#place #command-line-tool #conditional #logic #thing #multiple #appending

app append-if

一个基于文件内容的简单条件逻辑来追加文本到文件的 CLI 工具。特别适用于追加文本到 .bashrc 等地方,而不会不小心多次追加相同的内容。

1 个不稳定版本

0.1.0 2022年9月4日


MIT 许可证



一个基于文件内容的简单条件逻辑来追加文本到文件的 CLI 工具。特别适用于追加文本到 .bashrc 等地方,而不会不小心多次追加相同的内容。


cargo install append-if


append-if --mode missing --path ~/.bashrc --pattern '$HOME/.rvm/bin' --append '
# Add RVM to PATH for scripting. Make sure this is the last PATH variable change.
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin"


CLI 选项

$ append-if --help
append-if 0.1.0
A utility for appending text to files based on simple conditional logic. Designed to be highly
useful in shell scripts

    append-if [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> --append <APPEND>

    -a, --append <APPEND>            Text to append to the end of the file if conditions are met
    -c, --check-path <CHECK_PATH>    Path of the file to check. Defaults to path
    -h, --help                       Print help information
    -m, --mode <MODE>                Mode used for conditional logic. Choices are 'missing',
                                     'present', or 'always' [default: Missing]
    -p, --path <PATH>                Path of the file you want to append to
        --pattern <PATTERN>          Pattern to match against. Defaults to what we are appending.
                                     Can be a string or regular expression. If an invalid regular
                                     expression is provided, the input will be treated as a string
                                     we are searching for in the target file
    -v, --verbose                    Flag to enable verbose output
    -V, --version                    Print version information


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