunk::convert_from(a_person); // done




// Suppose that again, we have different User types representing the same data
// in different stages in our application logic.

struct NewUser<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,

struct SavedUser<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,

let n_user = NewUser {
    first_name: "Joe",
    last_name: "Blow",
    age: 30

// Convert from a NewUser to a Saved using LabelledGeneric
// This will fail if the fields of the types converted to and from do not
// have the same names or do not line up properly :)
// Also note that we're using a helper method to avoid having to use universal
// function call syntax
let s_user: SavedUser = frunk::labelled_convert_from(n_user);

assert_eq!(s_user.first_name, "Joe");
assert_eq!(s_user.last_name, "Blow");
assert_eq!(s_user.age, 30);

// Uh-oh ! last_name and first_name have been flipped!
struct DeletedUser<'a> {
    last_name: &'a str,
    first_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,

//  This would fail at compile time :)
let d_user: DeletedUser = frunk::labelled_convert_from(s_user);

// This will, however, work, because we make use of the Sculptor type-class
// to type-safely reshape the representations to align/match each other.
let d_user: DeletedUser = frunk::transform_from(s_user);




  • 使用稳定(因此没有特殊化,我认为这会有所帮助)
  • 类型安全
  • 不使用unsafe


use frunk::labelled::Transmogrifier;

struct InternalPhoneNumber {
    emergency: Option<usize>,
    main: usize,
    secondary: Option<usize>,

struct InternalAddress<'a> {
    is_whitelisted: bool,
    name: &'a str,
    phone: InternalPhoneNumber,

struct InternalUser<'a> {
    name: &'a str,
    age: usize,
    address: InternalAddress<'a>,
    is_banned: bool,

#[derive(LabelledGeneric, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct ExternalPhoneNumber {
    main: usize,

#[derive(LabelledGeneric, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct ExternalAddress<'a> {
    name: &'a str,
    phone: ExternalPhoneNumber,

#[derive(LabelledGeneric, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct ExternalUser<'a> {
    age: usize,
    address: ExternalAddress<'a>,
    name: &'a str,

let internal_user = InternalUser {
    name: "John",
    age: 10,
    address: InternalAddress {
        is_whitelisted: true,
        name: "somewhere out there",
        phone: InternalPhoneNumber {
            main: 1234,
            secondary: None,
            emergency: Some(5678),
    is_banned: true,

/// Boilerplate-free conversion of a top-level InternalUser into an
/// ExternalUser, taking care of subfield conversions as well.
let external_user: ExternalUser = internal_user.transmogrify();

let expected_external_user = ExternalUser {
    name: "John",
    age: 10,
    address: ExternalAddress {
        name: "somewhere out there",
        phone: ExternalPhoneNumber {
            main: 1234,

assert_eq!(external_user, expected_external_user);


  • 如果一个字段是相同的类型并且继承了 LabelledGeneric,编译器会告诉你无法为 transmogrify 函数 "推断索引";这是因为 Transmogrifier 特质的实现可能会冲突。这在未来可能会改变(也许如果我们转向纯过程宏的方式?)
  • 对于包含许多嵌套字段并且需要 transmogfiy 的类型,使用这种技术可能会增加编译时间。
  • 如果你在 transform_from 认为转换不可能(例如字段缺失)时对编译时错误感到不满,那么在需要递归 transmogrify 的类型时,这些错误会更糟糕。

有关泛型和字段的更多信息,请查阅相应的 Rust 文档。


继承自 LabelledGeneric 的结构可以做一些事情,比如使用 Path 和其伴随特质 PathTraverser 进行泛型遍历。在某些圈子中,这种功能也被称为镜头。

基于 Path 的遍历

  • 通过过程宏 path!frunk_proc_macros)易于使用
    • 多级遍历类似于使用点 . 语法(path!(nested.attribute.value)
  • 编译时安全
  • 可组合(使用 + 将一个添加到另一个)
  • 允许你按值、按引用或按可变引用获取,具体取决于你传递的类型。
struct Dog<'a> {
    name: &'a str,
    dimensions: Dimensions,

struct Cat<'a> {
    name: &'a str,
    dimensions: Dimensions,

struct Dimensions {
    height: usize,
    width: usize,
    unit: SizeUnit,

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum SizeUnit {

let mut dog = Dog {
    name: "Joe",
    dimensions: Dimensions {
        height: 10,
        width: 5,
        unit: SizeUnit::Inch,

let cat = Cat {
    name: "Schmoe",
    dimensions: Dimensions {
        height: 7,
        width: 3,
        unit: SizeUnit::Cm,

// generic, re-usable, compsable paths
let dimensions_lens = path!(dimensions);
let height_lens = dimensions_lens + path!(height); // compose multiple
let unit_lens = path!(dimensions.unit); // dot syntax to just do the whole thing at once

assert_eq!(*height_lens.get(&dog), 10);
assert_eq!(*height_lens.get(&cat), 7);
assert_eq!(*unit_lens.get(&dog), SizeUnit::Inch);
assert_eq!(*unit_lens.get(&cat), SizeUnit::Cm);

// modify by passing a &mut
*height_lens.get(&mut dog) = 13;
assert_eq!(*height_lens.get(&dog), 13);

还有一个 Path! 类型级宏用于声明形状约束。这允许你为 LabelledGeneric 类型编写特定形状的函数。

// Prints height as long as `A` has the right "shape" (e.g.
// has `dimensions.height: usize` and `dimension.unit: SizeUnit)
fn print_height<'a, A, HeightIdx, UnitIdx>(obj: &'a A) -> ()
    &'a A: PathTraverser<Path!(dimensions.height), HeightIdx, TargetValue = &'a usize>
        + PathTraverser<Path!(dimensions.unit), UnitIdx, TargetValue = &'a SizeUnit>,
        "Height [{} {:?}]",

查看 examples/paths.rs 了解其工作方式。


如果你曾经想要有特定于类型的联合/和类型,而这些类型是你无法控制的,你可能想看看 Coproduct。在 Rust 中,由于 enum,你可以在需要时声明一个,但是通过 Frunk 有一个轻量级的方式来做这件事

use frunk::prelude::*; // for the fold method

// Declare the types we want in our Coproduct
type I32F32Bool = Coprod!(i32, f32, bool);

let co1 = I32F32Bool::inject(3);
let get_from_1a: Option<&i32> = co1.get();
let get_from_1b: Option<&bool> = co1.get();

assert_eq!(get_from_1a, Some(&3));
// None because co1 does not contain a bool, it contains an i32
assert_eq!(get_from_1b, None);

// This will fail at compile time because i8 is not in our Coproduct type
let nope_get_from_1b: Option<&i8> = co1.get(); // <-- will fail
// It's also impossible to inject something into a coproduct that is of the wrong type
// (not contained in the coproduct type)
let nope_co = I32F32Bool::inject(42f64); // <-- will fail

// We can fold our Coproduct into a single value by handling all types in it
    co1.fold(hlist![|i| format!("int {}", i),
                    |f| format!("float {}", f),
                    |b| (if b { "t" } else { "f" }).to_string()]),
    "int 3".to_string());

有关更多信息,请参阅 Coproduct 文档


Validated 是运行一系列可能出错的操作(例如,返回 Result<T, E> 的函数)的方式,在出现一个或多个错误的情况下,将所有错误一次性返回给你。在所有事情都顺利进行的情况下,你将得到所有结果的 HList

映射(以及与其他处理)Result 的方式不同,因为它会在第一个错误处停止,这在非常常见的案例中可能会令人烦恼(如 Cats 项目 所概述)。

要使用 Validated,首先

use frunk::prelude::*; // for Result::into_validated

假设我们定义了一个 Person 结构体

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Person {
    age: i32,
    name: String,
    street: String,


fn get_name() -> Result<String, Error> { /* elided */ }
fn get_age() -> Result<i32, Error> { /* elided */ }
fn get_street() -> Result<String, Error> { /* elided */ }

// Build up a `Validated` by adding in any number of `Result`s
let validation = get_name().into_validated() + get_age() + get_street();
// When needed, turn the `Validated` back into a Result and map as usual
let try_person = validation.into_result()
                           // Destructure our hlist
                           .map(|hlist_pat!(name, age, street)| {
                               Person {
                                   name: name,
                                   age: age,
                                   street: street,

           Person {
               name: "James".to_owned(),
               age: 32,
               street: "Main".to_owned(),

另一方面,如果我们的 Result 出错

/// This next pair of functions always return Recover::Err
fn get_name_faulty() -> Result<String, String> {
    Result::Err("crap name".to_owned())

fn get_age_faulty() -> Result<i32, String> {
    Result::Err("crap age".to_owned())

let validation2 = get_name_faulty().into_validated() + get_age_faulty();
let try_person2 = validation2.into_result()
                             .map(|_| unimplemented!());

// Notice that we have an accumulated list of errors!
           vec!["crap name".to_owned(), "crap age".to_owned()]);



use frunk::Semigroup;
use frunk::semigroup::All;

assert_eq!(Some(1).combine(&Some(2)), Some(3));

assert_eq!(All(3).combine(&All(5)), All(1)); // bit-wise &&
assert_eq!(All(true).combine(&All(false)), All(false));


可以组合 并且 具有空/ID 值的事物。

use frunk::monoid::combine_all;

let t1 = (1, 2.5f32, String::from("hi"), Some(3));
let t2 = (1, 2.5f32, String::from(" world"), None);
let t3 = (1, 2.5f32, String::from(", goodbye"), Some(10));
let tuples = vec![t1, t2, t3];

let expected = (3, 7.5f32, String::from("hi world, goodbye"), Some(13));
assert_eq!(combine_all(&tuples), expected)

let product_nums = vec![Product(2), Product(3), Product(4)];
assert_eq!(combine_all(&product_nums), Product(24))


Frunk 内置对核心数据结构的 serde 序列化/反序列化支持。这可以通过添加 serde 功能标志来启用。

例如,如果您只想使用 frunk_core 与 serde

frunk_core = { version = "$version", features = ["serde"] }

或者,如果您想使用 frunk 与 serde,您需要明确包含 frunk_core

frunk = { version = "$version", features = ["serde"] }
frunk_core = { version = "$version", features = ["serde"] }


基准测试在 ./benches 中可用,可以通过以下命令运行

$rustup run nightly cargo bench

master 上的基准测试也是 自动生成、上传并在线可用



在 1.0 版本发布之前,最好回顾接口的设计并做一些一般的代码(以及测试)清理。


鉴于 Rust 没有对 Higher Kinded Types 的支持,我不确定这些是否可以实施。此外,Rustaceans 习惯于在集合上调用 iter() 以获取懒视图,使用 mapand_then 操作它们的元素,然后在最后执行 collect() 以保持效率。在这些结构中,这些可能在该上下文中的用途有限。

  1. 函子
  2. 单调子
  3. 应用
  4. 应用子



以下内容被认为很重要,符合 Rust 和函数式编程的精神

  • 安全性(类型和内存)
  • 效率
  • 正确性


Scalaz、Shapeless、Cats、Haskell,常见的嫌疑人 ;)


也称为您可以在 Gitter 上打扰/标记/@的人 :D

  1. lloydmeta
  2. Centril
  3. ExpHP


Frunk 法则

此库包含可用于测试在 Frunk 中声明的代数实现的法则


~31K SLoC