0.1.0 | 2022年12月28日 |
#691 in WebAssembly
600 行
pub extern "C" fn update() {}
此函数由运行时以配置的滴答速率定期调用。默认滴答速率为120 Hz,但可以由自动分割器更改。
pub struct Address(pub u64);
pub struct NonZeroAddress(pub NonZeroU64);
pub struct ProcessId(NonZeroU64);
pub struct TimerState(u32);
impl TimerState {
/// The timer is not running.
pub const NOT_RUNNING: Self = Self(0);
/// The timer is running.
pub const RUNNING: Self = Self(1);
/// The timer started but got paused. This is separate from the game
/// time being paused. Game time may even always be paused.
pub const PAUSED: Self = Self(2);
/// The timer has ended, but didn't get reset yet.
pub const ENDED: Self = Self(3);
extern "C" {
/// Gets the state that the timer currently is in.
pub fn timer_get_state() -> TimerState;
/// Starts the timer.
pub fn timer_start();
/// Splits the current segment.
pub fn timer_split();
/// Resets the timer.
pub fn timer_reset();
/// Sets a custom key value pair. This may be arbitrary information that
/// the auto splitter wants to provide for visualization.
pub fn timer_set_variable(
key_ptr: *const u8,
key_len: usize,
value_ptr: *const u8,
value_len: usize,
/// Sets the game time.
pub fn timer_set_game_time(secs: i64, nanos: i32);
/// Pauses the game time. This does not pause the timer, only the
/// automatic flow of time for the game time.
pub fn timer_pause_game_time();
/// Resumes the game time. This does not resume the timer, only the
/// automatic flow of time for the game time.
pub fn timer_resume_game_time();
/// Attaches to a process based on its name.
pub fn process_attach(name_ptr: *const u8, name_len: usize) -> Option<ProcessId>;
/// Detaches from a process.
pub fn process_detach(process: ProcessId);
/// Checks whether is a process is still open. You should detach from a
/// process and stop using it if this returns `false`.
pub fn process_is_open(process: ProcessId) -> bool;
/// Reads memory from a process at the address given. This will write
/// the memory to the buffer given. Returns `false` if this fails.
pub fn process_read(
process: ProcessId,
address: Address,
buf_ptr: *mut u8,
buf_len: usize,
) -> bool;
/// Gets the address of a module in a process.
pub fn process_get_module_address(
process: ProcessId,
name_ptr: *const u8,
name_len: usize,
) -> Option<NonZeroAddress>;
/// Gets the size of a module in a process.
pub fn process_get_module_size(
process: ProcessId,
name_ptr: *const u8,
name_len: usize,
) -> Option<NonZeroU64>;
/// Sets the tick rate of the runtime. This influences the amount of
/// times the `update` function is called per second.
pub fn runtime_set_tick_rate(ticks_per_second: f64);
/// Prints a log message for debugging purposes.
pub fn runtime_print_message(text_ptr: *const u8, text_len: usize);
/// Adds a new setting that the user can modify. This will return either
/// the specified default value or the value that the user has set.
pub fn user_settings_add_bool(
key_ptr: *const u8,
key_len: usize,
description_ptr: *const u8,
description_len: usize,
default_value: bool,
) -> bool;
~684K SLoC