9 个版本 (5 个稳定)
1.3.0 | 2023年11月2日 |
1.2.0 | 2023年1月26日 |
1.1.1 | 2022年12月13日 |
0.2.3 | 2022年1月5日 |
0.2.1 | 2021年8月4日 |
#150 在 GUI
每月下载 220 次
351 行
为与 Sway 合成器一起使用而开发
- 一次性移动工作区的数字范围
- 当移动的工作区获得焦点时,它将始终在指定的输出上打开
- 默认情况下,焦点会返回到在调用SwayWs之前获得焦点的 workspace
- 在移动一个或多个 workspace 之后,默认情况下,之前可见的 workspace 又会变得可见
SwayWs allows easy moving of workspaces to and from outputs
Usage: swayws <COMMAND>
focus Focus a workspace
list Lists infos about sway
move Moves a workspace to a specified output
range Moves a range of workspaces to a specified output
swap Swaps two workspaces with each other
swayws m[ove]
Moves a workspace to a specified output
Usage: swayws move [OPTIONS] <WORKSPACE> <OUTPUT>
<WORKSPACE> Workspace to move
<OUTPUT> Name of the output
-a, --away Moves workspace to output that does not match the specified output name
--not <NOT> Excludes outputs to move workspace to, must be used with --away
-f, --focus Focuses specified workspace after moving it
swayws r[ange]
Moves a range of workspaces to a specified output
Usage: swayws range [OPTIONS] <START> <END> <OUTPUT>
<START> First workspace in range
<END> Last workspace in range
<OUTPUT> Name of the output
-a, --away Moves workspace to output that does not match the specified output name
--not <NOT> Excludes outputs to move workspace to, must be used with --away
-n, --numeric Assumes <start> and <end> are numbers and binds all workspaces in between them to the specified output
swayws s[wap]
Swaps two workspaces with each other
Usage: swayws swap <WORKSPACE> <WORKSPACE>
swayws move 1 eDP-1
swayws range 11 20 DP-3
swayws range 11 20 eDP-1 --away
swayws range 11 20 eDP-1 --away --not DP-3 --not DP-5
swayws list
swayws focus 1
swayws swap 4 17
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