#mal #api #anime #my-anime-list #client-id

bin+lib lib-mal

与 MyAnimeList API 交互的库

8 个版本 (4 个破坏性更改)

0.5.1 2022 年 4 月 12 日
0.5.0 2021 年 9 月 4 日
0.4.0 2021 年 8 月 8 日
0.3.2 2021 年 8 月 4 日
0.1.0 2021 年 7 月 27 日

#5 in #mal

GPL-3.0 许可证


lib-mal Rust 文档

与 MyAnimeList API 交互的库

处理授权,只需要 MyAnimeList API 的客户端 ID 和已注册的重定向 URI,用户可以使用由 MALClient 生成的 URL 授权应用程序。默认情况下,令牌会被缓存,但创建客户端时可以禁用此功能。

API 函数仍在开发中



要使用 lib-mal,您需要从 MyAnimeList.net 获取 API 密钥和一个回调 URL。以下是一个使用 lib-mal 的示例:

use lib_mal::{MALClient, MALError};
use tokio;

async fn main() -> Result<(), MALError>{
	//this has to exactly match a URI that's been registered with the MAL api
	let redirect = [YOUR_REDIRECT_URI_HERE];
	//the MALClient will attempt to refresh the cached access_token, if applicable
	let client = MALClient::init([YOUR_SECRET_HERE]).await;
	let (auth_url, challenge, state) = client.get_auth_parts();
	//the user will have to have access to a browser in order to log in and give your application permission
	println!("Go here to log in :) -> {}", auth_url);
	//once the user has the URL, be sure to call client.auth to listen for the callback and complete the OAuth2 handshake
	client.auth(&redirect, &challenge, &state).await.expect("Unable to log in");
	//once the user is authorized, the API should be usable
	//this will get the details, including all fields, for Mobile Suit Gundam
	let anime = client.get_anime_details(80, None).await?;
	//because so many fields are optional, a lot of the members of lib_mal::model::AnimeDetails are `Option`s
	println!("{}: started airing on {}, ended on {}, ranked #{}", anime.show.title, anime.start_date.unwrap(), anime.end_date.unwrap(), anime.rank.unwrap());


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~327K SLoC