64 个版本 (14 个稳定版)
1.3.0 | 2024年7月29日 |
1.2.2 | 2024年6月14日 |
1.1.2 | 2024年2月12日 |
1.1.0 | 2023年12月20日 |
0.2.0 | 2016年10月9日 |
在 测试 中排名 26
每月下载量 6,737
用于 2 crates
38K SLoC
Rust pact 测试 DSL,用于编写消费者 pact 测试
此库提供了一个用于在 Rust 中编写消费者 pact 测试的测试 DSL。它支持 V3 pact 规范 和 V4 pact 规范。
要使用它,将其添加到您的 cargo 清单中的 dev-dependencies
pact_consumer = "1.3"
现在,您可以使用消费者 DSL 编写 pact 测试。
use pact_consumer::prelude::*;
async fn a_service_consumer_side_of_a_pact_goes_a_little_something_like_this() {
let alice_service = PactBuilder::new("Consumer", "Alice Service")
// Start a new interaction. We can add as many interactions as we want.
.interaction("a retrieve Mallory request", "", |mut i| {
// Defines a provider state. It is optional.
i.given("there is some good mallory");
// Define the request, a GET (default) request to '/mallory'.
// Define the response we want returned. We assume a 200 OK
// response by default.
.body("That is some good Mallory.");
// Return the interaction builder back to the pact framework
// You would use your actual client code here.
let mallory_url = alice_service.path("/mallory");
let mut response = reqwest::get(mallory_url).await.expect("could not fetch URL")
.text().await.expect("Could not read response body");
assert_eq!(response, "That is some good Mallory.");
// When `alice_service` goes out of scope, your pact will be validated,
// and the test will fail if the mock server didn't receive matching
// requests.
默认情况下,pact 文件将被写入 target/pacts
。要更改此设置,设置环境变量 PACT_OUTPUT_DIR
强制覆盖 pact 文件
写入时,pacts 会与现有 pact 文件合并。要将此行为更改为始终覆盖文件,将环境变量 PACT_OVERWRITE
设置为 true
异步消息是您正常的单次或“发送后即忘”类型的消息。它们通常作为通知或事件发送到消息队列或主题。使用 Pact 测试,我们将测试我们的消息消费者是否与测试中设置的消息期望一起正常工作。这应该是处理从生产中的消息队列接收的实际消息的消息处理程序代码。
然后可以使用测试运行生成的 Pact 文件来验证创建消息的内容是否遵循 Pact 文件。
use pact_consumer::prelude::*;
fn a_message_consumer_side_of_a_pact_goes_a_little_something_like_this() {
// Define the Pact for the test (you can setup multiple interactions by chaining the given or message_interaction calls)
// For messages we need to use the V4 Pact format.
let pact_builder = PactBuilder::PactBuilder::new_v4("message-consumer", "message-provider"); // Define the message consumer and provider by name
// defines a provider state. It is optional.
.given("there is some good mallory".to_string())
// Adds an interaction given the message description and type.
.message_interaction("Mallory Message", "core/interaction/message", |mut i| {
// Can set the test name (optional)
// Set the contents of the message. Here we use a JSON pattern, so that matching rules are applied
"mallory": like!("That is some good Mallory.")
// Need to return the mutated interaction builder
// This will return each message configured with the Pact builder. We need to process them
// with out message handler (it should be the one used to actually process your messages).
for message in pact_builder.messages() {
let bytes = message.contents.contents.value().unwrap();
// Process the message here as it would if it came off the queue
let message: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes);
// Make some assertions on the processed value
use pact_consumer::prelude::*;
use expectest::prelude::*;
use serde_json::{Value, from_slice};
fn a_synchronous_message_consumer_side_of_a_pact_goes_a_little_something_like_this() {
// Define the Pact for the test (you can setup multiple interactions by chaining the given or message_interaction calls)
// For synchronous messages we also need to use the V4 Pact format.
let mut pact_builder = PactBuilder::new_v4("message-consumer", "message-provider"); // Define the message consumer and provider by name
// Adds an interaction given the message description and type.
.synchronous_message_interaction("Mallory Message", "core/interaction/synchronous-message", |mut i| {
// defines a provider state. It is optional.
i.given("there is some good mallory".to_string());
// Can set the test name (optional)
// Set the contents of the request message. Here we use a JSON pattern, so that matching rules are applied.
// This is the request message that is going to be forwarded to the provider
"requestFor": like!("Some good Mallory, please.")
// Add a response message we expect the provider to return. You can call this multiple times to add multiple messages.
"mallory": like!("That is some good Mallory.")
// Need to return the mutated interaction builder
// For our test we want to invoke our message handling code that is going to initialise the request
// to the provider with the request message. But we need some mechanism to mock the response
// with the resulting response message so we can confirm our message handler works with it.
for message in pact_builder.synchronous_messages() {
// the request message we must make
let request_message_bytes = message.request.contents.value().unwrap();
// the response message we expect to receive from the provider
let response_message_bytes = message.response.first().unwrap().contents.value().unwrap();
// We use a mock here, assuming there is a Trait that controls the response message that our
// mock can implement.
let mock_provider = MockProvider { message: response_message_bytes };
// Invoke our message handler to send the request message from the Pact interaction and then
// wait for the response message. In this case it will be the response via the mock provider.
let response = MessageHandler::process(request_message_bytes, &mock_provider);
// Make some assertions on the processed value
expect!(response).to(be_ok().value("That is some good Mallory."));
消费者测试构建器支持使用Pact插件。插件在Pact插件项目中定义。要使用插件,需要使用Pact规范V4 Pacts。
async fn test_csv_client() {
// Create a new V4 Pact
let csv_service = PactBuilder::new_v4("CsvClient", "CsvServer")
// Tell the builder we are using the CSV plugin
.using_plugin("csv", None).await
// Add the interaction for the CSV request
.interaction("request for a CSV report", "core/interaction/http", |mut i| async move {
// Path to the request we are going to make
// Response we expect back
// We use the generic "contents" function to send the expected response data to the plugin in JSON format
.contents(ContentType::from("text/csv"), json!({
"csvHeaders": false,
"column:1": "matching(type,'Name')",
"column:2": "matching(number,100)",
"column:3": "matching(datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd','2000-01-01')"
// Now start the mock server
// Now we can make our actual request for the CSV file and validate the response
let client = CsvClient::new(csv_service.url().clone());
let data = client.fetch("report001.csv").await.unwrap();
let columns: Vec<&str> = data.trim().split(",").collect();
let date = columns.get(2).unwrap();
let re = Regex::new("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}").unwrap();
~1M SLoC