#分支 #生产力 #Phabricator #合并 #开发者工具 #运维 #工程

bin+lib lezeh

工作特定的生产力命令。有关详细信息,请参阅 https://github.com/sendyhalim/lezeh。

35 个版本

0.8.5 2023 年 2 月 3 日
0.8.2 2022 年 10 月 11 日
0.7.0 2022 年 7 月 11 日
0.6.3 2022 年 1 月 13 日
0.0.2 2020 年 7 月 10 日


Download history 79/week @ 2024-03-29 7/week @ 2024-04-05

96 个每月下载量

MIT 许可证

3.5K SLoC


lezeh 是一个 CLI 工具,可简化日常工程操作,例如

  • 选择数据库行及其关系
  • 可视化数据库行关系的图表示
  • 将功能分支(按惯例,使用 Phabricator 任务编号)合并到 master,这包括清理(删除)合并的功能分支
  • 合并并运行部署命令

Crates.io Crates.io



前往最新版本并下载二进制文件 此处

二进制文件 操作系统
lezeh-x86_64-未知-linux-gnu.zip Linux
lezeh-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip macOS

使用 cargo

cargo install lezeh


这需要 rust

make install


首先在 ~/.lezeh 创建配置文件,我们使用 YAML 格式。每个顶级键的名称都是 lezeh 子命令的名称

  • url 映射到 lezeh url ... 命令
  • db 映射到 lezeh db ... 子命令
  • 等等...
    api_token: test123

      host: localhost
      port: 5432
      database: db_name
      username: ....
      password: ....

    api_token: test125
    pkcs12_path: /path/to/pkcs12
    host: 'yourphabricatorhost.com'
    pkcs12_password: abcdefg

    api_token: test124

      # This is a unique key that will be used as hashmap key
      # for the repo.
    - key: "repo-key"
      path: "repo-local-path"
      github_path: "username/reponame"
          name: "Deploy to stg"
          default_pull_request_title: "Merge into stg"
          merge_from_branch: "master"
          merge_into_branch: "stg"
          name: "Deploy to prod"
          default_pull_request_title: "Merge into prod"
          merge_from_branch: "stg"
          merge_into_branch: "prod"



lezeh url shorten {longUrl}

数据库 CLI

大多数与数据库操作相关的工具。目前仅支持 PostgreSQL。


假设您有一个想要复制的 1 表行,但由于它有关系且需要递归地复制父亲和子代,因此无法轻松复制。这就是 cherry-pick 🍒 可以发挥作用的地方,它将获取匹配给定列值对的行及其关系,然后从它构建一个图,该图可以序列化为插入语句(默认选项)或 graphviz(用于可视化图)

lezeh db cherry-pick \
  # Fetch from test_db, this one is based on the config
  --source-db=testdb \

  # As of now only supports 1 value, but it will change in the future
  --values=123 \

  # Table that the value will be fetched from
  --table=orders \

  # [Optional] which column that contains the given values, defaults to id
  --column=id \

  # [Optional] Db schema, defaults to public
  --schema=public \

  # [Optional], defaults to insert-statement. If supplied Graphviz then it'll serialize
  # the graph representation that can be represented in a graphviz format
  # see https://graphviz.cpp.org.cn/ for more details.
  # The output can be used on online graphviz visualizer:
  # * https://edotor.net
  # * https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline
  --output-format=insert-statement|graphviz \

  # [Optional]
  # The option will be used if you choose pass `--output-format=graphviz`.
  # Set the table columns that will be displayed on each node, if not set it'll
  # default to only show the row id, format:
  # '{table_1}:{column_1}|{column_2}|{column_n},{table_n}:{column_n}'
  # Suppose you pass `--graph-table-columns='users:id|name|email, orders:code'`, it will
  # * Show id, name and email column value for all fetched rows from users table
  # * Show code column value for all fetched rows from orders table
  # * The other rows from other tables will still only show row id because
  #   it's not overriden
  --graph-table-columns='{table_1}:{column_1}|{column_2}|{column_n},{table_n}:{column_n}, {table_n}:{column_n}'

部署 CLI

# Below command will iterate all repositories under deployment.repositories config
# and do the following operations:
# * Make sure your local git data is updated by pulling remote git data from GH.
# * For each remote branches that contains the given task numbers:
#    - Print out phabricator task owner (assigned) for that specific branch.
#    - Create a PR for the matched branch.
#    - Merge the branch into master with SQUASH strategy
#    - Delete the remote branch
lezeh deployment merge-feature-branches \
  {task_number} {task_number} {task_number} ... \
  # Set number of concurrency limit when merging feature branches. Defaults to 1, meaning it will 
  # sequentially merge feature branches per repository. If you set it to N then it will run in 
  # parallel at most N repositories at a time. At the repository level, merging should be sequential 
  # otherwise it'll race with other pull requests.

# Merge repo (given repo key) based on given deployment scheme config.
# Example usage (based on above config example):
# lezeh deployment deploy repo-key stg
lezeh deployment deploy {repo_key} {scheme_key}


~679K SLoC