6 个版本 (重大更改)
0.6.0 | 2021 年 2 月 3 日 |
0.5.0 | 2021 年 2 月 3 日 |
0.4.0 | 2020 年 9 月 4 日 |
0.3.0 | 2020 年 9 月 4 日 |
0.1.0 | 2019 年 11 月 17 日 |
#45 in #负载均衡
205 行
这个库已经有一段时间没有更新了,这里仅作存档之用。您可能可以考虑查看 https://github.com/AcalaNetwork/subway,它应该具有相同的目的,并且更新得更加及时。
该代理具有可插拔的中间件架构。每个中间件都会接收每个 RPC 调用,并可以决定是终止它(返回响应)还是将其传递给下一个中间件。中间件还可以修改响应对象。
作为最后一个中间件,我们使用 Upstream
- 简单的缓存中间件
- 简单的权限中间件
- WebSocket 上游中间件
同样可插拔的是代理公开的 JSON-RPC 传输。目前支持
- TCP 服务器
- HTTP 服务器
- IPC 服务器
- WebSocket 服务器
- 速率限制
- 故障转移
- 负载均衡
rpc-proxy 0.1
Parity Technologies Ltd <admin@parity.io>
Generic RPC proxy, featuring caching and load balancing.
rpc-proxy [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--cached-methods-path <cached-methods-path>
A path to a JSON file containing a list of methods that should be
cached. See examples for the file schema. [default: -]
--http-cors <http-cors>
Specify CORS header for HTTP JSON-RPC API responses.Special options:
"all", "null", "none". [default: none]
--http-cors-max-age <http-cors-max-age>
Configures AccessControlMaxAge header value in milliseconds.Informs
the client that the preflight request is not required for the
specified time. Use 0 to disable. [default: 3600000]
--http-hosts <http-hosts>
List of allowed Host header values. This option willvalidate the
Host header sent by the browser, it isadditional security against
some attack vectors. Specialoptions: "all", "none". [default: none]
--http-ip <http-ip>
Configures HTTP server interface. [default:]
--http-max-payload <http-max-payload>
Maximal HTTP server payload in Megabytes. [default: 5]
--http-port <http-port>
Configures HTTP server listening port. [default: 9934]
--http-rest-api <http-rest-api>
Enables REST -> RPC converter for HTTP server. Allows you tocall RPC
methods with `POST /<methodname>/<param1>/<param2>`.The "secure"
option requires the `Content-Type: application/json`header to be
sent with the request (even though the payload is ignored)to prevent
accepting POST requests from any website (via form submission).The
"unsecure" option does not require any `Content-Type`.Possible
options: "unsecure", "secure", "disabled". [default: disabled]
--http-threads <http-threads>
Configures HTTP server threads. [default: 4]
--ipc-path <ipc-path>
Configures IPC server socket path. [default: ./jsonrpc.ipc]
--ipc-request-separator <ipc-request-separator>
Configures TCP server request separator (single byte). If "none" the
parser will try to figure out requests boundaries. [default: none]
--tcp-ip <tcp-ip>
Configures TCP server interface. [default:]
--tcp-port <tcp-port>
Configures TCP server listening port. [default: 9955]
--tcp-request-separator <tcp-request-separator>
Configures TCP server request separator (single byte). If "none" the
parser will try to figure out requests boundaries. Default is new
line character. [default: 10]
--upstream-ws <upstream-ws>
Address of the parent WebSockets RPC server that we should connect
to. [default: ws://]
--websockets-hosts <websockets-hosts>
List of allowed Host header values. This option will validate the
Host header sent by the browser, it is additional security against
some attack vectors. Special options: "all", "none". [default: none]
--websockets-ip <websockets-ip>
Configures WebSockets server interface. [default:]
--websockets-max-connections <websockets-max-connections>
Maximum number of allowed concurrent WebSockets JSON-RPC
connections. [default: 100]
--websockets-origins <websockets-origins>
Specify Origin header values allowed to connect. Special options:
"all", "none". [default: none]
--websockets-port <websockets-port>
Configures WebSockets server listening port. [default: 9945]
~36K SLoC