#优化 #求解器 #组合 #CP #决策图


DDO 是一个基于 MDD 优化的通用且高效的框架

29 个版本 (4 个稳定)

2.0.0 2024年2月22日
1.2.0 2023年8月21日
1.1.0 2023年5月11日
1.0.0 2022年11月17日
0.1.5 2020年3月16日

#90 in 算法

MIT 许可证


DDO 是一个基于 MDD 优化的通用且高效的框架

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DDO 是一个真正的通用框架,用于在 Rust 中开发基于 MDD 的组合优化求解器。其目标是让您将优化问题描述为一个动态规划程序,以及一个松弛。


额外优势: 通过使用 ddo,您将能够利用所有硬件并行解决您的优化问题。


此库是用稳定的 Rust(1.41,撰写时)编写的。因此,它应该使用 cargo(与您的 Rust 工具链一起安装)进行编译。感谢它,无论您在哪个平台上工作,编译和使用 ddo 都会非常简单。

一旦您安装了 Rust 工具链,将 ddo 添加为 Cargo.toml 文件中的依赖项并构建您的项目即可使用 ddo。

ddo = "1.0.0"


以下示例说明了如何构建一个基于 DDO 的完整求解器,用于解决 二进制背包问题


从对问题的描述中,ddo将推导出一个MDD,并将其用于找到您问题的最优解。然而,对于一个合理规模的问题,在内存中展开完整的状态空间是不可行的。因此,您还应该向ddo提供一个松弛。在这个上下文中,松弛意味着一种将MDD中的多个节点合并的策略,以便生成一个对合并节点的过近似(状态 + 最长路径,其中最长路径是您尝试优化的目标函数的值)。



/// In our DP model, we consider a state that simply consists of the remaining 
/// capacity in the knapsack. Additionally, we also consider the *depth* (number
/// of assigned variables) as part of the state since it useful when it comes to
/// determine the next variable to branch on.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct KnapsackState {
    /// the number of variables that have already been decided upon in the complete
    /// problem.
    depth: usize,
    /// the remaining capacity in the knapsack. That is the maximum load the sack
    /// can bear without cracking **given what is already in the sack**.
    capacity: usize

/// This structure represents a particular instance of the knapsack problem.
/// This is the structure that will implement the knapsack model.
/// The problem definition is quite easy to understand: there is a knapsack having 
/// a maximum (weight) capacity, and a set of items to chose from. Each of these
/// items having a weight and a profit, the goal is to select the best subset of
/// the items to place them in the sack so as to maximize the profit.
struct Knapsack {
    /// The maximum capacity of the sack (when empty)
    capacity: usize,
    /// the profit of each item
    profit: Vec<usize>,
    /// the weight of each item.
    weight: Vec<usize>,

/// For each variable in the decision problem, there are two possible choices:
/// either we take the item in the sack, or we decide to leave it out. This
/// constant is used to indicate that the item is to be taken in the sack.
const TAKE_IT: isize = 1;
/// For each variable in the decision problem, there are two possible choices:
/// either we take the item in the sack, or we decide to leave it out. This
/// constant is used to indicate that the item is to be left out of the sack.
const LEAVE_IT_OUT: isize = 0;

/// This is how you implement the labeled transition system (LTS) semantics of
/// a simple dynamic program solving the knapsack problem. The definition of
/// each of the methods should be pretty clear and easy to grasp. Should you
/// want more details on the role of each of these methods, then you are 
/// encouraged to go checking the documentation of the `Problem` trait.
impl Problem for Knapsack {
    type State = KnapsackState;

    fn nb_variables(&self) -> usize {
    fn for_each_in_domain(&self, variable: Variable, state: &Self::State, f: &mut dyn DecisionCallback)
        if state.capacity >= self.weight[variable.id()] {
            f.apply(Decision { variable, value: TAKE_IT });
            f.apply(Decision { variable, value: LEAVE_IT_OUT });
        } else {
            f.apply(Decision { variable, value: LEAVE_IT_OUT });
    fn initial_state(&self) -> Self::State {
        KnapsackState{ depth: 0, capacity: self.capacity }
    fn initial_value(&self) -> isize {
    fn transition(&self, state: &Self::State, dec: Decision) -> Self::State {
        let mut ret = state.clone();
        ret.depth  += 1;
        if dec.value == TAKE_IT { 
            ret.capacity -= self.weight[dec.variable.id()] 
    fn transition_cost(&self, _state: &Self::State, dec: Decision) -> isize {
        self.profit[dec.variable.id()] as isize * dec.value

    fn next_variable(&self, next_layer: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &Self::State>) -> Option<Variable> {
        let n = self.nb_variables();
        next_layer.filter(|s| s.depth < n).next().map(|s| Variable(s.depth))




/// In addition to a dynamic programming (DP) model of the problem you want to solve, 
/// the branch and bound with MDD algorithm (and thus ddo) requires that you provide
/// an additional relaxation allowing to control the maximum amount of space used by
/// the decision diagrams that are compiled. 
/// That relaxation requires two operations: one to merge several nodes into one 
/// merged node that acts as an over approximation of the other nodes. The second
/// operation is used to possibly offset some weight that would otherwise be lost 
/// to the arcs entering the newly created merged node.
/// The role of this very simple structure is simply to provide an implementation
/// of that relaxation.
/// # Note:
/// In addition to the aforementioned two operations, the KPRelax structure implements
/// an optional `fast_upper_bound` method. Which one provides a useful bound to 
/// prune some portions of the state-space as the decision diagrams are compiled.
/// (aka rough upper bound pruning).
struct KPRelax;
impl Relaxation for KPRelax {
    type State = KnapsackState;

    fn merge(&self, states: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &Self::State>) -> Self::State {
        states.max_by_key(|node| node.capacity).copied().unwrap()

    fn relax(&self, _source: &Self::State, _dest: &Self::State, _merged: &Self::State, _decision: Decision, cost: isize) -> isize {



pub struct KPDominance;
impl Dominance for KPDominance {
    type State = KnapsackState;
    type Key = usize;

    fn get_key(&self, state: Arc<Self::State>) -> Option<Self::Key> {

    fn nb_dimensions(&self, _state: &Self::State) -> usize {

    fn get_coordinate(&self, state: &Self::State, _: usize) -> isize {
        state.capacity as isize

    fn use_value(&self) -> bool {



/// The last bit of information which we need to provide when implementing a ddo-based
/// solver is a `StateRanking`. This is an heuristic which is used to select the most
/// and least promising nodes as a means to only delete/merge the *least* promising nodes
/// when compiling restricted and relaxed DDs.
struct KPranking;
impl StateRanking for KPranking {
    type State = KnapsackState;

    fn compare(&self, a: &Self::State, b: &Self::State) -> std::cmp::Ordering {


/// Then instantiate a solver and spawn as many threads as there are hardware
/// threads on the machine to solve the problem.
fn main() {
    // 1. Create an instance of our knapsack problem
    let problem = Knapsack {
        capacity: 50,
        profit  : vec![60, 100, 120],
        weight  : vec![10,  20,  30]

    // 2. Create a relaxation of the problem
    let relaxation = KPRelax;

    // 3. Create a ranking to discriminate the promising and uninteresting states
    let heuristic = KPRanking;

    // 4. Define the policy you will want to use regarding the maximum width of the DD
    let width = FixedWidth(100); // here we mean max 100 nodes per layer
    // 5. Add a dominance relation checker
    let dominance = SimpleDominanceChecker::new(KPDominance, problem.nb_variables());

    // 6. Decide of a cutoff heuristic (if you don't want to let the solver run for ever)
    let cutoff = NoCutoff; // might as well be a TimeBudget (or something else)

    // 7. Create the solver fringe
    let mut fringe = SimpleFringe::new(MaxUB::new(&heuristic));
    // 8. Instantiate your solver
    let mut solver = DefaultSolver::new(
          &mut fringe);

    // 9. Maximize your objective function
    // the outcome provides the value of the best solution that was found for
    // the problem (if one was found) along with a flag indicating whether or
    // not the solution was proven optimal. Hence an unsatisfiable problem
    // would have `outcome.best_value == None` and `outcome.is_exact` true.
    // The `is_exact` flag will only be false if you explicitly decide to stop
    // searching with an arbitrary cutoff.
    let outcome = solver.maximize();
    // The best solution (if one exist) is retrieved with
    let solution = solver.best_solution();

    // 10. Do whatever you like with the optimal solution.
    assert_eq!(Some(220), outcome.best_value);
    for decision in solution.unwrap().iter() {
        if decision.value == 1 {
            println!("{}", decision.variable.id());



这些示例使用以下命令用cargo编译:cargo build --release --all-targets。编译完成后,您将在

  • $project/target/release/examples/knapsack
  • $project/target/release/examples/max2sat
  • $project/target/release/examples/mcp
  • $project/target/release/examples/misp

如果您对使用这些程序有任何疑问,只需运行<程序> -h,它应显示一条有用的消息,解释如何使用它。





    author       = {Xavier Gillard, Pierre Schaus, Vianney Coppé},
    title        = {Ddo, a generic and efficient framework for MDD-based optimization},
    howpublished = {IJCAI-20},
    year         = {2020},
    note         = {Available from \url{https://github.com/xgillard/ddo}},


  • 版本 0.3.0 添加了截止机制,这可能会迫使求解器停止尝试证明最优解。一些返回类型已经进行了调整,以考虑这种可能性。


  • David Bergman, Andre A. Cire, Ashish Sabharwal, Samulowitz Horst, Saraswat Vijay,以及 Willem-Jan 和 van Hoeve。在 Helmut Simonis 编著的《约束规划中人工智能和运筹技术的整合》(Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming),第 8451 卷,第 351–367 页。Springer,2014 年。
  • David Bergman 和 Andre A. Cire。在《决策图优化中的理论洞察和算法工具》(Theoretical insights and algorithmic tools for decision diagram-based optimization)中,Constraints,21(4):533–556,2016 年。
  • David Bergman, Andre A. Cire, Willem-Jan van Hoeve,以及 J. N. Hooker。在《决策图优化》(Decision Diagrams for Optimization)中,Springer,2016 年。
  • David Bergman, Andre A. Cire, Willem-Jan van Hoeve,以及 J. N. Hooker。在《决策图进行离散优化》(Discrete optimization with decision diagrams)中,INFORMS Journal on Computing,28(1):47–66,2016 年。


~73K SLoC