
  1. octorust

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the GitHub API

    v0.8.0-rc.1 6.9K #github #github-api #user #auth-token #api-client #rest-client #user-agent
  2. openid

    Connect & Discovery client library using async / await

    v0.14.0 76K #oauth #authorization #authentication #auth-token #uma2 #http-client #web-server
  3. compact_jwt

    Minimal implementation of JWT for OIDC and other applications

    v0.4.2 40K #jwt #json #auth-token #authentication #oidc #security #web
  4. bitwark

    Empowering secure digital interactions with robust binary token management and dynamic rolling keys

    v1.2.3 130 #jwt #security #token #quic #auth-token #auth
  5. voiceflousion

    that provides toolkit for Voiceflow AI bots integrations and pre-built functionality for quick integration with popular messengers

    v0.3.1 490 #telegram-bot #integration #bot-framework #chat-bot #auth-token #voiceflow #ai
  6. resonite

    Resonite's API in rust

    v0.3.1 650 #social-vr #api #auth-token #api-bindings #socialvr
  7. axum_jwt_ware

    Axum Authentication Library

    v0.1.8 500 #jwt #auth-token #axum #authentication #middleware #refresh-token #user
  8. vtubestudio

    interacting with the VTube Studio API

    v0.9.0 #studio #api #auth-token #v-tube #request #events #requests
  9. qcs-api-client-common

    Common code for QCS API clients

    v0.8.15-rc.0 2.0K #quantum #qcs #api-client #rigetti #auth-token #api-bindings #api
  10. libhimmelblau

    Samba Library for Azure Entra ID Authentication

    v0.2.9 290 #refresh-token #access-token #auth-token #msal #authentication #azure #samba
  11. cargo-ktra-login

    Log in to private ktra registries using cargo

    v0.1.4 #cargo-registry #cargo #cargo-subcommand #registry #ktra #auth-token #subcommand
  12. dynamic-token

    Encodes and evaluates a time-sensitive dynamic authentication token based on shared API key, a timestamp, some random noise characters and an optional UUID

    v0.1.7 #api-key #auth-token #api-token #dynamic #characters #uuid #jwt
  13. goa-oauth2

    A command-line utility for retrieving OAuth2 tokens from GNOME Online Accounts

    v1.1.2 #oauth2 #gnome #dbus #auth-token #oauth #authentication #command-line-tool
  14. axum-token-auth

    middleware to authenticate requests to axum

    v0.1.1 650 #axum #auth-token #authentication #stateless #login #passwordless #session-cookies
  15. doapi

    A wrapper library for the DigitalOcean API v2

    v0.1.3 #digitalocean #lib #digital #ocean #do #auth-token
  16. oro-npm-account

    Configure access token and execute the login process

    v0.3.34 #package-manager #auth-token #login #nodejs #orogene #process #node-modules
  17. modality-auth-token

    standardized access to local modality auth tokens

    v0.2.0 #access-token #auth-token #authentication #modality #standardized #local #user
  18. m365

    A lightweight rust library to receive BLE Xiaomi M365 scooter messages

    v0.1.1 #ble #bluetooth #xiaomi #auth-token #electric-scooter
  19. twitch-api-rs

    An async binding on the twitch api (helix) using reqwest

    v0.2.1 #twitch #api #request #auth-token #user #client-secret #channel
  20. github_auth

    Authenticate with GitHub from the command line

    v0.8.0 #github #auth-token #command-line #authenticate #scope #io #authenticator
  21. net-token-verifier

    defines core traits and structures for fusion auth token verifications in the net-stalker project

    v0.3.0 #auth-token #authentication #verification #fusion #net-stalker #structures #traits
  22. rocketchat

    Rocket.Chat API Implemented in Rust

    v0.4.1 #api-wrapper #chat #rocket #settings #implemented #login-settings #auth-token
  23. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  24. async-gigachat

    Async bindings for Gigachat API

    v0.2.0 #async #ai #gigachat #api-bindings #auth-token #authentication #chat-completion
  25. vigor_agent

    Client library for Vigor servers

    v0.1.8 #auth-token #server #http-client #retrieval #vigor #authentication #methods
  26. auth_token

    Get an auth token to use in development

    v0.2.3 #access-token #auth #okta #user-name #password #openid #scope
  27. netlify_deploy

    Rust CLI to deploy sites to Netlify

    v0.1.0 #deployment #netlify #sites #cli #api #auth-token
  28. twilio_rust

    An async client library for Twilio based on hyper

    v0.1.0 #twilio #async #async-client #api-bindings #auth-token #events
  29. use-github-api

    A Github API client for rust

    v0.2.0 #github-api #github #api #api-client #authentication #auth-token
  30. orizentic

    inerfacing with a JWT auth token database and a command line tool for managing it

    v1.0.0 #jwt #token #auth-token #permissions #expiration #authentication #database
  31. twitch-oauth

    request twitch authentication token

    v0.1.0 #twitch #oauth #api #oauth-token #auth-token