
  1. aws-config

    AWS SDK 配置和凭证提供程序实现

    v1.5.5 1.6M #aws-sdk #aws-credentials #provider #aws #configuration #region #default
  2. aws-sdk-sts

    AWS SDK 用于 AWS 安全令牌服务

    v1.39.0 1.7M #amazon-web-services #aws-security #aws-sdk #aws-credentials #user #service #service-request
  3. aws-sigv4

    HTTP 请求和事件流消息的 SigV4 签名器

    v1.2.3 1.7M #event-stream #aws #http-request #signature #sig-v4 #aws-sdk #events
  4. aws-sdk-s3

    AWS SDK 用于 Amazon 简单存储服务

    v1.46.0 1.1M #amazon-s3 #aws #aws-sdk
  5. aws-sdk-dynamodb

    AWS SDK 用于 Amazon DynamoDB

    v1.42.0 503K #table #aws-sdk #dynamo-db #database-table #request #web-services #capacity
  6. aws-sdk-sso

    AWS SDK 用于 AWS 单一登录

    v1.39.0 1.6M #aws-access #aws-sdk #identity #single #amazon-iam #user #center
  7. aws-sdk-secretsmanager

    AWS SDK 用于 AWS 密钥管理器

    v1.43.0 206K #secrets-manager #amazon-web-services #web-services #secret #aws-sdk
  8. aws-sdk-sqs

    AWS SDK 用于 Amazon 简单队列服务

    v1.39.0 117K #amazon-sqs #queue #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #message
  9. aws-types

    Cross-service types for the AWS SDK

    v1.3.3 1.6M #aws-sdk #types #service #generator #generation #part #cross-service
  10. aws-sdk-ec2

    AWS SDK 用于 Amazon 弹性计算云

    v1.68.0 68K #aws #aws-sdk #amazon
  11. aws-sdk-lambda

    AWS SDK 用于 AWS Lambda

    v1.42.0 80K #aws-lambda #web-services #aws-sdk
  12. aws-sdk-ssooidc


    v1.40.0 1.1M #access-token #amazon-web-services #aws-access #web-services #aws-sdk #identity #center
  13. aws-smithy-types

    smithy-rs 代码生成类型的类型

    v1.2.2 1.6M #aws-smithy #aws-sdk #aws #types #client #codegen #service
  14. aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Logs

    v1.43.0 18K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #log #cloud-watch #events #numbers
  15. aws-sdk-rds

    AWS SDK for Amazon Relational Database Service

    v1.50.0 18K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk
  16. aws-sdk-ssm

    AWS SDK for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM)

    v1.44.0 56K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk
  17. aws-sdk-ebs

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Block Store

    v1.39.0 14K #block-store #aws-sdk #snapshot #ebs #web-services #elastic #data
  18. aws-sdk-sns

    AWS SDK for Amazon Simple Notification Service

    v1.40.0 84K #amazon-web-services #web-services #notification-service #aws-sdk #sns #message #notifications
  19. aws-sdk-cloudformation

    AWS SDK for AWS CloudFormation

    v1.44.0 14K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #stack #cloud-formation #template #resources
  20. aws-sdk-iam

    AWS SDK for AWS Identity and Access Management

    v1.41.0 36K #amazon-web-services #web-services #access-key #amazon-iam #aws-sdk #user
  21. aws-sdk-cloudwatch

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudWatch

    v1.44.0 29K #metrics #aws-sdk #alarm #cloud-watch #monitoring #web-services #rules
  22. aws-sdk-eks

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

    v1.46.0 8.2K #amazon-web-services #web-services #control-plane #aws-sdk #kubernetes #eks #version
  23. aws-sdk-athena

    AWS SDK for Amazon Athena

    v1.41.0 8.2K #amazon-s3 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #query #athena #operation #sql-query
  24. aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider

    AWS SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    v1.46.0 19K #api-request #amazon-web-services #web-services #identity-provider #aws-sdk #user #pool
  25. aws-sdk-ecs

    AWS SDK for Amazon EC2 Container Service

    v1.41.1 15K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #task #service #instance #cluster #elastic
  26. aws-sdk-kinesis

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis

    v1.40.0 43K #data-stream #data-processing #aws-sdk
  27. aws-sdk-rekognition

    AWS SDK for Amazon Rekognition

    v1.42.0 11K #aws-sdk #amazon #image #label #rekognition #video-streaming #parameters
  28. aws-sdk-ecr

    AWS SDK for Amazon EC2 Container Registry

    v1.41.0 16K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #repository #registry #container-image #operation
  29. aws-sdk-codepipeline

    AWS SDK for AWS CodePipeline

    v1.43.0 4.7K #third-party #pipeline #aws-sdk #action #web-services #execution #amazon-s3
  30. aws-sdk-route53

    AWS SDK for Amazon Route 53

    v1.42.0 7.1K #web-services #domain-name #aws-sdk #routes #resources #amazon #check
  31. aws-credential-types

    用于AWS SDK的凭据类型

    v1.2.0 1.3M #aws-credentials #aws-sdk #cache #types #provider #traits
  32. aws-sdk-autoscaling

    AWS SDK for Auto Scaling

    v1.42.1 11K #instance #aws-sdk #scaling #auto #ec2 #amazon #health-check
  33. aws-sdk-codebuild

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeBuild

    v1.50.1 4.7K #build #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #operation #source #artifact #environment
  34. aws-sdk-batch

    AWS SDK for AWS Batch

    v1.46.0 20K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #batch #compute #resources #web-services #information
  35. aws-sdk-glue

    AWS SDK for AWS Glue

    v1.56.0 18K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #operation #glue
  36. aws-sdk-config

    AWS SDK for AWS Config

    v1.41.0 9.2K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #resources #config #configuration-management #operation
  37. aws-sdk-eventbridge

    AWS SDK for Amazon EventBridge

    v1.41.0 20K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #events #send-event
  38. aws-sdk-securityhub

    AWS SDK for AWS SecurityHub

    v1.42.0 10K #amazon-web-services #aws-security #web-services #aws-sdk
  39. aws-sdk-polly

    AWS SDK for Amazon Polly

    v1.39.0 5.6K #speech-synthesis #aws-sdk #markup-language #web-services #operation #polly #service
  40. aws-sdk-translate

    AWS SDK for Amazon Translate

    v1.39.0 10K #aws-sdk #translation #language #amazon #operation #input #target
  41. aws-sdk-sesv2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Simple Email Service

    v1.42.0 31K #send-email #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk
  42. aws-sdk-transcribe

    AWS SDK for Amazon Transcribe Service

    v1.40.0 2.9K #aws-sdk #amazon #transcription #transcribe #medical #call #analytics
  43. aws-sdk-kinesisvideo

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

    v1.40.0 7.6K #video-stream #aws-sdk #operation #amazon #kinesis
  44. aws-smithy-runtime-api


    v1.7.2 1.2M #aws-smithy #aws-sdk #run-time #client #generated #client-server #generator
  45. aws-sdk-applicationautoscaling

    AWS SDK for Application Auto Scaling

    v1.43.0 1.3K #aws-sdk #resources #scaling #applications #endpoint #dynamo-db #service
  46. aws-sdk-elasticache

    AWS SDK for Amazon ElastiCache

    v1.42.0 2.3K #aws-sdk #cache #cluster #amazon #web-services #service
  47. aws-sdk-bedrockruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Bedrock Runtime

    v1.45.0 14K #aws-sdk #bedrock #model #amazon #inference #aws #run-time
  48. aws-sdk-apigateway

    AWS SDK for Amazon API Gateway

    v1.40.0 5.0K #api-gateway #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk
  49. aws-sdk-accessanalyzer

    AWS SDK for Access Analyzer

    v1.42.0 1.6K #aws-access #aws-sdk #iam-policy #web-services #amazon-iam #analyzer #resources
  50. aws-sdk-account

    AWS SDK for AWS Account

    v1.40.0 750 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #account #management #operation
  51. aws-sdk-sfn

    AWS SDK for AWS Step Functions

    v1.42.0 8.7K #aws-sdk #distributed-applications #step #state #workflow #operation #name
  52. aws-sdk-transcribestreaming

    AWS SDK for Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service

    v1.39.0 7.3K #aws-sdk #transcription #transcribe #audio #amazon #real-time #streaming
  53. aws-sdk-firehose

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Firehose

    v1.44.0 18K #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #firehose #destination
  54. aws-sdk-gamelift

    AWS SDK for Amazon GameLift

    v1.41.0 3.6K #game-server #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk
  55. aws-sdk-pinpointemail

    AWS SDK for Amazon Pinpoint Email Service

    v1.38.0 1.9K #send-email #aws-sdk #amazon #pinpoint #operation #message
  56. aws-sdk-resourcegroupstagging

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Groups Tagging API

    v1.39.0 8.7K #aws-sdk #resources #tagging #group #operation #service #client
  57. aws-sdk-appconfig

    AWS SDK for Amazon AppConfig

    v1.40.0 1.1K #configuration #configuration-management #aws-sdk #applications #app-config #deployment #builder
  58. aws-sdk-cloudfront

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudFront

    v1.41.0 5.4K #aws-sdk #cloud-front #amazon
  59. aws-sdk-acmpca

    AWS SDK for AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority

    v1.42.0 500 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #certificate #ca #private #authority
  60. aws-sdk-backup

    AWS SDK for AWS Backup

    v1.41.0 11K #amazon-web-services #web-services #backup #aws-sdk #operation #service
  61. aws-sdk-ses

    AWS SDK for Amazon Simple Email Service

    v1.41.0 9.4K #email #aws-sdk #amazon
  62. aws-sdk-cognitoidentity

    AWS SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity

    v1.40.0 2.9K #identity-provider #user-identity #aws-sdk #cognito #open-id #pool #aws-credentials
  63. aws-sdk-transfer

    AWS SDK for AWS Transfer Family

    v1.43.0 2.8K #amazon-s3 #file-transfer #aws-sdk #web-services #workflow #family #protocols
  64. aws-sdk-amp

    AWS SDK for Amazon Prometheus Service

    v1.39.0 1.3K #aws-sdk #prometheus #monitoring #group #service #amazon #workspace
  65. aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2

    AWS SDK for Elastic Load Balancing

    v1.42.0 4.8K #load-balancer #health-check #aws-sdk
  66. aws-sdk-textract

    AWS SDK for Amazon Textract

    v1.39.0 3.1K #aws-sdk #document #amazon #operation #textract #information #aws
  67. aws-sdk-apigatewaymanagement

    AWS SDK for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi

    v1.39.0 9.6K #api-gateway #aws-sdk #run-time #management #amazon-api-gateway-management-api #api-client #service
  68. aws-sdk-rdsdata

    AWS SDK for AWS RDSDataService

    v1.39.0 2.9K #aws-sdk #sql #rds #statement #api #aurora #database
  69. aws-sdk-globalaccelerator

    AWS SDK for AWS Global Accelerator

    v1.41.0 1.0K #ip-address #address-range #amazon-web-services #web-services #accelerator #aws-sdk #global
  70. aws-sdk-apigatewayv2

    AWS SDK for AmazonApiGatewayV2

    v1.39.0 1.5K #api-gateway #aws #aws-sdk #operation
  71. aws-sdk-location

    AWS SDK for Amazon Location Service

    v1.42.0 7.0K #aws #aws-sdk #routes #location #amazon #operation #place
  72. aws-sdk-redshiftdata

    AWS SDK for Redshift Data API Service

    v1.39.0 5.9K #sql-query #aws-sdk #statement #api-service #amazon #redshift #table
  73. aws-sdk-xray

    AWS SDK for AWS X-Ray

    v1.39.0 700 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #service #x-ray #operation #trace
  74. aws-sdk-kinesisvideosignaling

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels

    v1.39.0 7.5K #aws-sdk #communication-channel #video #signaling #web-rtc #kinesis #aws
  75. aws-sdk-codestarconnections

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeStar connections

    v1.41.0 500 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #connection #web-services #repository #resources #operation
  76. aws-sdk-acm

    AWS SDK for AWS Certificate Manager

    v1.40.0 1.1K #aws-sdk #certificate #tls-certificate #acm #web-services #manager #client
  77. aws-smithy-async


    v1.2.1 1.6M #aws-sdk #run-time #async #async-trait #aws-smithy #abstraction #tokio
  78. aws-sdk-elasticsearch

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elasticsearch Service

    v1.42.0 1.4K #aws-sdk #elasticsearch #domain #http-request #amazon #service #configuration
  79. aws-sdk-pinpointsmsvoicev2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Pinpoint SMS Voice V2

    v1.40.0 6.3K #phone-number #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #numbers
  80. aws-sdk-codeartifact

    AWS SDK for CodeArtifact

    v1.41.0 600 #package-version #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk
  81. aws-sdk-ram

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Access Manager

    v1.39.0 1.2K #amazon-web-services #web-services #resources #aws-sdk #share #ram #amazon-iam
  82. aws-sdk-ivs

    AWS SDK for Amazon Interactive Video Service

    v1.43.0 410 #amazon-web-services #key-pair #aws-sdk #web-services #channel #stream #video-streaming
  83. aws-sdk-snowball

    AWS SDK for Amazon Import/Export Snowball

    v1.39.0 1.5K #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #web-services #devices #jobs #snowball #operation
  84. aws-sdk-pi

    AWS SDK for AWS Performance Insights

    v1.39.0 750 #insight #aws-sdk #performance #metrics #web-services #dimension #performance-monitoring
  85. aws-sdk-pricing

    AWS SDK for AWS Price List Service

    v1.40.0 550 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #price #service #list #pricing
  86. aws-sdk-autoscalingplans

    AWS SDK for AWS Auto Scaling Plans

    v1.39.0 1.3K #aws-sdk #scaling #auto #capacity #resources #plans #service
  87. aws-sdk-networkfirewall

    AWS SDK for AWS Network Firewall

    v1.40.0 490 #firewall #aws-sdk #ip-address #networking #web-services #rule #group
  88. aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2

    AWS SDK for AWS CloudHSM V2

    v1.40.0 2.1K #aws-sdk #cloud-hsm #service #client #operation #information #guide
  89. aws-sdk-opsworkscm

    AWS SDK for AWS OpsWorks CM

    v1.39.0 470 #aws-sdk #configuration-management #backup #operation #chef #server #attributes
  90. aws-sdk-iotdataplane

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Data Plane

    v1.39.0 2.2K #aws-iot #aws-sdk #iot-devices #shadow #web-services #communication #cloud
  91. aws-sdk-glacier

    AWS SDK for Amazon Glacier

    v1.39.0 700 #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #vault #archive #operation #glacier #job
  92. aws-sdk-datasync

    AWS SDK for AWS DataSync

    v1.42.0 2.1K #data-transfer #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #data-sync #operation #information
  93. aws-sdk-detective

    AWS SDK for Amazon Detective

    v1.39.0 260 #aws-sdk #account #graph #web-services #behavior #aws-security #detective
  94. aws-sdk-comprehend

    AWS SDK for Amazon Comprehend

    v1.39.0 1.6K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #document #comprehend #input
  95. aws-sdk-wafv2


    v1.43.0 370 #amazon-web-services #web-services #ip-address #web-apps #aws-sdk #load-balancer #api-gateway
  96. aws-sdk-codestar

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeStar

    v1.39.0 700 #user-profile #aws-sdk #create-user #operation #resources #projects #team
  97. aws-sdk-datapipeline

    AWS SDK for AWS Data Pipeline

    v1.39.0 470 #data-pipeline #task-runner #aws-sdk #data-processing #data-management #web-services
  98. aws-sdk-resourcegroups

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Groups

    v1.40.0 650 #aws-sdk #group #resources #web-services #tags #operation #service
  99. aws-smithy-types-convert


    v0.60.8 97K #aws-smithy #aws-sdk #conversion #aws-smithy-types #date-time #converting #defined
  100. aws-sdk-support

    AWS SDK for AWS Support

    v1.40.0 500 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk
  101. aws-sdk-codecommit

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeCommit

    v1.40.0 700 #pull-request #aws-sdk #git-repository
  102. aws-sdk-opsworks

    AWS OpsWorks 的 AWS SDK

    v1.39.0 430 #aws-sdk #stack #default-value #web-services #parameters #opsworks #com
  103. aws-sdk-scheduler

    Amazon EventBridge Scheduler 的 AWS SDK

    v1.39.0 12K #aws-sdk #scheduler #schedule #amazon #task #event-bridge #operation
  104. aws-sdk-cloudtrail

    AWS CloudTrail 的 AWS SDK

    v1.42.0 800 #amazon-s3 #amazon-web-services #web-services #api-calls #aws-sdk #cloud-trail #request
  105. aws-sdk-codedeploy

    AWS CodeDeploy 的 AWS SDK

    v1.41.0 550 #aws-sdk #deployment #instance #amazon-s3 #applications #aws #load-balancer
  106. aws-sdk-organizations

    AWS Organizations 的 AWS SDK

    v1.43.0 850 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #organization #account #operation
  107. aws-sdk-sagemaker

    Amazon SageMaker 服务 AWS SDK

    v1.66.0 1.6K #aws #aws-sdk #amazon #sage-maker #resources #service
  108. aws-sdk-budgets

    AWS Budgets 的 AWS SDK

    v1.39.0 380 #budget #aws-sdk #web-services #action #management #threshold
  109. aws-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository

    AWSServerlessApplicationRepository 的 AWS SDK

    v1.39.0 390 #aws-sdk #applications #aws-lambda #serverless #deployment #repository #name
  110. aws-sdk-storagegateway

    AWS Storage Gateway 的 AWS SDK

    v1.42.0 950 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #gateway #operation #resources #volume
  111. aws-sdk-quicksight

    Amazon QuickSight 的 AWS SDK

    v1.48.0 1.2K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk
  112. aws-sdk-applicationdiscovery

    AWS Application Discovery Service 的 AWS SDK

    v1.40.0 410 #service-discovery #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #applications #agent #information
  113. aws-sdk-health

    AWS SDK for AWS Health APIs and Notifications

    v1.39.0 390 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #events #health #api-access #operation
  114. aws-sdk-iot

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT

    v1.42.0 2.8K #aws-iot #iot-devices #aws-sdk #web-services #version #name #request
  115. aws-sdk-emr

    AWS SDK for Amazon EMR

    v1.42.0 600 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #emr #operation #data-processing #service
  116. aws-sdk-cognitosync

    AWS SDK for Amazon Cognito Sync

    v1.39.0 1.0K #aws-sdk #cognito #sync #identity #user-identity #credentials #user-id
  117. aws-sdk-codestarnotifications

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeStar Notifications

    v1.39.0 550 #aws-sdk #notifications #rule #notification-service #web-services #events #operation
  118. aws-sdk-controltower

    AWS SDK for AWS Control Tower

    v1.42.0 700 #amazon-web-services #web-services #control #control-api #aws-sdk #tower #operation
  119. aws-sdk-workdocs

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkDocs

    v1.39.0 360 #aws-sdk #web-services #user #metadata #service #applications #work-docs
  120. aws-sdk-route53resolver

    AWS SDK for Amazon Route 53 Resolver

    v1.43.0 550 #dns-queries #ip-address #dns-resolver #domain-name #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services
  121. aws-sdk-signer

    AWS SDK for AWS Signer

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-lambda #signature #aws-iot #iot-devices #aws-sdk #amazon-s3 #signer
  122. aws-sdk-pinpoint

    AWS SDK for Amazon Pinpoint

    v1.40.0 2.1K #aws-sdk #amazon #operation #pinpoint
  123. aws-sdk-cloud9

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud9

    v1.40.0 260 #environment #aws-sdk #cloud9 #operation #cloud #member #tags
  124. aws-sdk-appintegrations

    AWS SDK for Amazon AppIntegrations Service

    v1.40.0 550 #aws-sdk #applications #amazon #service #connect #external #connection
  125. aws-sdk-appsync

    AWS SDK for AWS AppSync

    v1.44.0 650 #graphql #data-source #aws-sdk
  126. aws-sdk-workspaces

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces

    v1.44.0 850 #aws-sdk #web-services #user #client #service #work-spaces #applications
  127. aws-sdk-mediapackage

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage

    v1.39.0 1.5K #aws-sdk #operation #media-package #client #service #aws #elemental
  128. aws-sdk-appconfigdata

    AWS SDK for AWS AppConfig Data

    v1.39.0 1.4K #aws-sdk #configuration #data #session #call #client #applications
  129. aws-sdk-computeoptimizer

    AWS SDK for AWS Compute Optimizer

    v1.40.0 500 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #recommendations #optimization #web-services #instance #metrics
  130. aws-smithy-runtime


    v1.6.3 1.2M #aws-sdk #aws-smithy #run-time #client #generated #generation #cases
  131. aws-sdk-apprunner

    AWS SDK for AWS App Runner

    v1.40.0 750 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #runner #service #operation #web-apps
  132. aws-sdk-memorydb

    AWS SDK for Amazon MemoryDB

    v1.39.0 650 #aws-sdk #memory-db #operation #microservices #redis #data-access #low-latency
  133. aws-sdk-iotanalytics

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Analytics

    v1.39.0 360 #data-store #aws-iot #aws-sdk #analytics #message #devices #data-analysis
  134. aws-sdk-directconnect

    AWS SDK for AWS Direct Connect

    v1.40.0 320 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #service-provider #connection #virtual #connect
  135. aws-sdk-appflow

    AWS SDK for Amazon Appflow

    v1.39.0 470 #amazon-s3 #amazon-web-services #data-transfer #aws-sdk #connector #oauth #web-services
  136. aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk

    AWS SDK for AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    v1.40.0 600 #aws-sdk #applications #amazon-s3 #environment #elastic #beanstalk #deployment
  137. aws-sdk-codegurureviewer

    AWS SDK for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

    v1.39.0 650 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #review #reviewer #api #analysis
  138. aws-sdk-redshift

    AWS SDK for Amazon Redshift

    v1.40.0 360 #aws #aws-sdk #cluster #amazon #parameters #redshift
  139. aws-sdk-mwaa

    AWS SDK for AmazonMWAA

    v1.42.0 400 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #environment #mwaa #apache #airflow
  140. aws-sdk-medialive

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaLive

    v1.47.0 1.9K #aws-sdk #input #output #service #information #media-live #client
  141. aws-sdk-route53recoverycluster

    AWS SDK for Route53 Recovery Cluster

    v1.39.0 460 #aws-sdk #control-api #routes #routing #web-services #recovery #cluster
  142. aws-sdk-auditmanager

    AWS SDK for AWS Audit Manager

    v1.40.0 340 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #control #audit #manager #operation
  143. aws-sdk-qldb

    AWS SDK for Amazon QLDB

    v1.39.0 1.1K #aws-sdk #operation #qldb #service #client #information #github
  144. aws-sdk-docdb

    AWS SDK for Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility

    v1.42.0 1.1K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #operation #document-db #mongo-db #service #database-client
  145. aws-sdk-synthetics

    AWS SDK for Synthetics

    v1.39.0 650 #aws-sdk #cloud-watch #web-services #amazon #run #canaries #synthetics
  146. aws-sdk-databrew

    AWS SDK for AWS Glue DataBrew

    v1.39.0 450 #aws-sdk #operation #data-brew #glue #output #transformation #data-transformation
  147. aws-sdk-proton

    AWS SDK for AWS Proton

    v1.39.0 650 #service #amazon-web-services #client-token #proton #template #aws-sdk #operation
  148. aws-sdk-identitystore

    AWS SDK for AWS SSO Identity Store

    v1.39.0 1.0K #user-group #identity #aws-sdk #store #operation #client #center
  149. aws-sdk-greengrassv2

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Greengrass V2

    v1.40.0 1.1K #aws-iot #aws-sdk #iot-devices #component #greengrass #deployment #web-services
  150. aws-sdk-frauddetector

    AWS SDK for Amazon Fraud Detector

    v1.39.0 390 #aws-sdk #detector #fraud #amazon #request #api #request-http
  151. aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing

    AWS SDK for Elastic Load Balancing

    v1.40.0 550 #load-balancer #aws-sdk #instance
  152. aws-sdk-ecrpublic

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-sdk #registry #repository #amazon #public #ecr #container-image
  153. aws-sdk-amplify

    AWS SDK for AWS Amplify

    v1.42.0 700 #aws-sdk #amplify #operation #web-apps #applications #deployment #hosting
  154. aws-sdk-groundstation

    AWS SDK for AWS Ground Station

    v1.40.0 440 #aws-sdk #ground #operation #satellite #station #communication #client
  155. aws-sdk-marketplacemetering

    AWS SDK for AWSMarketplace Metering

    v1.39.0 550 #aws-sdk #marketplaces #metering #dimension #customer #data #submit
  156. aws-sdk-costexplorer

    AWS Cost Explorer 服务 SDK

    v1.41.0 550 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk
  157. aws-sdk-amplifybackend

    AmplifyBackend SDK for AWS

    v1.39.0 490 #aws-sdk #operation #api-client #amplify #service #admin #amplify-backend
  158. aws-sdk-sms

    AWS 服务器迁移服务 SDK for AWS

    v1.39.0 500 #aws-sdk #web-services #applications #migration #server #service #workload
  159. aws-sdk-applicationinsights

    Amazon CloudWatch 应用洞察 AWS SDK

    v1.39.0 420 #aws-sdk #applications #insight #problem #cloud-watch #amazon #log
  160. aws-sdk-mediatailor

    AWS 媒体编排 SDK for AWS MediaTailor

    v1.41.0 500 #aws-sdk #configuration #channel #ad #operation #media-tailor #ads
  161. aws-sdk-servicecatalogappregistry

    AWS 服务目录应用注册 AWS SDK

    v1.39.0 430 #aws #aws-sdk #applications #resources #service #catalog #operation
  162. aws-sdk-swf

    Amazon Simple Workflow 服务 AWS SDK

    v1.41.0 490 #workflow #aws-sdk #task #swf #amazon #service #control
  163. aws-sdk-kinesisanalyticsv2

    Amazon Kinesis 分析 AWS SDK

    v1.42.0 650 #data-analytics #aws-sdk #amazon #service #operation #flink #apache
  164. aws-sdk-fms

    防火墙管理服务 AWS SDK

    v1.42.0 800 #firewall #aws-sdk #manager #resources #service #action #information
  165. aws-sdk-kinesisvideoarchivedmedia

    Amazon Kinesis 视频流存档媒体 AWS SDK

    v1.40.0 800 #video-stream #aws-sdk #media #amazon #kinesis #archived #aws
  166. aws-sdk-cloudsearch

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudSearch

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-sdk #domain #operation #configuration #amazon #service #cloud-search
  167. aws-sdk-connectparticipant

    AWS SDK for Amazon Connect Participant Service

    v1.40.0 550 #aws-sdk #participant #connect #service #amazon #api-service #contact
  168. aws-sdk-cloudcontrol

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud Control API

    v1.39.0 750 #control-api #web-services #aws-sdk #operation #cloud #user #client
  169. aws-sdk-marketplacecatalog

    AWS SDK for AWS Marketplace Catalog Service

    v1.43.0 500 #aws-sdk #marketplaces #offers #product #catalog #entity #operation
  170. aws-sdk-emrcontainers

    AWS SDK for Amazon EMR Containers

    v1.43.0 470 #aws-sdk #big-data #amazon #emr #run #eks #endpoint
  171. aws-sdk-savingsplans

    AWS SDK for AWS Savings Plans

    v1.40.0 500 #aws-sdk #web-services #plans #saving #operation #client #instance
  172. aws-sdk-iotsitewise

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT SiteWise

    v1.40.0 1.2K #aws-iot #aws-sdk #operation #site-wise #iot-devices #web-services #user
  173. aws-sdk-fis

    AWS SDK for AWS Fault Injection Simulator

    v1.40.0 700 #experiment #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #operation #web-services #injection #fault
  174. aws-sdk-cloudwatchevents

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Events

    v1.39.0 550 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #events #send-event #event-stream
  175. aws-sdk-devopsguru

    AWS SDK for Amazon DevOps Guru

    v1.39.0 600 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk
  176. aws-sdk-timestreamwrite

    AWS SDK for Amazon Timestream Write

    v1.39.0 1.8K #aws-sdk #timestream #operation #amazon #time-series-database #write #store
  177. aws-sdk-codeguruprofiler

    AWS SDK for Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

    v1.39.0 310 #aws-sdk #profiling #profiler #amazon #machine-learning #operation #performance
  178. aws-sdk-ivschat

    AWS SDK for Amazon Interactive Video Service Chat

    v1.40.0 550 #aws-sdk #chat #amazon #ivs #resources #api #room
  179. aws-sdk-appmesh

    AWS SDK for AWS App Mesh

    v1.39.0 650 #service-mesh #aws #aws-sdk #web-services
  180. aws-sdk-waf


    v1.40.0 430 #waf #aws #aws-sdk #amazon
  181. aws-sdk-outposts

    AWS SDK for AWS Outposts

    v1.41.0 500 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #outposts #service #resources
  182. aws-sdk-customerprofiles

    AWS SDK for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles

    v1.41.0 430 #aws-sdk #profile #customer #amazon #connect #information #third-party
  183. aws-sdk-inspector2

    AWS SDK for Inspector2

    v1.44.0 5.8K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #aws-security #inspector
  184. aws-sdk-inspector

    AWS SDK for Amazon Inspector

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-sdk #operation #inspector #amazon #resources #security #issue
  185. aws-sdk-dlm

    AWS SDK for Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager

    v1.39.0 460 #aws-sdk #snapshot #lifecycle #manager #data #policies #web-services
  186. aws-sdk-snowdevicemanagement

    AWS SDK for AWS Snow Device Management

    v1.39.0 500 #aws-sdk #devices #web-services #snow #management #operation #information
  187. aws-sdk-machinelearning

    AWS SDK for Amazon Machine Learning

    v1.39.0 650 #machine-learning #aws-sdk #amazon #operation #client
  188. aws-sdk-forecast

    AWS SDK for Amazon Forecast Service

    v1.39.0 650 #aws-sdk #forecast #operation #amazon #resources #service
  189. aws-sdk-mq

    AWS SDK for AmazonMQ

    v1.40.0 300 #message-broker #aws-sdk #amazon #mq #rabbitmq #operation #client
  190. aws-sdk-appstream

    AWS SDK for Amazon AppStream

    v1.41.0 550 #aws-sdk #user #applications #streaming #aws #amazon #app-stream
  191. aws-sdk-kafka

    AWS SDK for Managed Streaming for Kafka

    v1.42.0 650 #aws-sdk #cluster #operation #amazon #kafka #client #msk
  192. aws-sdk-servicequotas

    AWS SDK for Service Quotas

    v1.39.0 400 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #quota #service #operation
  193. aws-sdk-kafkaconnect

    AWS SDK for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect

    v1.40.0 550 #aws-sdk #kafka #connect #operation #managed #streaming #client
  194. aws-sdk-route53domains

    AWS SDK for Amazon Route 53 Domains

    v1.41.0 490 #domain-name #aws-sdk #routes #amazon
  195. aws-sdk-route53recoverycontrolconfig

    AWS SDK for AWS Route53 Recovery Control Config

    v1.39.0 360 #aws-sdk #control #recovery #amazon #operation #routes #route53
  196. aws-sdk-lookoutmetrics

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Metrics

    v1.39.0 480 #aws-sdk #metrics #operation #amazon #client #service #information
  197. aws-sdk-lookoutvision

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Vision

    v1.39.0 350 #aws-sdk #computer-vision #operation #amazon #aws #industrial #lookout
  198. aws-sdk-servicediscovery

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud Map

    v1.39.0 700 #health-check #aws-sdk #dns-records #instance #service-discovery #dns-queries #namespaces
  199. aws-sdk-ssmincidents

    AWS SDK for AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-sdk #incident #manager #response #systems #plan #applications
  200. aws-sdk-mediapackagevod

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD

    v1.39.0 500 #aws-sdk #vod #operation #media-package #service #elemental #client
  201. aws-sdk-dynamodbstreams

    AWS SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Streams

    v1.39.0 2.4K #aws-sdk #stream #dynamo-db #amazon #records #operation #table
  202. aws-sdk-healthlake

    AWS SDK for Amazon HealthLake

    v1.40.0 470 #aws-sdk #operation #store #client #health-lake #cloud #customer
  203. aws-sdk-lexruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Runtime Service

    v1.39.0 270 #lex #aws-sdk #user-input #amazon #intent #bot #run-time
  204. aws-sdk-ssoadmin

    AWS SDK for AWS Single Sign-On Admin

    v1.39.0 450 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #aws-access #amazon-iam #operation #applications
  205. aws-sdk-dataexchange

    AWS SDK for AWS Data Exchange

    v1.39.0 300 #data-set #amazon-s3 #data-exchange #aws-sdk #data-access
  206. aws-sdk-directory

    AWS SDK for AWS Directory Service

    v1.40.0 320 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #directory #active-directory #operation #service
  207. aws-sdk-elastictranscoder

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Transcoder

    v1.40.0 450 #transcoder #elastic #aws-sdk #output #amazon #input #client
  208. aws-sdk-sagemakera2iruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Augmented AI Runtime

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-sdk #human #machine-learning #amazon #ai #review #workflow
  209. aws-sdk-comprehendmedical

    AWS SDK for AWS Comprehend Medical

    v1.39.0 750 #aws-sdk #medical #operation #amazon #comprehend #input #entities
  210. aws-sdk-fsx

    AWS SDK for Amazon FSx

    v1.43.0 500 #aws #aws-sdk #amazon
  211. aws-sdk-personalize

    AWS SDK for Amazon Personalize

    v1.40.0 360 #aws-sdk #amazon #machine-learning #operation #personalize #recommendations #information
  212. aws-sdk-chime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime

    v1.39.0 410 #latest-version #api-calls #aws-sdk #amazon
  213. aws-sdk-iotevents

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Events

    v1.40.0 430 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #iot-devices #events #model #detector #input
  214. aws-sdk-connect

    AWS SDK for Amazon Connect Service

    v1.58.0 850 #aws-sdk #connect #contact #web-services #numbers #resources
  215. aws-sdk-dax

    AWS SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

    v1.39.0 800 #aws-sdk #cluster #dynamo-db #dax #operation #accelerator #cache
  216. aws-sdk-workmail

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkMail

    v1.39.0 600 #user-group #aws-sdk #operation #email #email-client #organization #access
  217. aws-sdk-cloudhsm

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudHSM

    v1.39.0 370 #aws-sdk #cloud-hsm #amazon #classic #client #cloudhsm #documentation
  218. aws-sdk-ssmcontacts

    AWS SDK for AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts

    v1.39.0 440 #contact #aws-sdk #manager #incident #systems #plan #service
  219. aws-sdk-iot1clickprojects

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service

    v1.39.0 380 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #aws #projects #operation #service
  220. aws-sdk-guardduty

    AWS SDK for Amazon GuardDuty

    v1.44.0 300 #amazon-web-services #data-source #api-calls #aws-sdk #web-services #amazon-s3 #malware
  221. aws-sdk-lakeformation

    AWS SDK for AWS Lake Formation

    v1.42.0 450 #aws-sdk #lake #operation #formation #service #information #client
  222. aws-sdk-kinesisanalytics

    Amazon Kinesis 分析 AWS SDK

    v1.39.0 380 #aws-sdk #amazon #analytics #kinesis #api #information #reference
  223. aws-sdk-macie2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Macie 2

    v1.41.0 700 #aws #aws-sdk #amazon #macie #information
  224. aws-sdk-iotdeviceadvisor

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Core Device Advisor

    v1.39.0 400 #iot-devices #aws-iot #aws-sdk #advisor #web-services #testing #operation
  225. aws-sdk-schemas

    AWS SDK for Schemas

    v1.39.0 450 #aws-sdk #schema #operation #registry #client #event-bridge
  226. aws-sdk-opensearch

    AWS SDK for Amazon OpenSearch Service

    v1.48.0 430 #aws-sdk #opensearch #domain #service-configuration #amazon #information #web-services
  227. 尝试使用DuckDuckGo进行搜索。

  228. aws-sdk-iotthingsgraph

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Things Graph

    v1.39.0 500 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #graph #services #devices #measure #units
  229. aws-sdk-migrationhub

    AWS SDK for AWS Migration Hub

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-sdk #migration #applications #operation #hub #region #tool
  230. aws-sdk-neptune

    AWS SDK for Amazon Neptune

    v1.40.0 410 #database-engine #parameters #graph-database #neptune #aws-sdk #amazon #instance
  231. aws-sdk-worklink

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkLink

    v1.39.0 460 #aws-sdk #operation #website #mobile-devices #access #internal #amazon
  232. aws-sdk-costandusagereport

    AWS SDK for AWS Cost and Usage Report Service

    v1.40.0 340 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #report #operation #definition #account
  233. aws-sdk-licensemanager

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager

    v1.39.0 390 #aws-sdk #operation #manager #licenses #account #client #information
  234. aws-sdk-securitylake

    AWS SDK for Amazon Security Lake

    v1.41.0 950 #amazon-web-services #aws-security #aws-sdk #web-services #lake #amazon-s3 #operation
  235. aws-sdk-mediaconnect

    AWS SDK for AWS MediaConnect

    v1.41.0 430 #aws-sdk #operation #output #service #media-connect #client #elemental
  236. aws-sdk-wafregional

    AWS SDK for AWS WAF Regional

    v1.40.0 550 #aws-sdk #waf #operation
  237. aws-sdk-grafana

    AWS SDK for Amazon Managed Grafana

    v1.41.0 450 #aws-sdk #data-source #grafana #workspace #visualizations #amazon #managed
  238. aws-sdk-iotsecuretunneling

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling

    v1.39.0 310 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #iot-devices #secure #tunneling #operation #connection
  239. aws-sdk-voiceid

    AWS SDK for Amazon Voice ID

    v1.39.0 800 #aws-sdk #voice #id #operation #amazon #real-time #fraud
  240. aws-sdk-mediastore

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaStore

    v1.39.0 850 #aws-sdk #operation #client #media-store #object #service #elemental
  241. aws-sdk-lexmodelbuilding

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Model Building Service

    v1.39.0 310 #aws-sdk #lex #bot #amazon #operation #aws #information
  242. aws-sdk-chimesdkidentity

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Identity

    v1.39.0 550 #aws-sdk #identity #messaging #operation #amazon #chime #instance
  243. aws-sdk-mturk

    AWS SDK for Amazon Mechanical Turk

    v1.39.0 410 #operation #aws-sdk #mechanical #amazon #turk #client #call
  244. aws-sdk-iotjobsdataplane

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane

    v1.39.0 600 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #iot-devices #jobs #execution #update #operations
  245. aws-sdk-ioteventsdata

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Events Data

    v1.39.0 260 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #events #detector #data #api-client #operation
  246. aws-sdk-wisdom

    AWS SDK for Amazon Connect Wisdom Service

    v1.40.0 500 #knowledge-base #aws-sdk #operation
  247. aws-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice

    AWS SDK for Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service

    v1.38.0 330 #aws-sdk #sms #voice #aws #amazon #pinpoint #messaging
  248. aws-sdk-lookoutequipment

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Equipment

    v1.41.0 600 #machine-learning #aws-sdk #data #operation #amazon #equipment #aws