
  1. open

    path or URL using the program configured on the system

    v5.3.0 356K #start #launch #xdg-open
  2. loco-rs

    The one-person framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 20K #loco #api #framework #rails #one-person #status #start
  3. supervisor-rs

    Manage (Start/Stop/Restart/etc.) processings on server

    v0.8.5 #yaml-config #server #public-key #server-side #start #encryption-key #child
  4. qk

    CLI for quickly starting new projects

    v0.1.4 170 #start #project #quick #new #cli
  5. ggapi

    communicating with start.gg's API

    v0.2.5 #gg #start #tournament #query #communicating #value #name
  6. onepassword-secret-util

    Enhance 1password secret expansion with the opx CLI

    v0.0.6 #env #secret #opx #1password #start #applications #env-file
  7. lsgit

    recursivly lists git projects below start directory. Start directly is CWD by default, but an alternate directory can be passed as a command line arguement

    v0.1.4 #git-directory #git #ls #list #projects #start #path
  8. uymas_cli

    the fast and minimal dependency development tool for rust language

    v2.2.0 140 #language #tool #command-line-tool #start
  9. pmc

    easy to use PM2 alternative

    v2.0.0 160 #process #management #stop #fork #process-information #restart #start
  10. eppo

    Eppo SDK for Rust

    v3.0.0 110 #feature-flags #sdk #assignment #client #logging #configuration #start
  11. kintai

    time management system

    v0.1.0 #time-management #system #command #start #stop #summary #file-path
  12. phakebit

    A 6502 CPU emulator

    v0.1.4 #emulator #cpu #memory #state #memory-address #start #vector
  13. zat

    Print a range of lines of a file

    v1.1.0 #file-line #range #display #end #start #tail #head
  14. subplotlib

    functions and types for subplot codegen generated Rust based test suites. Relies on subplotlib-derive for associated macros.

    v0.11.0 600 #test-suite #generated #subplot #codegen #start #suites #suggest
  15. ttrace

    trace the time for tasks for a given day

    v0.1.4 #task #time #restart #day #stop #start #rename
  16. dynamic_tcp_proxy

    Dynamic proxy implementation in Rust. This crate is designed to allow you to start a proxy that can be reconfigured at runtime.

    v0.1.0 110 #proxy #dynamic #dynamic-proxy #run-time #start #reconfigured #config
  17. ecli-rs

    The client cli wrapper of ecli

    v0.2.9 #wrapper #ecli #client #stop #start #logging #http-client
  18. proflogger

    Implements a macro to enable automatic function profiling

    v0.1.2 #profile #log #automatic #profiling #macro #level #start
  19. lambda_cli

    application to interact with the Lambda Cloud GPU API

    v0.1.0 #api-key #instance #gpu #cloud #lambda #ssh-key #start
  20. ttype-app

    Console typing test

    v0.2.0 #typing #console #test #terminal #macos #ttype #start
  21. simple-rust-lib-template

    A generic template for creating Rust libraries with essential CI/CD configurations

    v0.1.3 #template #ci-cd #developing #start #setups #configuration #generic
  22. jake_the_dog

    skeleton project that you can use to start a basic webserver using Rust and PostgreSQL

    v1.0.1 #postgresql #web-server #actix-web #tokio-postgres #basic #start #run-time
  23. cal-demo


    v0.1.0 #dioxus #start #dev-server #command #cli-command #nodejs #compiler
  24. document-ready

    Document ready listener for browsers

    v2.0.0 #document #ready #browser #listener #wasm #wasm-bindgen #start
  25. debug-here

    A macro to shave precious seconds off the time it takes to start debugging

    v0.2.2 130 #debugging #start #cross-platform #gdb #script #hook #state
  26. dum

    An npm scripts runner

    v0.1.19 #npm #script-runner #run #replace #start #immediately #waiting
  27. easywind

    CLI library

    v0.2.0 #tailwind #initialization #live-reload #init #start #file #serve
  28. slice-ext

    Useful extensions to slices and iterable types

    v0.1.4 #extension #slice #split #predicate #found #matched #start
  29. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  30. rangecutter

    working with adjacent ranges

    v0.1.0 #range #adjacent #compose #end #range-ext #start
  31. voxel-traversal

    Traverse through all voxels in a 3d space from a start position to an end position

    v0.2.0 #traversal #voxel #position #linear-algebra #3d #end #start
  32. rcc4r

    C compiler implemented in Rust with only 4 raw-functions

    v0.1.0 #compiler #implemented #beep #raw-functions #start #dont #engine
  33. cargo-owo

    br3adina7or's custom program to make a new rust project

    v0.1.2 #owo #cargo #br3adina7or #automate #start #how #lots
  34. ecli-server

    The server cli wrapper of ecli

    v0.2.9 #server #ecli #cli #start #wrapper
  35. orderly

    A program for ordered re(start),stop and cleanup of processes

    v0.5.1 #processes #cleanup #start #stop #ordered #container #failure
  36. seastar

    Dependency-free, non-generic implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm

    v0.2.0 #path-finding #a-star #algorithm #2d-grid #direction #end #start
  37. tranche

    Tranches are an alternative to slices

    v0.1.1 #slice #pointers #iterator #start #tranches #methods #end
  38. lucidmq

    that Implements and Interfaces LucidMQ

    v0.1.1 #event-streaming #message #message-queue #producer #applications #events #start
  39. cargo-suicide

    fix your code forever

    v0.1.2 #cargo #subcommand #forever #time #start
  40. devstart

    Make me: make me run dev tasks without thinking

    v0.7.0 #dev #test #cli #start
  41. getstartproj

    Determines start project(s) of a Visual Studio solution

    v0.1.1 #visual-studio #solution #start #projects #determine
  42. ddaa_protocol

    Ding Ding Ack Ack: A simple protocol aimed towards serial communication with a microcontroller

    v0.2.0 #byte #ack #protocols #variables #command #ding #start
  43. eztd

    Quick start Rust

    v0.0.3 #prototype #development #start #quick #prototyping #python
  44. substrate-prometheus-endpoint

    Endpoint to expose Prometheus metrics

    v0.17.0 11K #prometheus-metrics #substrate #expose #start
  45. movement

    help with time calculations

    v0.2.0 #time #calculator #watch #calculations #start #spans #format
  46. threadpool-simple

    Threadpool for working with many tasks easily

    v0.1.12 #thread-pool #tasks #jobs #start
  47. random_sequence

    Generate a random shuffle of the numbers between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive)

    v0.1.1 #random #numbers #exclusive #start #inclusive #shuffle #end
  48. toy-async-runtime

    Toy library to start to work with async rust, build for reckless person!

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #toy #async #build #person #start #reckless #programming
  49. cvicko2ak


    v0.1.0 #cvicko2ak #start
  50. r0

    Initialization code ('crt0') written in Rust

    v1.0.0 29K #initialization #start #init #crt0 #c0
  51. af-core

    A core library and async runtime for Rust applications

    v0.1.8 #run-time #applications #async #start #cargo
  52. eldiron-cli

    Command-line tool for Eldiron

    v0.1.0 #eldiron #command-line-tool #server #systemd #setup #restart #start
  53. openttd-timetable-tool

    computing the start dates of time tables

    v0.2.0 #date-time #table #computing #start
  54. bitcoinsv

    Low-level Bitcoin SV library, focused on infrastructure

    v0.2.6 170 #crypto #bitcoin #sv #low-level #blockchain #handle #start
  55. ratbaseconfig

    lib with base ratatui config for my (mb your) apps

    v0.1.1 #ratatui #base #stop #lib #enums #start #clone
  56. binjs_io

    I/O component of the Binary AST reference implementation

    v0.2.1 #binary #javascript #ast #binary-format #reference #io #start
  57. srvzio

    implement services

    v1.1.1 #services #started #stop #start #thread #stopped #would
  58. devcon

    Runs devcontainer projects

    v0.2.0 #projects #container #devcontainer #rebuild #devcontainers #dockerfile #start
  59. vd

    A short description of my package

    v0.1.0 #description #package #short #voltage #start #quick
  60. myfunction

    By using this libray you can print counting from any number.For use this crate type these line in your main.rs. extern crate.MY_function. MY_function::Print_function(start,end).

    v0.1.0 #print #numbers #start #end #extern #counting #line
  61. wdav

    Quick start a webdav server

    v0.1.1 #start #quick #server #webdav
  62. myfunct

    By using this libray you can print counting. For use this crate type these line in your main.rs. extern crate.MY_function. MY_function::Print_function(start,end).

    v0.1.0 #counting #print #extern #end #start #line #libray
  63. gemachain-storage-bigtable

    Gemachain Storage BigTable

    v1.8.0 #bigtable #variables #google #env-vars #environment #cloud #start