#游戏引擎 #控制 #简易 #锻造 #失落 #事件 #管理


Forged in Lost Lands 是一个使用 Rust 编写的简单游戏引擎,专注于数据控制和易用性。


0.3.21 2024年4月12日
0.3.5 2024年7月26日
0.3.2 2024年4月12日
0.2.2 2024年4月12日
0.1.0 2024年4月11日

#649 in 游戏开发

Download history 10/week @ 2024-05-19 4/week @ 2024-05-26 1/week @ 2024-06-02 65/week @ 2024-07-21 41/week @ 2024-07-28

每月 106 次下载
2 crates 中使用

MIT 许可证

821 代码行

Forged in Lost Lands

替代文本 Forged in Lost Lands 是一个使用 Rust 编写的简单游戏引擎,专注于数据控制和易用性。它提供了一个简单的API来管理游戏对象、特性、事件和协程。

特性 数据控制:使用 Rust 的强类型和数据所有权模型轻松管理游戏数据。


简单使用:设计用于简单使用和集成到您的 Rust 游戏项目中。



安装 要在 Rust 项目中使用 Forged in Lost Lands,只需将以下行添加到您的 Cargo.toml 文件中

forged-in-lost-lands = "0.3.3"

示例用法 rust

// Important imports
use prime_derived::{hierarchy_ethereal_flow, DestinyRiftArcaneScript, EtherealFlowArcaneScript};
use prime_forge::{
    arcane_weft::ArcaneWeft, forged_trait::ForgedTrait, lost_realm::LostRealm, soul_thread::{EssenceAspect, SoulThread, TemporalPause}

// Use of proc_macro for some internals and attribute macro for some hierarchical features. 
struct Player {
    name: String,
    health: i32,

// Give behavior to your forged object
impl ForgedTrait for Player {
    fn start(&mut self, lost_realm: &mut LostRealm) {
        lost_realm.forge_new_object("Player", (Player::default(), Health::default())).unwrap();

    fn update(&mut self, _lost_realm: &mut LostRealm, _dt: f32) {
        println!("Player Update");

pub struct Health {
    pub health: i32,

impl ForgedTrait for Health {

// Define some custom events to your game or application
#[derive(DestinyRiftArcaneScript, EtherealFlowArcaneScript)]
pub struct Collision(bool);

// Define plugins for a better organization
pub struct ArcaneWeftCreation;
impl ArcaneWeft for ArcaneWeftCreation{
    fn craft(self, lost_realm: &mut LostRealm) {
        lost_realm.forge_new_object("Player", (Player::default(), Health::default())).unwrap();
        println!("Arcane Weft Creation")

fn main() {
    use nalgebra_glm as glm;
    let lost_realm = LostRealm::new();
    let health = Health {
        health: 100,
    let player = Player {
        name: "Player".to_string(),
        health: 100,

    let f2 = lost_realm.forge_new_object("Forged1", (health,)).unwrap();
    let health = Health {
        health: 100,
    let f = lost_realm
        .forge_new_object("Forged", (player, health))
    f.transform.borrow_mut().position += glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    f2.transform.borrow_mut().position += glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);


    let h = f.get_trait::<Health>().unwrap();
    let father = lost_realm.get_mut_parent_forged_object(h).unwrap();
    println!("Father: {:?}", father.name);

    let p = lost_realm.get_mut_trait_by_type::<Player>().unwrap();
    println!("Player: {:?}", p.name);
    let father = lost_realm.get_mut_parent_forged_object(p).unwrap();
    println!("Father: {:?}", father.name);

    let all_forged_object_by_health_traits = lost_realm.get_mut_all_forged_objects_by_trait::<Health>();
    for fo in all_forged_object_by_health_traits {
        println!("Forged Object: {:?}", fo.name);
        fo.name += "!";

    let all_health_traits = lost_realm.get_mut_all_trait_by_type::<Health>();
    for health in all_health_traits {
        println!("Health: {:?}", health.health);
        health.health += 100;

    let all_forged_object_by_health_traits = lost_realm.get_all_forged_objects_by_trait::<Health>();
    for fo in all_forged_object_by_health_traits {
        println!("Forged Object: {:?}", fo.name);

    let all_health_traits = lost_realm.get_all_trait_by_type::<Health>();
    for health in all_health_traits {
        println!("Health: {:?}", health.health);


    let rs = lost_realm.consume_destiny_rift_event::<Collision>();
    if let Some(rs) = rs {
        println!("Collision: {:?}", rs.0);
    let mut counter = 10;

    // Invoke coroutines
    lost_realm.add_soul_thread(SoulThread::new("Soul", move || {
        println!("Soul thread");
        counter -= 1;
        if counter == 0 {
            println!("Soul thread finished");
            return EssenceAspect::Finished;
        return EssenceAspect::Yielded(TemporalPause {
            amount_in_seconds: 1.0,


    // Get time related measures
    // need to pass current time to EonForge in update method
    let dt = lost_realm.get_delta_time();
    let time_since_start = lost_realm.get_time_elapsed();
    println!("Delta Time: {:?}", dt);
    println!("Time Since Start: {:?}", time_since_start);


许可证 Forged in Lost Lands 在 MIT 许可证下授权。有关详细信息,请参阅 LICENSE。


~86K SLoC