5 个版本
0.1.5 | 2024年8月4日 |
0.1.4 | 2024年7月16日 |
0.1.3 | 2024年2月16日 |
0.1.1 | 2023年11月18日 |
0.1.0 | 2023年10月2日 |
#58 in GUI
每月 292 次下载
2.5K SLoC
为 wlroots Wayland 的高性能屏幕录制器。
使用 dma-buf 传输获取表面,并使用 GPU 进行像素格式转换和编码,这意味着原始视频数据永远不会触及 CPU,使其能够运行您的应用程序。
支持以下不稳定协议的 wayland 合成器
编码支持,请咨询您的发行版了解如何设置。已知良好配置- Intel 集成显卡
- Radeon 显卡
- 4Kp60 显示器
- i9-11900H CPU/GPU
命令 | CPU 使用率 | GPU 3D Δ | GPU 视频 Δ |
wf-recorder |
~500% | +44% | 0% |
wf-recorder-c h264_vaapi-d/dev/dri/card0 |
~75% | +88% | +23% |
wl-screenrec |
~2.5% | +91% | +30% |
此外,在使用 wf-recorder
的任何配置中,在 vkcube
窗口中都会有明显的卡顿。 wl-screenrec
然而,这代价是稍微使用了更多的 GPU。这些数字似乎很稳定,我假设它们在统计上是有意义的,但仍然不是巨大的变化。
从 AUR 安装
paru -S wl-screenrec
# OR
paru -S wl-screenrec-git
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/wl-screenrec-git.git
cd wl-screenrec-git
makepkg -si
使用 cargo 从源代码安装
安装 ffmpeg 6 或更高版本,这是必需的依赖项。ffmpeg 5 可能可以工作,但尚未测试(如果您使用 ffmpeg 5 进行测试,请提出问题或 PR,以便我可以更新这些文档,以了解是否可以正常工作)
cargo install wl-screenrec # stable version
# OR
cargo install --git https://github.com/russelltg/wl-screenrec # git version
目前存在一个 上游问题 阻止在 FreeBSD 上成功构建,但您可以通过修补 rust-ffmpeg
git clone https://github.com/russelltg/wl-screenrec
cd wl-screenrec
echo '[patch.crates-io]
ffmpeg-next = { git = "https://github.com/russelltg/rust-ffmpeg", branch = "fix_freebsd_build" }' >> Cargo.toml
cargo install --path .
wl-screenrec # valid when you only have one output
wl-screenrec -o DP-1 # specify outuput
wl-screenrec -g "$(slurp)" # use slurp
wl-screenrec -g "0,0 128x128" # manual region
vainfo -
wl-screenrec --codec hevc --encode-pixfmt vuyx # 8-bit 444
wl-screenrec --codec hevc --encode-pixfmt xrgb10 # 10-bit 444
wl-screenrec --audio # default capture device
wl-screenrec --audio --audio-device alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.hdmi-stereo.monitor # capture desktop audio (example, use `pactl list short sources` to figure out what you should put here)
wl-screenrec --history 10 & # record the most recent 10 seconds into memory, not writing into the file
# ... some important event occurs
killall -USR1 wl-screenrec # flush the most recent 10 seconds onto the file, and start appending to the file like recording normally
sudo modprobe v4l2loopback
v4l2-ctl --list-devices # find "Dummy video device" device. /dev/video6 in my case.
wl-screenrec --ffmpeg-muxer v4l2 -f /dev/video6
$ wl-screenrec --help
High performance screen/audio recorder for wlroots
Usage: wl-screenrec [OPTIONS]
don't use the GPU encoder, download the frames onto the CPU and use a software encoder. Ignored if `encoder` is supplied
-f, --filename <FILENAME>
filename to write to. container type is detected from extension [default: screenrecord.mp4]
-g, --geometry <GEOMETRY>
geometry to capture, format x,y WxH. Compatible with the output of `slurp`. Mutually exclusive with --output
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Which output (display) to record. Mutually exclusive with --geometry. Defaults to your only display if you only have one [default: ]
-v, --verbose...
add very loud logging. can be specified multiple times
--dri-device <DRI_DEVICE>
which dri device to use for vaapi. by default, this is obtained from the drm-lease-v1 protocol, if present. if not present, /dev/dri/renderD128 is guessed
--low-power <LOW_POWER>
[default: auto] [possible values: auto, on, off]
--codec <CODEC>
which video codec to use. Ignored if `--ffmpeg-encoder` is supplied [default: auto] [possible values: auto, avc, hevc, vp8, vp9, av1]
--ffmpeg-muxer <FFMPEG_MUXER>
Which ffmpeg muxer to use. Guessed from output filename by default
--ffmpeg-muxer-options <FFMPEG_MUXER_OPTIONS>
Options to pass to the muxer. Format looks like key=val,key2=val2
--ffmpeg-encoder <FFMPEG_ENCODER>
Use this to force a particular ffmpeg encoder. Generally, this is not necessary and the combo of --codec and --hw can get you to where you need to be
--audio-codec <AUDIO_CODEC>
Which audio codec to use. Ignored if `--ffmpeg-audio-encoder` is supplied [default: auto] [possible values: auto, aac, mp3, flac, opus]
--ffmpeg-audio-encoder <FFMPEG_AUDIO_ENCODER>
Use this to force a particular audio ffmpeg encoder. By default, this is guessed from the muxer (which is guess by the file extension if --ffmpeg-muxer isn't passed)
--encode-pixfmt <ENCODE_PIXFMT>
which pixel format to encode with. not all codecs will support all pixel formats. This should be a ffmpeg pixel format string, like nv12 or x2rgb10. If the encoder supports vaapi memory, it will use this pixel format type but in vaapi memory
--encode-resolution <ENCODE_RESOLUTION>
what resolution to encode at. example: 1920x1080. Default is the resolution of the captured region. If your goal is reducing filesize, it's suggested to try --bitrate/-b first
-b, --bitrate <BITRATE>
bitrate to encode at. Unit is bytes per second, so 5 MB is 40 Mbps [default: "5 MB"]
--history <HISTORY>
run in a mode where the screen is recorded, but nothing is written to the output file until SIGUSR1 is sent to the process. Then, it writes the most recent N seconds to a file and continues recording
record audio with the stream. Defaults to the default audio capture device
--audio-device <AUDIO_DEVICE>
which audio device to record from. list devices with `pactl list short sources` [default: default]
--audio-backend <AUDIO_BACKEND>
which ffmpeg audio capture backend (see https://ffmpeg.cpp.org.cn/ffmpeg-devices.html`) to use. you almost certainally want to specify --audio-device if you use this, as the values depend on the backend used [default: pulse]
copy every frame, not just unique frames. This can be helpful to get a non-variable framerate video, but is generally discouraged as it uses much more resources. Useful for testing
--gop-size <GOP_SIZE>
GOP (group of pictures) size
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
- 无法捕获跨越多个显示器的区域。这可能可行,但相当困难,尤其是在刷新率可能存在差异的情况下。可能永远不会得到支持。
~260K SLoC