22个版本 (破坏性更新)

0.17.0 2024年8月2日
0.16.0 2024年7月26日
0.15.0 2024年7月16日
0.8.1 2024年3月18日

#294 in 解析实现

Download history 5/week @ 2024-04-29 3/week @ 2024-05-13 122/week @ 2024-05-20 286/week @ 2024-05-27 33/week @ 2024-06-03 20/week @ 2024-06-10 395/week @ 2024-06-17 9/week @ 2024-06-24 4/week @ 2024-07-01 256/week @ 2024-07-08 125/week @ 2024-07-15 146/week @ 2024-07-22 151/week @ 2024-07-29 10/week @ 2024-08-05 16/week @ 2024-08-12


Unlicense OR MITGPL-2.0+

17K SLoC








使用xan view在终端中显示CSV文件


使用xan flatten显示CSV记录的扁平视图


使用xan hist绘制值的直方图


使用 xan plot 绘制散点图


使用 xan plot 绘制时间序列


使用 xan progress 显示进度条




xan 可以使用 cargo 安装(它通常与 Rust 一起提供)

cargo install xan


通过探索法国媒体的语料库,让我们了解最常用的 xan 命令


curl -LO https://github.com/medialab/corpora/raw/master/polarisation/medias.csv


xan headers medias.csv
0   webentity_id
1   name
2   prefixes
3   home_page
4   start_pages
5   indegree
6   hyphe_creation_timestamp
7   hyphe_last_modification_timestamp
8   outreach
9   foundation_year
10  batch
11  edito
12  parody
13  origin
14  digital_native
15  mediacloud_ids
16  wheel_category
17  wheel_subcategory
18  has_paywall
19  inactive


xan count medias.csv


xan view medias.csv
Displaying 5/20 cols from 10 first rows of medias.csv
│ - │ name          │ prefixes      │ home_page  │ … │ has_paywall │ inactive │
│ 0 │ Acrimed.org   │ http://acrim… │ http://ww… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │1 │ 24matins.fr   │ http://24mat… │ https://w… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │2 │ Actumag.info  │ http://actum… │ https://a… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │3 │ 2012un-Nouve… │ http://2012u… │ http://ww… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │4 │ 24heuresactu… │ http://24heu… │ http://24… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │5 │ AgoraVox      │ http://agora… │ http://ww… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │6 │ Al-Kanz.org   │ http://al-ka… │ https://w… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │7 │ Alalumieredu… │ http://alalu… │ http://al… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │8 │ Allodocteurs… │ http://allod… │ https://w… │ … │ false       │ <empty>  │9 │ Alterinfo.net │ http://alter… │ http://ww… │ … │ <empty>     │ true     │
│ … │ …             │ …             │ …          │ … │ …           │ …        │

在 Unix 上,不要犹豫使用 -p 标志自动将完整输出转发到适当的分页器,并浏览所有列。


# NOTE: drop -c to avoid truncating the values
xan slice -l 1 medias.csv | xan flatten -c
Row n°0
webentity_id                      1
name                              Acrimed.org
prefixes                          http://acrimed.org|http://acrimed69.blogspot…
home_page                         http://www.acrimed.org
start_pages                       http://acrimed.org|http://acrimed69.blogspot…
indegree                          61
hyphe_creation_timestamp          1560347020330
hyphe_last_modification_timestamp 1560526005389
outreach                          nationale
foundation_year                   2002
batch                             1
edito                             media
parody                            false
origin                            france
digital_native                    true
mediacloud_ids                    258269
wheel_category                    Opinion Journalism
wheel_subcategory                 Left Wing
has_paywall                       false
inactive                          <empty>


xan search -s outreach internationale medias.csv | xan view
Displaying 4/20 cols from 10 first rows of <stdin>
│ - │ webentity_id │ name               │ … │ has_paywall │ inactive │
│ 025           │ Businessinsider.fr │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 159           │ Europe-Israel.org  │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 266           │ France 24          │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 3220RFI                │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 4231          │ fr.Sott.net        │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 5246          │ Voltairenet.org    │ … │ true<empty>  │
│ 6254          │ Afp.com /fr        │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 7265          │ Euronews FR        │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 8333          │ Arte.tv            │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ 9341          │ I24News.tv         │ … │ false<empty>  │
│ … │ …            │ …                  │ … │ …           │ …        │


xan select foundation_year,name medias.csv | xan view
Displaying 2 cols from 10 first rows of <stdin>
│ - │ foundation_year │ name                                  │
│ 02002            │ Acrimed.org                           │
│ 12006            │ 24matins.fr                           │
│ 22013            │ Actumag.info                          │
│ 32012            │ 2012un-Nouveau-Paradigme.com          │
│ 42010            │ 24heuresactu.com                      │
│ 52005            │ AgoraVox                              │
│ 62008            │ Al-Kanz.org                           │
│ 72012            │ Alalumieredunouveaumonde.blogspot.com │
│ 82005            │ Allodocteurs.fr                       │
│ 92005            │ Alterinfo.net                         │
│ … │ …               │ …                                     │


xan sort -s foundation_year medias.csv | xan select name,foundation_year | xan view -l 10
Displaying 2 cols from 10 first rows of <stdin>
│ - │ name                               │ foundation_year │
│ 0 │ Le Monde Numérique (Ouest France)<empty>         │
│ 1 │ Le Figaro                          │ 1826            │
│ 2 │ Le journal de Saône-et-Loire       │ 1826            │
│ 3 │ L'Indépendant1846            │
│ 4 │ Le Progrès                         │ 1859            │
│ 5 │ La Dépêche du Midi                 │ 1870            │
│ 6 │ Le Pélerin                         │ 1873            │
│ 7 │ Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace (DNA)1877            │
│ 8 │ La Croix                           │ 1883            │
│ 9 │ Le Chasseur Francais               │ 1885            │
│ … │ …                                  │ …               │


# Some medias of our corpus have the same ids on mediacloud.org
xan dedup -s mediacloud_ids medias.csv | xan count && xan count medias.csv


xan sort -s mediacloud_ids -u medias.csv


xan frequency -s edito medias.csv | xan view
Displaying 3 cols from 5 rows of <stdin>
│ - │ field │ value      │ count │
│ 0 │ edito │ media      │ 423   │
│ 1 │ edito │ individu   │ 30    │
│ 2 │ edito │ plateforme │ 14    │
│ 3 │ edito │ agrégateur │ 10    │
│ 4 │ edito │ agence     │ 1     │


xan frequency -s edito medias.csv | xan hist
Histogram for edito (bars: 5, sum: 478, max: 423):

media      |423  88.49%|━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━|
individu   | 30   6.28%|━━━╸                                                  |
plateforme | 14   2.93%|━╸                                                    |
agrégateur | 10   2.09%|━╸                                                    |
agence     |  1   0.21%||


xan stats -s indegree,edito medias.csv | xan transpose | xan view -I
Displaying 2 cols from 14 rows of <stdin>
│ field       │ indegree          │ edito      │
│ count       │ 463478        │
│ count_empty │ 150          │
│ type        │ int               │ string     │
│ types       │ int|empty         │ string     │
│ sum         │ 25987<empty>    │
│ mean        │ 56.12742980561554<empty>    │
│ variance    │ 4234.530197929737<empty>    │
│ stddev      │ 65.07326792108829<empty>    │
│ min         │ 0<empty>    │
│ max         │ 424<empty>    │
│ lex_first   │ 0                 │ agence     │
│ lex_last    │ 99                │ plateforme │
│ min_length  │ 05          │
│ max_length  │ 311         │


xan filter 'batch > 1' medias.csv | xan count

要访问表达式语言的 速查表,运行 xan filter --cheatsheet。要显示所有可用的 函数 的完整列表,运行 xan filter --functions


xan map 'fmt("{} ({})", name, foundation_year)' key medias.csv | xan select key | xan slice -l 10
Acrimed.org (2002)
24matins.fr (2006)
Actumag.info (2013)
2012un-Nouveau-Paradigme.com (2012)
24heuresactu.com (2010)
AgoraVox (2005)
Al-Kanz.org (2008)
Alalumieredunouveaumonde.blogspot.com (2012)
Allodocteurs.fr (2005)
Alterinfo.net (2005)

要访问表达式语言的 速查表,运行 xan map --cheatsheet。要显示所有可用的 函数 的完整列表,运行 xan map --functions


xan transform name 'split(name, ".") | first | upper' medias.csv | xan select name | xan slice -l 10

要访问表达式语言的 速查表,运行 xan transform --cheatsheet。要显示所有可用的 函数 的完整列表,运行 xan transform --functions


xan agg 'sum(indegree) as total_indegree, mean(indegree) as mean_indegree' medias.csv | xan view -I
Displaying 1 col from 1 rows of <stdin>
│ total_indegree │ mean_indegree     │
│ 2598756.12742980561554 │

要访问表达式语言的 速查表,运行 xan agg --cheatsheet。要显示所有可用的 函数 的完整列表,运行 xan agg --functions。最后,要显示所有可用的 聚合函数 的列表,运行 xan agg --aggs


xan groupby edito 'sum(indegree) as indegree' medias.csv | xan view -I
Displaying 1 col from 5 rows of <stdin>
│ edito      │ indegree │
│ agence     │ 50       │
│ agrégateur │ 459      │
│ plateforme │ 658      │
│ media      │ 24161    │
│ individu   │ 659      │

要访问表达式语言的速查表,运行xan groupby --cheatsheet。要显示可用的函数的完整列表,运行xan groupby --functions。最后,要显示可用的聚合函数列表,运行xan groupby --aggs


所有命令尚未在此README中完全文档化,但所有必要的信息都可以直接从命令行找到。只需运行xan command -h以获取帮助。

  • agg - 从CSV文件聚合数据
  • behead - 从CSV文件中删除标题
  • bins - 将数值列分配到箱中
  • cat - 按行或列连接
  • count - 计数记录
  • datefmt - 将可识别的日期列格式化为指定的格式和时区
  • dedup - 删除CSV文件中的重复项
  • enum - 通过在前面添加索引列来枚举CSV文件
  • explode - 根据某些列分隔符展开行
  • filter - 基于评估的表达式仅保留一些CSV行
  • fixlengths - 使所有记录具有相同的长度
  • flatmap - 对于每个CSV行评估的表达式产生的每个值,输出一行
  • flatten - 每行显示一个字段
  • fmt - 格式化CSV输出(更改字段分隔符)
  • foreach - 遍历CSV文件以执行副作用
  • frequency - 显示频率表
  • from - 将各种格式转换为CSV
  • glob - 创建匹配glob模式的路径的CSV文件
  • groupby - 按CSV文件的组聚合数据
  • headers - 显示标题名称
  • hist - 使用CSV文件的行作为条形的直方图
  • implode - 基于一个分叉列合并连续相同的行
  • index - 为更快地访问创建CSV索引
  • input - 使用特殊引号规则读取CSV数据
  • join - 连接CSV文件
  • map - 通过对每个CSV行评估表达式创建新列
  • merge - 合并多个已排序的CSV文件
  • partition - 根据列值对CSV数据进行分区
  • plot - 绘制散点图或折线图
  • progress - 读取CSV数据时显示进度条
  • range - 从数值范围创建CSV文件
  • rename - 重命名CSV文件的列
  • reverse - 反转CSV数据的行
  • sample - 随机抽样CSV数据
  • search - 使用正则表达式搜索CSV数据
  • select - 从CSV中选择列
  • shuffle - 打乱CSV数据
  • slice - 从CSV中切片记录
  • sort - 对CSV数据进行排序
  • split - 将CSV数据分割成多个文件
  • stats - 计算基本统计量
  • tokenize - 分词文本列
  • transform - 通过对每个CSV行评估表达式转换列
  • transpose - 转置CSV文件
  • union-find - 在CSV边列表上应用并查集算法
  • view - 以人类友好的方式预览CSV文件
  • vocab - 在分词文档上构建词汇表



如果您感到困惑,每个命令都有一个 -h/--help 标志,可以打印相关文档。


所有 xan 命令都期望一个“标准”的CSV文件,例如逗号分隔,并且有适当的双引号转义。但话说回来,xan 也完全能够从常见的文件扩展名,如 .tsv.tab,推断出分隔符。

如果您需要处理具有自定义分隔符的文件,您可以使用 xan input 命令,或者使用所有命令中都有的 -d/--delimiter 标志。

如果您需要输出自定义的CSV方言(例如使用 ; 分隔符),请随时使用 xan fmt 命令。

最后,即使大多数 xan 命令甚至不需要解码文件的字节,但有些可能仍然需要。在这种情况下,xan 将期望正确格式的UTF-8文本。如果您需要处理其他编码(如 latin1)并在 xan 之前进行处理,请使用 iconv 或其他实用工具。


尽管给列命名是良好的实践,但某些CSV文件根本不包含标题。大多数命令如果给出 -n/--no-headers 标志,就能够处理这些文件。

请注意,此标志始终与输入相关,而不是输出。如果您出于某种原因想删除CSV输出的标题行,请使用 xan behead 命令。


默认情况下,所有命令都会在未指定文件路径时尝试从stdin读取。这使得管道变得容易且舒适,因为它遵守典型的Unix标准。某些命令可能有多个输入(例如 xan join),在这种情况下,stdin通常可以使用 - 字符指定。

# First file given to join will be read from stdin
cat file1.csv | xan join col1 - col2 file2.csv




此外,所有命令都公开了一个 -o/--output 标志,可以用来指定输出位置。这可能很有用,如果您不想使用 >(通常在某些Windows外壳中)。在这种情况下,- 作为输出路径意味着转发到stdout。这在编写脚本时可能很有用。


xan 能够直接读取gzip文件(具有 .gz 扩展名)。



您可以在终端中执行 xan map --cheatsheet 来找到此帮助信息。

xan script language cheatsheet (use --functions for comprehensive list of
available functions & operators):

  . Indexing a column by name:

  . Indexing column with forbidden characters (e.g. spaces, commas etc.):
        'col("Name of film")'

  . Indexing column by index (0-based):

  . Indexing a column by name and 0-based nth (for duplicate headers):
        'col("col", 1)'

  . Applying functions:
        'trim(concat(name, " ", surname))'

  . Using operators (unary & binary):
        'nb1 + nb2'
        '(nb1 > 1) || nb2'

  . Integer literals:

  . Float literals:

  . Boolean literals:

  . Null literals:

  . String literals (can use single or double quotes):

  . Regex literals:
        '/john/i' (case-insensitive)

  . Nesting function calls:
        'add(sub(col1, col2), mul(col3, col4))'

函数 & 操作符

您可以在终端中执行 xan map --functions 来找到此帮助信息。

# Available functions & operators

(use --cheatsheet for a reminder of the expression language's basics)

## Operators

### Unary operators

    !x - boolean negation
    -x - numerical negation,

### Numerical comparison

Warning: those operators will always consider operands as numbers and will
try to cast them around as such. For string/sequence comparison, use the
operators in the next section.

    x == y - numerical equality
    x != y - numerical inequality
    x <  y - numerical less than
    x <= y - numerical less than or equal
    x >  y - numerical greater than
    x >= y - numerical greater than or equal

### String/sequence comparison

Warning: those operators will always consider operands as strings or
sequences and will try to cast them around as such. For numerical comparison,
use the operators in the previous section.

    x eq y - string equality
    x ne y - string inequality
    x lt y - string less than
    x le y - string less than or equal
    x gt y - string greater than
    x ge y - string greater than or equal

### Arithmetic operators

    x + y  - numerical addition
    x - y  - numerical subtraction
    x * y  - numerical multiplication
    x / y  - numerical division
    x % y  - numerical remainder

    x // y - numerical integer division
    x ** y - numerical exponentiation

## String operators

    x . y - string concatenation

## Logical operators

    x &&  y - logical and
    x and y
    x ||  y - logical or
    x or  y

    x in y
    x not in y

## Pipeline operator (using "_" for left-hand size substitution)

    'trim(name) | len(_)'         - Same as len(trim(name))
    'trim(name) | len'            - Supports elision for unary functions
    'trim(name) | add(1, len(_))' - Can be nested
    'add(trim(name) | len, 2)'    - Can be used anywhere

## Arithmetics

    - abs(x) -> number
        Return absolute value of number.

    - add(x, y, *n) -> number
        Add two or more numbers.

    - argmax(numbers, labels?) -> any
        Return the index or label of the largest number in the list.

    - argmin(numbers, labels?) -> any
        Return the index or label of the smallest number in the list.

    - ceil(x) -> number
        Return the smallest integer greater than or equal to x.

    - div(x, y, *n) -> number
        Divide two or more numbers.

    - floor(x) -> number
        Return the smallest integer lower than or equal to x.

    - idiv(x, y) -> number
        Integer division of two numbers.

    - log(x) -> number
        Return the natural logarithm of x.

    - max(x, y, *n) -> number
    - max(list_of_numbers) -> number
        Return the maximum number.

    - min(x, y, *n) -> number
    - min(list_of_numbers) -> number
        Return the minimum number.

    - mod(x, y) -> number
        Return the remainder of x divided by y.

    - mul(x, y, *n) -> number
        Multiply two or more numbers.

    - neg(x) -> number
        Return -x.

    - pow(x, y) -> number
        Raise x to the power of y.

    - round(x) -> number
        Return x rounded to the nearest integer.

    - sqrt(x) -> number
        Return the square root of x.

    - sub(x, y, *n) -> number
        Subtract two or more numbers.

    - trunc(x) -> number
        Truncate the number by removing its decimal part.

## Boolean operations & branching

    - and(a, b, *x) -> T
        Perform boolean AND operation on two or more values.

    - if(cond, then, else?) -> T
        Evaluate condition and switch to correct branch.

    - unless(cond, then, else?) -> T
        Shorthand for `if(not(cond), then, else?)`.

    - not(a) -> bool
        Perform boolean NOT operation.

    - or(a, b, *x) -> T
        Perform boolean OR operation on two or more values.

## Comparison

    - eq(s1, s2) -> bool
        Test string or sequence equality.

    - ne(s1, s2) -> bool
        Test string or sequence inequality.

    - gt(s1, s2) -> bool
        Test that string or sequence s1 > s2.

    - ge(s1, s2) -> bool
        Test that string or sequence s1 >= s2.

    - lt(s1, s2) -> bool
        Test that string or sequence s1 < s2.

    - ge(s1, s2) -> bool
        Test that string or sequence s1 <= s2.

## String & sequence helpers

    - compact(list) -> list
        Drop all falsey values from given list.

    - concat(string, *strings) -> string
        Concatenate given strings into a single one.

    - contains(seq, subseq) -> bool
        Find if subseq can be found in seq. Subseq can
        be a regular expression.

    - count(seq, pattern) -> int
        Count number of times pattern appear in seq. Pattern
        can be a regular expression.

    - endswith(string, pattern) -> bool
        Test if string ends with pattern.

    - escape_regex(string) -> string
        Escape a string so it can be used safely in a regular expression.

    - first(seq) -> T
        Get first element of sequence.

    - fmt(string, *replacements):
        Format a string by replacing "{}" occurrences by subsequent

        Example: `fmt("Hello {} {}", name, surname)` will replace
        the first "{}" by the value of the name column, then the
        second one by the value of the surname column.

    - get(target, index_or_key, default?) -> T
        Get nth element of sequence (can use negative indexing), or key of mapping.
        Returns nothing if index or key is not found or alternatively the provided
        default value.

    - join(seq, sep) -> string
        Join sequence by separator.

    - last(seq) -> T
        Get last element of sequence.

    - len(seq) -> int
        Get length of sequence.

    - ltrim(string, pattern?) -> string
        Trim string of leading whitespace or
        provided characters.

    - lower(string) -> string
        Lowercase string.

    - replace(string, pattern, replacement) -> string
        Replace pattern in string. Can use a regex.

    - rtrim(string, pattern?) -> string
        Trim string of trailing whitespace or
        provided characters.

    - slice(seq, start, end?) -> seq
        Return slice of sequence.

    - split(string, sep, max?) -> list
        Split a string by separator.

    - startswith(string, pattern) -> bool
        Test if string starts with pattern.

    - trim(string, pattern?) -> string
        Trim string of leading & trailing whitespace or
        provided characters.

    - unidecode(string) -> string
        Convert string to ascii as well as possible.

    - upper(string) -> string
        Uppercase string.

## Utils

    - coalesce(*args) -> T
        Return first truthy value.

    - col(name_or_pos, nth?) -> string
        Return value of cell for given column, by name, by position or by
        name & nth, in case of duplicate header names.

    - cols(from_name_or_pos?, to_name_or_pos?) -> list
        Return list of cell values from the given colum by name or position
        to another given column by name or position, inclusive.
        Can also be called with a single argument to take a slice from the
        given column to the end, or no argument at all to take all columns.

    - err(msg) -> error
        Make the expression return a custom error.

    - headers(from_name_or_pos?, to_name_or_pos?) -> list
        Return list of header names from the given colum by name or position
        to another given column by name or position, inclusive.
        Can also be called with a single argument to take a slice from the
        given column to the end, or no argument at all to return all headers.

    - index() -> integer?
        Return the row's index, if applicable.

    - json_parse(string) -> T
        Parse the given string as JSON.

    - typeof(value) -> string
        Return type of value.

    - val(value) -> T
        Return a value as-is. Useful to return constants.

## IO & path wrangling

    - abspath(string) -> string
        Return absolute & canonicalized path.

    - bytesize(integer) -> string
        Return a number of bytes in human-readable format (KB, MB, GB, etc.).

    - ext(path) -> string?
        Return the path's extension, if any.

    - filesize(string) -> int
        Return the size of given file in bytes.

    - isfile(string) -> bool
        Return whether the given path is an existing file on disk.

    - pathjoin(string, *strings) -> string
        Join multiple paths correctly.

    - read(path, encoding?, errors?) -> string
        Read file at path. Default encoding is "utf-8".
        Default error handling policy is "replace", and can be
        one of "replace", "ignore" or "strict".

    - write(string, path) -> string
        Write string to path as utf-8 text. Will create necessary
        directories recursively before actually writing the file.
        Return the path that was written.

## Random

    - md5(string) -> string
        Return the md5 hash of string in hexadecimal representation.

    - uuid() -> string
        Return a uuid v4.


您可以在终端中执行 xan agg --aggs 来找到此帮助信息。

# Available aggregation functions

(use --cheatsheet for a reminder of how the scripting language works)

Note that most functions ignore null values (empty strings), but that functions
operating on numbers will yield an error if encountering a string that cannot
be safely parsed as a number.

You can always use `coalesce` to nudge values around and force aggregation functions to
consider null values or make them avoid non-numerical values altogether.

Example: considering null values when computing a mean => 'mean(coalesce(number, 0))'

    - all(<expr>) -> bool
        Returns true if all elements returned by given expression are truthy.

    - any(<expr>) -> bool
        Returns true if one of the elements returned by given expression is truthy.

    - argmin(<expr>, <expr>?) -> any
        Return the index of the row where the first expression is minimized, or
        the result of the second expression where the first expression is minimized.

    - argmax(<expr>, <expr>?) -> any
        Return the index of the row where the first expression is maximized, or
        the result of the second expression where the first expression is maximized.

    - avg(<expr>) -> number
        Average of numerical values. Same as `mean`.

    - cardinality(<expr>) -> number
        Number of distinct values returned by given expression.

    - count(<expr>?) -> number
        Count the number of row. Works like in SQL in that `count(<expr>)`
        will count all non-empy values returned by given expression, while
        `count()` without any expression will count every matching row.

    - count_empty(<expr>) -> number
        Count the number of empty values returned by given expression.

    - distinct_values(<expr>, separator?) -> string
        List of sorted distinct values joined by a pipe character ('|') by default or by
        the provided separator.

    - first(<expr>) -> string
        Return first seen non empty element of the values returned by the given expression.

    - last(<expr>) -> string
        Return last seen non empty element of the values returned by the given expression.

    - lex_first(<expr>) -> string
        Return first string in lexicographical order.

    - lex_last(<expr>) -> string
        Return last string in lexicographical order.

    - min(<expr>) -> number | string
        Minimum numerical value.

    - max(<expr>) -> number | string
        Maximum numerical value.

    - mean(<expr>) -> number
        Mean of numerical values. Same as `avg`.

    - median(<expr>) -> number
        Median of numerical values, interpolating on even counts.

    - median_high(<expr>) -> number
        Median of numerical values, returning higher value on even counts.

    - median_low(<expr>) -> number
        Median of numerical values, returning lower value on even counts.

    - mode(<expr>) -> string
        Value appearing the most, breaking ties arbitrarily in favor of the
        first value in lexicographical order.

    - quantile(<expr>, p) -> number
        Return the desired quantile of numerical values.

    - q1(<expr>) -> number
        Return the first quartile of numerical values.

    - q2(<expr>) -> number
        Return the second quartile of numerical values. Alias for median.

    - q3(<expr>) -> number
        Return the third quartile of numerical values.

    - stddev(<expr>) -> number
        Population standard deviation. Same as `stddev_pop`.

    - stddev_pop(<expr>) -> number
        Population standard deviation. Same as `stddev`.

    - stddev_sample(<expr>) -> number
        Sample standard deviation (i.e. using Bessel's correction).

    - sum(<expr>) -> number
        Sum of numerical values.

    - type(<expr>) -> string
        Best type description for seen values.

    - types(<expr>) -> string
        Sorted list, pipe-separated, of all the types seen in the values.

    - values(<expr>, separator?) -> string
        List of values joined by a pipe character ('|') by default or by
        the provided separator.

    - var(<expr>) -> number
        Population variance. Same as `var_pop`.

    - var_pop(<expr>) -> number
        Population variance. Same as `var`.

    - var_sample(<expr>) -> number
        Sample variance (i.e. using Bessel's correction).




xan progress files.csv | \
xan filter -p 'pathjoin("downloaded", path) | read | !contains(_, /yomguithereal/i)' > not-logged.csv


假设您想使用我们另一个名为minet的工具从Hacker News下载最新的50页。

您可以将xan range传递给xan select -e,然后传递给minet fetch

xan range -s 1 50 -i | \
xan select -e '"https://news.ycombinator.com/?p=".n as url' | \
minet fetch url -i -



xan select path files.csv | \
xan behead | \
xan fmt --quote-never | \
xargs -I {} rm {};



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