#数据结构 #无锁 #结构 #读 #读写 #写



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#267并发 类别中

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Codecov Crates.io Documentation

Left-right 是针对单写者数据结构的高并发读取的并发原语。该原语保留数据结构的两个副本,一个由读者访问,另一个由(单个)写者访问。这使得所有读取都可以并行进行,最小化协调,并将协调开销转移到写者。在没有写入的情况下,读取与核心数线性增长。




当写者希望向数据结构公开新更改时(参见 WriteHandle::publish),它“翻转”两个副本,使得后续读取指向旧的“写侧”,而未来的写入指向旧的“读侧”。这个过程会导致读者两次缓存行失效,但不会阻止他们取得进展(即读取是无等待的)。

为了保持两个副本的更新,left-right 保留数据结构所有修改的操作日志(“oplog”),它使用此日志在翻转时将旧的读取数据更新为最新的写入。



  • 增加内存使用:由于我们保留了后备数据结构的两份副本,实际上是将底层数据的内存使用翻倍。通过一些巧妙的去重,这种成本可以在一定程度上得到改善,但这是一个需要注意的问题。此外,尽管向操作日志添加了很多写入操作,但写入者很少调用publish,操作日志本身可能会变得相当大,这会增加额外的开销。
  • 确定性操作:由于操作日志的条目被应用两次,一次针对数据副本,因此操作必须是确定的。如果不是这样,两个副本将不再相互镜像,并且会随着时间的推移而继续 diverge。
  • 单写入者:左-右只支持单个写入者。要实现多个写入者,你需要确保通过类似Mutex的方式对WriteHandle进行独占访问。
  • 慢速写入:通过左-右进行的写入比直接针对后备数据结构的写入要慢。这既是由于它们必须通过操作日志进行,也是因为每个写入都必须应用两次。







use left_right::{Absorb, ReadHandle, WriteHandle};

// First, define an operational log type.
// For most real-world use-cases, this will be an `enum`, but we'll keep it simple:
struct CounterAddOp(i32);

// Then, implement the unsafe `Absorb` trait for your data structure type,
// and provide the oplog type as the generic argument.
// You can read this as "`i32` can absorb changes of type `CounterAddOp`".
impl Absorb<CounterAddOp> for i32 {
    // See the documentation of `Absorb::absorb_first`.
    // Essentially, this is where you define what applying
    // the oplog type to the datastructure does.
    fn absorb_first(&mut self, operation: &mut CounterAddOp, _: &Self) {
        *self += operation.0;

    // See the documentation of `Absorb::absorb_second`.
    // This may or may not be the same as `absorb_first`,
    // depending on whether or not you de-duplicate values
    // across the two copies of your data structure.
    fn absorb_second(&mut self, operation: CounterAddOp, _: &Self) {
        *self += operation.0;

    // See the documentation of `Absorb::drop_first`.
    fn drop_first(self: Box<Self>) {}

    fn sync_with(&mut self, first: &Self) {
        *self = *first

// Now, you can construct a new left-right over an instance of your data structure.
// This will give you a `WriteHandle` that accepts writes in the form of oplog entries,
// and a (cloneable) `ReadHandle` that gives you `&` access to the data structure.
let (write, read) = left_right::new::<i32, CounterAddOp>();

// You will likely want to embed these handles in your own types so that you can
// provide more ergonomic methods for performing operations on your type.
struct Counter(WriteHandle<i32, CounterAddOp>);
impl Counter {
    // The methods on you write handle type will likely all just add to the operational log.
    pub fn add(&mut self, i: i32) {

    // You should also provide a method for exposing the results of any pending operations.
    // Until this is called, any writes made since the last call to `publish` will not be
    // visible to readers. See `WriteHandle::publish` for more details. Make sure to call
    // this out in _your_ documentation as well, so that your users will be aware of this
    // "weird" behavior.
    pub fn publish(&mut self) {

// Similarly, for reads:
struct CountReader(ReadHandle<i32>);
impl CountReader {
    pub fn get(&self) -> i32 {
        // The `ReadHandle` itself does not allow you to access the underlying data.
        // Instead, you must first "enter" the data structure. This is similar to
        // taking a `Mutex`, except that no lock is actually taken. When you enter,
        // you are given back a guard, which gives you shared access (through the
        // `Deref` trait) to the "read copy" of the data structure.
        // Note that `enter` may yield `None`, which implies that the `WriteHandle`
        // was dropped, and took the backing data down with it.
        // Note also that for as long as the guard lives, a writer that tries to
        // call `WriteHandle::publish` will be blocked from making progress.
        self.0.enter().map(|guard| *guard).unwrap_or(0)

// These wrapper types are likely what you'll give out to your consumers.
let (mut w, r) = (Counter(write), CountReader(read));

// They can then use the type fairly ergonomically:
assert_eq!(r.get(), 0);
// no call to publish, so read side remains the same:
assert_eq!(r.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(r.get(), 1);
// writer dropped data, so reads yield fallback value:
assert_eq!(r.get(), 0);



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