
  1. webpki-roots

    Mozilla's CA root certificates for use with webpki

    v0.26.3 6.4M #certificate #root #ca #mozilla #webpki #rustls #ccadb
  2. js-sys

    Bindings for all JS global objects and functions in all JS environments like Node.js and browsers, built on #[wasm_bindgen] using the wasm-bindgen crate

    v0.3.70 4.6M #object #global #web #documentation #developer #mozilla #reference
  3. mozangle

    Mozilla's fork of Google ANGLE, repackaged as a Rust crate

    v0.5.1 6.1K #angle #opengl #mozilla #es #fork #build #google
  4. mozilla/neqo-server

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #server #firefox #mozilla #ietf #quic #env-var
  5. mozilla/neqo-interop

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #interop #quic #mozilla #ietf #env-var
  6. mozdevice

    Client library for the Android Debug Bridge (adb)

    v0.5.3 3.3K #android #adb #mozilla #firefox #debugging #geckoview
  7. licensit

    Command-line tool to create LICENSE files

    v1.2.0 #command-line-tool #license-management #create #public #gnu #mozilla #cli
  8. mozrunner

    Reliable Firefox process management

    v0.15.3 4.5K #firefox #process-manager #mozilla
  9. mozilla/neqo-client

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #mozilla #ietf #client #quic #process
  10. marionette

    implementing the client side of Gecko's Marionette remote automation protocol

    v0.6.0 2.7K #web-driver #firefox #mozilla #client-side #webdriver
  11. mozprofile

    working with Mozilla profiles

    v0.9.3 4.6K #mozilla #firefox #profiles
  12. geckodriver

    Proxy for using WebDriver clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers

    v0.35.0 1.5K #web-driver #firefox #w3c #mozilla #apache #http-api
  13. mozilla/neqo-transport

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #ietf #mozilla
  14. webpki-root-certs

    Mozilla trusted certificate authorities in self-signed X.509 format for use with crates other than webpki

    v0.26.4 100 #certificate #webpki #mozilla #trusted #root #self-signed #format
  15. mozilla/neqo-crypto

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #crypto #firefox #quic #mozilla #ietf #cryptography
  16. mozilla/neqo-common

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #quic #ietf #mozilla #env-var #git #http3 #nss
  17. mozilla/neqo-qpack

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #quic #mozilla #ietf
  18. mozversion

    accessing Firefox version metadata

    v0.5.3 2.7K #firefox #mozilla #version #metadata #accessing
  19. treeherder-dl

    Download artifacts in bulk from Mozilla's TreeHerder

    v2.0.2 140 #artifact #download #mozilla #tree-herder #bulk #treeherder #tool
  20. mozilla/neqo-http3

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #quic #ietf #mozilla #stream #server #http3
  21. mozwire

    MozillaVPN wireguard configuration manager

    v0.8.1 #vpn #wireguard #cross-platform #mozilla #linux-macos #linux #env-vars
  22. tc-fetch

    Download taskcluster artifacts

    v0.4.1 #artifact #ci #taskcluster #download #fetch #mozilla #logs
  23. serve-mar

    Serves a mar update file for Mozilla based applications

    v0.1.1 200 #update #applications #mozilla #web-server #serve #mar #file
  24. pass-fxa

    Upload a password-store to Firefox Accounts

    v0.4.1 #password-manager #password-store #pass #mozilla
  25. sdp-nom

    an sdp-parser

    v0.2.0 #sdp #web-rtc #parser #wasm #sdp-parser #fun #mozilla
  26. autoconfig

    Mozilla Thunderbird's autoconfig

    v0.4.0 #mail-server #email-client #mozilla #automatic #thunderbird #configuration #language
  27. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  28. metrics-controller

    Metrics Controller is a project to collect metrics for Mozilla IOT projects

    v0.1.6 #metrics #iot #projects #controller #collect #mozilla #integration
  29. mozjs_sys

    System crate for the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine

    v0.67.1 #bindings #servo #spider-monkey #mozilla #javascript-engine #forms #numbers
  30. mozsvc-common

    Common utilities for Mozilla server side apps

    v0.2.0 270 #server-side #mozilla #apps #applications #deprecated
  31. basket

    API Wrapper around mozilla basket(newsletters)

    v0.0.5 #mozilla #email #api-wrapper #client #newsletters
  32. fxtabs

    Collect open tabs on all Mozilla Firefox windows

    v0.2.0 #tabs #open #firefox #collect #mozilla #windows
  33. pass-fxa-lib

    interact with passwords stored on FxA

    v0.4.1 #password #password-manager #firefox #mozilla
  34. webpki-ccadb

    Common CA Database (CCADB) interface for use with webpki-roots

    v0.1.0 #certificate #webpki-roots #root #ca #database-interface #ccadb #mozilla
  35. mozilla-ca-certs

    The Mozilla CA Certificate Store, pre-parsed for embedding into Rust programs

    v0.1.3 #certificate #mozilla #ca #store #programs #root #embedding
  36. asdev


    v0.1.5 #services #dev #github #applications #com #mozilla #application-services
  37. tracing-actix-web-mozlog

    Support for tracing in actix-web apps that target Mozilla's MozLog

    v0.5.0 #actix-web #tracing #mozilla #apps #target #moz-log #server
  38. crabkeyduck

    A WIP asciidoc parser in Rust

    v0.1.0 #asciidoc #parser #licensed #mozilla #public
  39. nss-certdata-parser

    Parser for the certdata.txt file from NSS which holds the Mozilla CA Certificate Store

    v0.6.2 #txt-file #certificate #nss #ca #mozilla #store #trust
  40. mozjs

    Rust bindings to the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine

    v0.10.1 #bindings #engine #javascript #javascript-engine #spider-monkey #servo #mozilla
  41. mdn

    A command line tool to search and display documentation from Mozilla Developer Network

    v0.1.3 #command-line-tool #documentation #search #mozilla #developer #network #terminal
  42. mozilla-readability

    Mozilla Readability in Rust

    v0.1.1 #readability #mozilla #content #html #document #attempt #returning
  43. azure

    Bindings to Mozilla's Moz2D library

    v0.37.0 #bindings #mozilla #moz2-d #documentation #abstraction-layer #graphics #rust-azure
  44. deepspeech

    Rust bindings to Mozilla's DeepSpeech STT implementation

    v0.9.1 #bindings #mozilla #version #model #stt #deprecated
  45. mozsvc-common-wvp

    Common utilities for Mozilla server side apps

    v0.1.0 #server-side #mozilla #apps