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#3 in #send-http

Download history 2/week @ 2024-06-08 112/week @ 2024-06-22 26/week @ 2024-06-29 31/week @ 2024-07-06 96/week @ 2024-07-27

130 每月下载量

MIT 协议

1.5K SLoC

Atlas HTTP -


  • 异步和同步客户端。
  • 直接下载文件和发送GET< POST、PUT< DELETE< HEAD、OPTIONS请求的函数。
  • 根据PHP的PSR-7标准构建。
  • 支持HTTP和SOCKS5代理
  • 自动管理cookie jar


use atlas_http::{HttpClient, HttpRequest, HttpBody, ProxyType};

// Simple GET request emulating web browser, utilizing cookies.txt as cookie jar
let mut http = HttpClient::builder()

let res = http.get("https://www.google.com/").unwrap();
println!("Status: {}\nBody:\n\n{}", res.status_code(), res.body());

// POST request
let body = HttpBody::from_string("name=John Smith&[email protected]&country=CA");
let res = http.post("https://domain.com/register", &body).unwrap();
println!("Status: {}\nBody:\n\n{}", res.status_code(), res.body());

// Normal PSR-7 style POST, with upload file
let mut body = HttpBody::empty();
body.set_param("name", "John SMith");
body.set_param("email", "[email protected]");
body.upload_file("document", "/path/to/document.pdf");

let headers = vec![
    "Site-User: myuser",
    "Site-API-Key: abc12345"

let req = HttpRequest::new("POST", "https://example.com/form", &headers, &body);
let res = http.send(&req).unwrap();
println!("Status: {}\nBody:\n\n{}", res.status_code(), res.body());

// Download file
let res = http.download("https://example.com/path/to/file.tar.gz", "/home/me/file.tar.gz").unwrap();
if res.status_code() == 200 {
    println!("GOt file!");

/// Send over SOCKS5 proxy at
let mut http = HttpClient::builder()
    .proxy("", 1080)
    .proxy_auth("myuser", "mypassword")

let res = http.get("https://some-domain.com/").unwrap();
println!("Status: {}\nBody:\n\n{}", res.status_code(), res.body());

/// Asynchronous example
let mut http = HttpClient::builder().browser().build_async();
let res = http.get("https://www.google.com/").await.unwrap();
println!("Status: {}\nBody:\n\n{}", res.status_code(), res.body());

// Async works exactly the same as syncronous.  The only 
// difference is you call ".build_async()" at the end of 
// the builder instead of ".build_sync()".  That's it.


如果您需要任何帮助或软件开发,请通过电子邮件[email protected]联系我。



~387K SLoC