#精英 #系统 #查找 #转储 #工具 #精英危险 #edsm

app ed-system-search

在 EDSM 数据转储中查找有趣的系统

69 个稳定版本

1.1.47 2022年5月16日
1.1.42 2022年4月28日
1.1.35 2022年3月8日
1.1.12 2021年12月14日
0.12.6 2021年4月15日

799命令行工具 中排名

Download history 4/week @ 2024-03-08 23/week @ 2024-03-15 231/week @ 2024-03-29 72/week @ 2024-04-05

154 每月下载量

CC0 许可

1.5K SLoC


ed-system-search 是一个用于在 Elite: Dangerous 中查找有趣系统的工具。

它期望已从 EDSM 下载了填充的系统转储


ed-system-search --help
ed-system-search 1.1.47
Billie Thompson <billie@billiecodes.com>
Find interesting systems in the EDSM data dump

    ed-system-search [OPTIONS] <edsm-path>

    <edsm-path>    This is the path to th EDSM dump in .json.gz format

        --allegiance <MAJOR_FACTION>
            Filter by allegiance

            Exclude permit locked systems

            Exclude systems that contain a player faction

            Exclude systems that sell rare commodities

        --government <GOVERNMENT_TYPE>
            Filter by government

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --max-distance-from-reference <LIGHT_SECONDS>
            Filter the systems that are further than this distance from the reference

        --max-distance-from-sol <LIGHT_SECONDS>
            Filter the systems that are further than this distance from sol

        --max-number-of-factions <COUNT>
            Filter the systems that have more factions than the number given

        --min-docks <COUNT>
            Filter the systems that are have less than the given number of docks

        --min-docks-large <COUNT>
            Filter the systems that are have less than the given number of docks with room for large

        --min-population <COUNT>
            Filter the systems that are have less than the given population

        --min-starports <COUNT>
            Filter the systems that are have less than the given number of starports

        --reference <SYSTEM_NAME>
            A reference system used by other filters

    -V, --version
            Print version information


请参阅我们为 windows、linux 和 mac (所有 x86_64) 构建的 发布页面,或者使用 brew

brew install PurpleBooth/repo/ed-system-search


您可以在 过滤器指南 中查看更多示例


~337K SLoC