1 个不稳定版本
0.1.1 | 2019年12月14日 |
#34 在 #matcher
在 httptest_server 中使用
54 行
- 启动服务器
- 通过添加期望来配置服务器
- 通过向服务器发送请求来测试您的HTTP客户端
- 在释放时,服务器会验证是否满足所有期望。
async fn test_readme() {
use http_body_util::{BodyExt, Full};
use httptest::{matchers::*, responders::*, Expectation, Server};
use hyper_util::client::legacy::Client;
use serde_json::json;
// Starting a logger within the test can make debugging a failed test
// easier. The mock http server will log::debug every request and response
// received along with what, if any, matcher was found for the request. When
// env_logger is initialized running the test with `RUST_LOG=httptest=debug
// cargo test` can provide that information on stderr.
let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init();
// Start a server running on a local ephemeral port.
let server = Server::run();
// Configure the server to expect a single GET /foo request and respond
// with a 200 status code.
Expectation::matching(request::method_path("GET", "/foo")).respond_with(status_code(200)),
// Configure the server to also receive between 1 and 3 POST /bar requests
// with a json body matching {'foo': 'bar'}, and respond with a json body
// {'result': 'success'}
request::body(json_decoded(eq(json!({"foo": "bar"})))),
.respond_with(json_encoded(json!({"result": "success"}))),
// The server provides server.addr() that returns the address of the
// locally running server, or more conveniently provides a server.url()
// method that gives a fully formed http url to the provided path.
let url = server.url("/foo");
// Now test your http client against the server.
let client = Client::builder(hyper_util::rt::TokioExecutor::new())
// Issue the GET /foo to the server.
let resp = client.get(url).await.unwrap();
// Optionally use response matchers to assert the server responded as
// expected.
// Assert the response was a 200.
assert_eq!(200, resp.status().as_u16());
// Issue a POST /bar with {'foo': 'bar'} json body.
let post_req = http::Request::post(server.url("/bar"))
.body(json!({"foo": "bar"}).to_string().into())
let resp = client.request(post_req).await.unwrap();
// Assert the response was a 200 with a json body of {'result': 'success'}
assert_eq!(200, resp.status().as_u16());
// Read the entire response body into a Vec<u8> to allow using the body
// response matcher.
let body = resp.collect().await.unwrap().to_bytes();
json!({"result": "success"}),
// on Drop the server will assert all expectations have been met and will
// panic if not.