0.1.5 | 2023年5月25日 |
0.1.4 | 2021年12月20日 |
0.1.3 | 2020年4月6日 |
在 算法 中排名 2062
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Rust语言实现的优化稀疏默克尔树。这是一种基于位分支的二叉基数树,目前 没有使用任何字节。现在,分支单元只是一个 单个位,既不是4位也不是字节字节。
- 非常 简单 和 轻量级,但 快速 且 健壮。
- 功能齐全 的稀疏默克尔树 (SMT) 作为存储
- 包括:非包含证明,以及 包含证明 和其验证。
- 再次强调,一点也不冗长。
此库主要依赖 Rust标准库,除了 数据库API
和 哈希函数
有关 非包含证明 和 包含证明,请参阅以下 更多示例 中的 默克尔证明 部分。
use monotree::{Monotree, Result};
use monotree::utils::random_hash;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Init a monotree instance
// by default, with 'HashMap' and 'Blake3' hash function
let mut tree = Monotree::default();
// It is natural the tree root initially has 'None'
let root = None;
// Prepare a random pair of key and leaf.
// random_hash() gives a fixed length of random array,
// where Hash -> [u8; HASH_LEN], HASH_LEN = 32
let key = random_hash();
let leaf = random_hash();
// Insert the entry (key, leaf) into tree, yielding a new root of tree
let root = tree.insert(root.as_ref(), &key, &leaf)?;
assert_ne!(root, None);
// Get the leaf inserted just before. Note that the last root was used.
let found = tree.get(root.as_ref(), &key)?;
assert_eq!(found, Some(leaf));
// Remove the entry
let root = tree.remove(root.as_ref(), &key)?;
// surely, the tree has nothing and the root back to 'None'
assert_eq!(tree.get(root.as_ref(), &key)?, None);
assert_eq!(root, None);
测试环境:Intel Core i5-3570 CPU @ 3.4GHz 和 16 GB RAM / Ubuntu 18.04,使用
rustc stable 1.42.0
操作。 | 使用的数据库 | 条目数 | 测量时间 | 标准误差 | 每个操作 |
插入 | HashMap | 10 | 8.50 us | 0.01 us | 0.85 us |
插入 | HashMap | 100 | 165.71 us | 0.14 us | 1.66 us |
插入 | HashMap | 1000 | 2.32 ms | 0.01 ms | 2.32 us |
插入 | HashMap | 10000 | 37.39 ms | 0.02 ms | 3.74 us |
获取 | HashMap | 10 | 7.82 us | 0.01 us | 0.78 us |
获取 | HashMap | 100 | 114.51 us | 0.14 us | 1.15 us |
获取 | HashMap | 1000 | 1.52 ms | 0.01 ms | 1.52 us |
获取 | HashMap | 10000 | 20.40 ms | 0.01 ms | 2.40 us |
删除 | HashMap | 10 | 15.65 us | 0.01 us | 1.57 us |
删除 | HashMap | 100 | 282.68 us | 0.09 us | 2.83 us |
删除 | HashMap | 1000 | 4.23 ms | 0.01 ms | 4.23 us |
删除 | HashMap | 10000 | 69.15 ms | 0.07 ms | 6.92 us |
插入 | RocksDB | 10 | 34.80 us | 0.27 us | 3.48 us |
插入 | RocksDB | 100 | 602.55 us | 2.72 us | 6.03 us |
插入 | RocksDB | 1000 | 10.35 ms | 0.06 ms | 10.35 us |
插入 | RocksDB | 10000 | 145.83 ms | 0.20 ms | 14.58 us |
获取 | RocksDB | 10 | 10.20 us | 0.06 us | 1.02 us |
获取 | RocksDB | 100 | 142.20 us | 0.79 us | 1.42 us |
获取 | RocksDB | 1000 | 1.74 ms | 0.01 ms | 1.74 us |
获取 | RocksDB | 10000 | 22.94 ms | 0.03 ms | 2.29 us |
删除 | RocksDB | 10 | 58.33 us | 0.50 us | 5.83 us |
删除 | RocksDB | 100 | 1.02 ms | 6.40 us | 10.20 us |
删除 | RocksDB | 1000 | 20.22 ms | 0.10 ms | 20.22 us |
删除 | RocksDB | 10000 | 394.95 ms | 1.46 ms | 39.50 us |
## Some tests are time consuming.
## --release is optional, but without it, it will take a longer time to complete the tests
$ cargo test --release --features "db_rocksdb, db_sled"
基于 Criterion
$ cargo bench --features "db_rocksdb, db_sled"
以及所有树类型的宏观时间基准测试(但误差范围较宽),已在 examples/perf.rs
$ cargo run --release --example perf --features "db_rocksdb, db_sled"
以及一些描述如何操作 monotree
$ cargo run --example basic
$ cargo run --example advanced --features "db_rocksdb"
是广义二叉基数树中的特殊情况,我将其称为 PoT (Power Of Two) 基数树
。如果使用 pow(2, n)
的十六进制数作为分支单元对 monotree
use monotree::database::*;
use monotree::hasher::*;
use monotree::utils::*;
use monotree::*;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Init a monotree instance:
// manually select a db and a hasher as your preference
// Monotree::<DATABASE, HASHER>::new(DB_PATH)
// where DATABASE = {MemoryDB, RocksDB, Sled}
// HASHER = {Blake3, Blake2s, Blake2b, Sha2, Sha3}
let mut tree = Monotree::<RocksDB, Blake2b>::new("/tmp/monotree");
// It is natural the tree root initially has 'None'
let root = None;
// Prepare 500 random pairs of key and leaf.
// random_hashes() gives Vec<Hash>
// where Hash is a fixed length of random array or [u8; HASH_LEN]
let n = 500;
let keys = random_hashes(n);
let leaves = random_hashes(n);
// Insert a bunch of entries of (key, leaf) into tree.
// looks quite similar with 'monotree::insert()', but for insertion using batch.
// 'inserts()' is much faster than 'insert()' since it's based on the following:
// (1) DB batch-write, (2) sorting keys before insertion, and (3) mem-cache.
let root = tree.inserts(root.as_ref(), &keys, &leaves)?;
assert_ne!(root, None);
// Similarly, there are methods 'gets()' and 'removes()' for batch use of
// 'get()' and 'remove()', respectively.
let result = tree.gets(root.as_ref(), &keys)?;
assert_eq!(result.len(), keys.len());
let root = tree.removes(root.as_ref(), &keys)?;
// surely, the tree has nothing nad the root back to 'None'
assert_eq!(root, None);
// `Merkle proof` secion: verifying inclusion of data (inclusion proof)
// `Monotree` has compressed representation, but it fully retains
// the properties of the Sparse Merkle Tree (SMT).
// Thus, `non-inclusion proof` is quite straightforward. Just go walk down
// the tree with a key (or a path) given. If we cannot successfully get a leaf,
// we can assure that the leaf is not a part of the tree.
// The process of inclusion proof is below:
// random pre-insertion for Merkle proof test
let root = tree.inserts(root.as_ref(), &keys, &leaves)?;
// pick a random key from keys among inserted just before
let key = keys[99];
// generate the Merkle proof for the root and the key
let proof = tree.get_merkle_proof(root.as_ref(), &key)?;
// To verify the proof correctly, you need to provide a hasher matched
// Previously the tree was initialized with `Blake2b`
let hasher = Blake2b::new();
// get a leaf matched with the key: where the Merkle proof verification starts off
let leaf = leaves[99];
// verify the Merkle proof using all those above
let verified = verify_proof(&hasher, root.as_ref(), &leaf, proof.as_ref());
assert_eq!(verified, true);
// Usage examples with some functional tests
// Carefully trace the variable `root` as they are frequently shadowed.
let mut tree = Monotree::default();
let mut root = None;
let hasher = Blake3::new();
//--- insert/get and gen_proof/verify_proof over iterator
for (i, (key, value)) in keys.iter().zip(leaves.iter()).enumerate() {
// insert a key into tree
root = tree.insert(root.as_ref(), key, value)?;
// inserted a key and yields a root, where cumulative check-up goes on
for (k, v) in keys.iter().zip(leaves.iter()).take(i + 1) {
// check if the key-value pair was correctly inserted so far
assert_eq!(tree.get(root.as_ref(), k)?, Some(*v));
// generates a Merkle proof with all keys so far
let proof = tree.get_merkle_proof(root.as_ref(), k)?;
// verify the Merkle proof with all keys so far
verify_proof(&hasher, root.as_ref(), v, proof.as_ref()),
assert_ne!(root, None);
//--- insert/get and gen_proof/verify_proof after each deletion of entry
for (i, (key, _)) in keys.iter().zip(leaves.iter()).enumerate() {
assert_ne!(root, None);
// assert that all other values are fine after each deletion
for (k, v) in keys.iter().zip(leaves.iter()).skip(i) {
// check in the same way as the previous example
assert_eq!(tree.get(root.as_ref(), k)?, Some(*v));
let proof = tree.get_merkle_proof(root.as_ref(), k)?;
verify_proof(&hasher, root.as_ref(), v, proof.as_ref()),
// delete a key and check if it was correctly removed
root = tree.remove(root.as_ref(), key)?;
assert_eq!(tree.get(root.as_ref(), key)?, None);
// must be back to inital state of tree
assert_eq!(root, None);
//--- faster way to insert/remove entries
// Now tree is empty, and root is back to `None` again
// Redo all those above using methods supporting batch operations
root = tree.inserts(root.as_ref(), &keys, &leaves)?;
assert_ne!(root, None);
// Even if we shuffle the keys when removing,
shuffle(&mut keys);
// there's no difference. Back to `None` of root and empty tree again.
// that's why the `root` plays a role as "state index of tree"
root = tree.removes(root.as_ref(), &keys)?;
assert_eq!(root, None);
~170K SLoC