58 个版本 (9 个稳定版本)
新 1.1.4 | 2024 年 8 月 13 日 |
1.1.3 | 2024 年 6 月 14 日 |
1.1.2 | 2024 年 5 月 8 日 |
1.1.1 | 2024 年 3 月 18 日 |
0.2.0 | 2016 年 10 月 9 日 |
在 密码学 中排名第 133
每月 102 次下载
30K SLoC
本项目提供命令行界面,用于验证运行中的提供者与协议文件。它是一个单独的可执行二进制文件。实现了所有至 V4 的 Pact 规范。
Pact 验证器通过从多个协议文件中获取所有交互(请求和响应)来工作。对于每个交互,它将对协议中定义的运行服务提供者发起请求,并将收到的响应与协议文件中定义的响应进行比较。所有不匹配都会被报告。
Pact 验证器被打包为单个二进制可执行文件 pact_verifier_cli
$ pact_verifier_cli,ignore
Standalone pact verifier for provider pact verification
Usage: pact_verifier_cli [OPTIONS]
--help Print help and exit
-v, --version Print version information and exit
Logging options:
-l, --loglevel <loglevel> Log level to emit log events at (defaults to warn) [possible values: error, warn, info, debug, trace, none]
--pretty-log Emits excessively pretty, multi-line logs, optimized for human readability.
--full-log This emits human-readable, single-line logs for each event that occurs, with the current span context displayed before the formatted representation of the event.
--compact-log Emit logs optimized for short line lengths.
-j, --json <json-file> Generate a JSON report of the verification [env: PACT_VERIFIER_JSON_REPORT=]
-x, --junit <junit-file> Generate a JUnit XML report of the verification (requires the junit feature) [env: PACT_VERIFIER_JUNIT_REPORT=]
--no-colour Disables ANSI escape codes in the output [aliases: no-color]
Loading pacts options:
-f, --file <file>
Pact file to verify (can be repeated)
-d, --dir <dir>
Directory of pact files to verify (can be repeated)
-u, --url <url>
URL of pact file to verify (can be repeated)
-b, --broker-url <broker-url>
URL of the pact broker to fetch pacts from to verify (requires the provider name parameter) [env: PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL=]
--webhook-callback-url <webhook-callback-url>
URL of a Pact to verify via a webhook callback. Requires the broker-url to be set. [env: PACT_WEBHOOK_CALLBACK_URL=]
Do not fail if no pacts are found to verify
Authentication options:
--user <user> Username to use when fetching pacts from URLS [env: PACT_BROKER_USERNAME=]
--password <password> Password to use when fetching pacts from URLS [env: PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD=]
-t, --token <token> Bearer token to use when fetching pacts from URLS [env: PACT_BROKER_TOKEN=]
Provider options:
-h, --hostname <hostname>
Provider hostname (defaults to localhost) [env: PACT_PROVIDER_HOSTNAME=]
-p, --port <port>
Provider port (defaults to protocol default 80/443) [env: PACT_PROVIDER_PORT=]
--transport <transport>
Provider protocol transport to use (http, https, grpc, etc.) [env: PACT_PROVIDER_TRANSPORT=] [default: http]
--transports <transports>
Allows multiple protocol transports to be configured (http, https, grpc, etc.) with their associated port numbers separated by a colon. For example, use --transports http:8080 grpc:5555 to configure both.
-n, --provider-name <provider-name>
Provider name (defaults to provider) [env: PACT_PROVIDER_NAME=]
--base-path <base-path>
Base path to add to all requests [env: PACT_PROVIDER_BASE_PATH=]
--request-timeout <request-timeout>
Sets the HTTP request timeout in milliseconds for requests to the target API and for state change requests. [env: PACT_PROVIDER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT=]
-H, --header <custom-header>
Add a custom header to be included in the calls to the provider. Values must be in the form KEY=VALUE, where KEY and VALUE contain ASCII characters (32-127) only. Can be repeated.
Disables validation of SSL certificates
Provider state options:
-s, --state-change-url <state-change-url>
URL to post state change requests to [env: PACT_PROVIDER_STATE_CHANGE_URL=]
State change request data will be sent as query parameters instead of in the request body [env: PACT_PROVIDER_STATE_CHANGE_AS_QUERY=]
State change teardown requests are to be made after each interaction [env: PACT_PROVIDER_STATE_CHANGE_TEARDOWN=]
Filtering interactions:
--filter-description <filter-description>
Only validate interactions whose descriptions match this filter (regex format) [env: PACT_DESCRIPTION=]
--filter-state <filter-state>
Only validate interactions whose provider states match this filter (regex format) [env: PACT_PROVIDER_STATE=]
Only validate interactions that have no defined provider state [env: PACT_PROVIDER_NO_STATE=]
-c, --filter-consumer <filter-consumer>
Consumer name to filter the pacts to be verified (can be repeated)
Publishing options:
Enables publishing of verification results back to the Pact Broker. Requires the broker-url and provider-version parameters.
--provider-version <provider-version>
Provider version that is being verified. This is required when publishing results.
--build-url <build-url>
URL of the build to associate with the published verification results.
--provider-tags <provider-tags>
Provider tags to use when publishing results. Accepts comma-separated values.
--provider-branch <provider-branch>
Provider branch to use when publishing results
Pact Broker options:
--consumer-version-tags <consumer-version-tags>
Consumer tags to use when fetching pacts from the Broker. Accepts comma-separated values.
--consumer-version-selectors <consumer-version-selectors>
Consumer version selectors to use when fetching pacts from the Broker. Accepts a JSON string as per https://docs.pact.io/pact_broker/advanced_topics/consumer_version_selectors/. Can be repeated.
Enables Pending Pacts
--include-wip-pacts-since <include-wip-pacts-since>
Allow pacts that don't match given consumer selectors (or tags) to be verified, without causing the overall task to fail. For more information, see https://pact.io/wip
您可以使用 -l, --loglevel <loglevel>
选项来控制日志级别。默认为 warn,您可以指定的选项有:error、warn、info、debug、trace、none。
选项 | 类型 | 描述 |
-f, --file<file> |
文件 | 从指定的文件加载协议 |
-u, --url<url> |
URL | 从 URL 资源加载协议 |
-d, --dir<dir> |
目录 | 从指定的目录加载所有协议 |
-b, --broker-url<broker-url> |
Pact 代理 | 从契约代理中加载提供者的所有契约。需要 -n, --provider-name <provider-name> 选项 |
通过 webhook 回调验证契约
契约代理允许通过提供验证契约的 URL 的回调来验证契约。要仅验证 webhook 调用中的契约,请使用 --webhook-callback-url
并将其设置为与 --broker-url
选项一起提供的 URL。
选项 | 描述 |
-h, --hostname<hostname> |
提供者主机名,默认为 localhost |
-p, --port<port> |
提供者端口(默认为协议默认 80/443) |
-n, --provider-name<provider-name> |
提供者的名称。如果您从契约代理加载契约,则必须提供 |
--base-path <base-path> |
如果提供者挂载在子路径上,您可以使用此选项将基本路径设置为添加到所有请求中 |
--transport<transport> |
要使用的协议传输。默认为 HTTP。 |
-c, --filter-consumer<filter-consumer>
此选项将根据提供者状态过滤要验证的交互。您可以使用正则表达式进行匹配。不能与 --filter-no-state
此选项将过滤未定义提供者状态的交互。不能与 --filter-state
提供者状态 是一种定义提供者需要处于何种状态才能验证特定请求的机制。这是通过设置一个将接收在实际请求之前发送的 POST 请求的状态更改 URL 来实现的。
注意:对于通过 HTTP 获取的消息,提供者状态也通过获取消息的请求传递,因此不需要状态更改 URL。
例如,如果正在验证的契约文件具有提供者状态 "数据库中存在用户",并且提供者状态 URL 设置为
POST /provider-state HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
content-type: application/json
"state": "a user exists in the database",
"params": {},
"action": "setup"
如果为提供者状态配置了任何参数,它们将通过 "params" 属性传递。
提供者状态回调可以返回一个值映射(JSON 对象),然后可以由提供者状态生成器等使用。返回的值映射将回退到提供者状态参数。
-s, --state-change-url<state-change-url>
这将设置在每次实际请求之前发出的 POST 请求的绝对 URL。如果未设置此值,则不会发出状态更改请求。
默认情况下,状态更改请求的状态将作为请求体中的 JSON 文档发送。此选项强制将其作为查询参数发送。
此选项会导致验证器在发出主要请求后也发出拆解请求。它将在主体或查询参数中接收到一个名为 action
的字段,其值为 teardown
接受一组以 JSON 编码的 消费者版本选择器。
--consumer-version-selectors '{"branch": "master"}'
这将验证在 pact broker(在本地主机上运行)中找到的所有 happy_provider
的 pacts,与在本地主机 5050 端口上运行的提供者进行验证。只有 Consumer
和 Consumer2
的 pacts 将被验证。
$ pact_verifier_cli -b -n 'happy_provider' -p 5050 --filter-consumer Consumer --filter-consumer Consumer2
21:59:28 [WARN] pact_matching::models: No metadata found in pact file "", assuming V1.1 specification
21:59:28 [WARN] pact_matching::models: No metadata found in pact file "", assuming V1.1 specification
Verifying a pact between Consumer and happy_provider
Given I am friends with Fred
WARNING: State Change ignored as there is no state change URL
Given I have no friends
WARNING: State Change ignored as there is no state change URL
a request to unfriend but no friends
returns a response which
has status code 200 (OK)
includes headers
has a matching body (OK)
a request friends
returns a response which
has status code 200 (FAILED)
includes headers
"Content-Type" with value "application/json" (FAILED)
has a matching body (FAILED)
a request to unfriend
returns a response which
has status code 200 (OK)
includes headers
"Content-Type" with value "application/json" (OK)
has a matching body (FAILED)
Verifying a pact between Consumer2 and happy_provider
Given I am friends with Fred
WARNING: State Change ignored as there is no state change URL
Given I have no friends
WARNING: State Change ignored as there is no state change URL
a request to unfriend but no friends
returns a response which
has status code 200 (OK)
includes headers
has a matching body (OK)
a request friends
returns a response which
has status code 200 (FAILED)
includes headers
"Content-Type" with value "application/json" (FAILED)
has a matching body (FAILED)
a request to unfriend
returns a response which
has status code 200 (OK)
includes headers
"Content-Type" with value "application/json" (OK)
has a matching body (FAILED)
0) Verifying a pact between Consumer and happy_provider - a request friends returns a response which has a matching body
expected 'application/json' body but was 'text/plain'
1) Verifying a pact between Consumer and happy_provider - a request friends returns a response which has status code 200
expected 200 but was 404
2) Verifying a pact between Consumer and happy_provider - a request friends returns a response which includes header 'Content-Type' with value 'application/json'
Expected header 'Content-Type' to have value 'application/json' but was 'text/plain'
3) Verifying a pact between Consumer and happy_provider Given I am friends with Fred - a request to unfriend returns a response which has a matching body
$.body -> Type mismatch: Expected Map {"reply":"Bye"} but received "Ok"
4) Verifying a pact between Consumer2 and happy_provider - a request friends returns a response which has a matching body
expected 'application/json' body but was 'text/plain'
5) Verifying a pact between Consumer2 and happy_provider - a request friends returns a response which has status code 200
expected 200 but was 404
6) Verifying a pact between Consumer2 and happy_provider - a request friends returns a response which includes header 'Content-Type' with value 'application/json'
Expected header 'Content-Type' to have value 'application/json' but was 'text/plain'
7) Verifying a pact between Consumer2 and happy_provider Given I am friends with Fred - a request to unfriend returns a response which has a matching body
$.body -> Type mismatch: Expected Map {"reply":"Bye"} but received "Ok"
There were 8 pact failures
验证消息 pacts
可以验证消息 pacts,只需从 HTTP 端点获取消息即可。验证器将向配置的提供者发送 POST 请求,并期望在响应中接收消息有效负载。POST 请求将包括 Pact 文件中为消息配置的描述和任何提供者状态,格式为 JSON。
示例 POST 请求
"description": "Test Message",
"providerStates":[ {"name": "message exists"} ]
消息元数据可以以 base64 编码的键/值对的形式包含在响应中,打包到 Pact-Message-Metadata
HTTP 头中,并将与 pact 文件中任何预期的元数据进行比较。
值可以包含任何有效的 JSON。
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"topic": "baz",
"number": 27,
"complex": {
"foo": "bar"
我们将将其编码为 base64 字符串,得到 ewogICJDb250ZW50LVR5cGUiOiAiYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbiIsCiAgInRvcGljIjogImJheiIsCiAgIm51bWJlciI6IDI3LAogICJjb21wbGV4IjogewogICAgImZvbyI6ICJiYXIiCiAgfQp9Cg==
TLS 和证书管理
Pact 使用 rustls-native-certs 包,作为 TLS 客户端操作时将尊重平台的本地证书存储
此功能支持 Windows、macOS 和 Linux
- 在 Windows 上,证书从系统证书存储加载。使用 schannel 包来访问 Windows 证书存储 API。
- 在 macOS 上,证书从密钥链加载。用户、管理员和系统信任设置合并在一起,如 Apple 文档所述。使用 security-framework 包来访问密钥存储 API。
- 在 Linux 和其他类 UNIX 操作系统上,使用 openssl-probe 包来发现系统 CA 包的文件名。
在 Linux 上,还将尊重标准 OpenSSL 环境变量 SSL_CERT_FILE
验证 V4 Pact 文件
需要插件的 Pact 文件
需要插件的 Pact 文件可以使用版本 0.9.0-beta.0+ 进行验证。有关插件如何工作的详细信息,请参阅 Pact 插件项目。
每个必需的插件都在 plugins
部分的 Pact 元数据中定义。插件将从插件目录加载。默认情况下,这是 ~/.pact/plugins
环境变量的值。每个所需的插件都必须安装在那里。您需要按照每个插件的安装说明进行操作,但默认情况下是将插件解压缩到子目录中 <plugin->-<plugin-version>
(例如,对于 Protobuf 插件 0.0.0,它将是 protobuf-0.0.0
验证 HTTP 和消息交互
V4 协议文件可以支持同一文件中的 HTTP 和基于消息的交互。在这种情况下,如果您需要处理这两种交互的验证,您需要使用 --transports <transports>
例如,--transports http:8080 message:8081
将会将 HTTP 请求发送到端口 8080,将消息请求发送到端口 8081。
~1M SLoC