
  1. chacha20poly1305

    Pure Rust实现ChaCha20Poly1305附加数据认证加密算法(RFC 8439),具有可选的架构特定硬件加速。还包括...

    v0.11.0-pre.1 775K #stream-cipher #chacha20 #aead #poly1305 #xchacha20-poly1305 #xchacha20
  2. poly1305


    v0.9.0-rc.0 880K #message-authentication #chacha20-poly1305 #chacha20 #salsa20 #universal-hashing #encryption #cryptography
  3. crypto_secretbox

    Pure Rust实现XSalsa20Poly1305(即NaCl crypto_secretbox)认证加密算法,以及XChaCha20Poly1305的libsodium变体

    v0.1.1 114K #aead #poly1305 #stream-cipher #nacl #salsa20 #xsalsa20
  4. zeros

    v16.1.2 650 #zero #hash #functions #keccak #argon2 #chacha #poly1305
  5. crypto_secretstream

    Pure Rust实现libsodium的crypto_secretstream密钥流,使用ChaCha20和Poly1305

    v0.2.0 13K #chacha20-poly1305 #libsodium #poly1305 #chacha20 #public-key #nacl #encryption-decryption
  6. crypto_api_chachapoly

    ChaCha20-IETF, Poly1305和ChachaPoly-IETF for crypto_api

    v0.5.0 5.6K #chacha20-poly1305 #poly1305 #aead #chacha20 #cha-cha20-poly1305 #cryptography #crypto
  7. portal-client

    Secure file transfer utility, written in Rust. The protocol utilizes SPAKE2 for key negotiation over an insecure channel, and ChaCha20Poly1305 Authenticated Encryption to encrypt...

    v0.5.0 #file-transfer #chacha20-poly1305 #wormhole #spake2 #chacha20 #poly1305 #send-file
  8. aes256ctr_poly1305aes

    Pure Rust实现AES256CTR-Poly1305AES认证加密算法,具有可选的架构特定硬件加速

    v0.2.0 1.0K #poly1305 #aes #aead #aes256ctr
  9. portal-lib

    Secure file transfer library, written in Rust. The library utilizes SPAKE2 for key negotiation over an insecure channel, and ChaCha20Poly1305 Authenticated Encryption to encrypt the...

    v0.5.0 140 #file-transfer #file-encryption #chacha20-poly1305 #poly1305 #chacha20 #wormhole #spake2
  10. lazyxchacha

    基于RustCrypto: ChaCha20Poly1305的Lazy XChaCha20-Poly1305实现

    v0.1.1 #key-exchange #lazy-evaluation #poly1305 #encryption #base #xchacha #x25519
  11. portal-relay


    v0.5.0 #file-transfer #chacha20-poly1305 #wormhole #poly1305 #chacha20 #spake2
  12. chacha20-poly1305-stream

    RFC 7539中ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD的纯Rust实现

    v0.1.1 #chacha20-poly1305 #poly1305 #aead #chacha20 #encryption #crypto
  13. chacha20-poly1305-aead

    RFC 7539中ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD的纯Rust实现

    v0.1.2 900 #chacha20-poly1305 #aead #poly1305 #chacha20 #crypto
  14. 使用DuckDuckGo搜索:搜索.

  15. xsalsa20poly1305

    已弃用:请使用 crypto_secretbox

    v0.9.1 16K #poly1305 #aead #salsa20 #xsalsa20 #stream-cipher