8 个版本
0.1.14 | 2024 年 4 月 28 日 |
0.1.13 | 2024 年 4 月 27 日 |
#1 in #mal
613 每月下载量
2.5K SLoC
MyAnimeList Rust Api
完全类型化的 Rust MyAnimeList API
目前该库已完全覆盖以下 API
- 动漫
- 漫画
- 用户动漫列表
- 用户漫画列表
- 用户
- 论坛
该 API 完全异步,但为需要同步的用户提供了阻塞 API(使用 *_blocking
要获取 API 客户端 ID 和密钥 - 这是必需的 - 在 https://myanimelist.net/apiconfig 上注册应用
要了解此 API 和其工作方式,请仔细阅读 https://myanimelist.net/apiconfig/references/api/v2 上的 mal api 文档
mal API 中未指定速率限制,但在实际操作中,您不应超过每秒 1 次查询
let client = ClientBuilder::new().client_id("your-id").client_secret("secret").redirect_url("your-url").build().unwrap();
// if you want to create your token with a scope, add scope before generating a token
// mal should add this by default, so I don't think adding this manually is needed
// this requires a webserver to receive the oauth code+state for regenerate
// set your own custom callback for production usage
client.auth.set_callback(|url, state| async {
// the url passed in is the one the client needs to navigate to
// receive the state on your webserver, compare it to the received state above
// to ensure it's valid and the right client. if you return wrong state, the
// regenerate api will fail due to security check
// get the code / state and return it
(AuthorizationCode::new("".to_owned()), CsrfToken::new("".to_owned()))
// regenerate tokens from scratch
// if you have a refresh key, you can exchange it for an access token
// you can automatically try to refresh it if access token expired
// if no refresh token exists, it will regenerate the whole thing
// you can also set the access/refresh token manually if you need to
// set the time from Instant::now() after which access token expires
// use the api
// for more information on the api, see their api docs:
// https://myanimelist.net/apiconfig/references/api/v2
// this api follows a builder pattern, and follows their api
// it should be relatively intuitive to use
// view mal docs to see if your token needs a scope or not,
// and for information on what the routes do
警告:此 crate 在 1.0 版本之前可能会更改 API,因为 API 正在完善。
如果您发现任何错误,请报告它们。这些错误可能是 API 中出现“null”的实例,但假设在反序列化类型中始终存在。虽然使用一些数据进行快速测试以获得完整图景,但这并不保证始终正确。除此之外,它应该功能齐全且运行正常。
~343K SLoC