#ios #macos-ios #apple #cargo-build #building #cargo-subcommand #xc-frameworks

bin+lib xcframework

用于构建 Apple XCFrameworks 的 Cargo 插件和库

5 个版本

0.1.0-alpha.52023 年 12 月 15 日
0.1.0-alpha.42023 年 4 月 5 日

#297 in Cargo 插件

swift-package 中使用

MIT 许可证




⚠️ 警告


用于从 Rust 库构建 Apple XCFrameworks 的 Cargo 插件和库


  • 轻松从 Rust 库创建 Apple XCFrameworks
  • 集成到 cargo 构建过程。使用与 cargo build 相似的参数运行 cargo xcframework
  • Cargo.toml 中的 [package.metadata.xcframework] 部分的配置
  • 目前支持为 iOS、macOS 和模拟器构建。如有需要,也可以添加 watchOS 和 tvOS。



cargoinstall xcframework


cargo安装 --githttps://github.com/human-solutions/xcframework


cargoxcframework --help

有关设置项目,请参阅 示例


构建的 XCFramework 将以 include-dir 目录中 module.modulemap 文件中声明的顶级模块名称命名。


// The XCFramework will be named 'MyModuleName.xcframework'
module MyModuleName {
    // a header file in the same directory as the modulemap
    header "mylib.h"
    export *

[package.metadata.xcframework] 部分的 Cargo.toml 参数。

# Directory where the `module.modulemap` file and the headers are located.
# Note that the modulemap needs to be present in the directory because the
# module name declared in it is used for the framework name.
include-dir = "my-bin-name"

# The library type. Can be staticlib or cdylib
# Optional. This is only necessary if both library types are configured in the
# [lib] sections `crate-type` parameter. Overridden by the command line parameter `--lib-type`.
lib-type = "staticlib"

# Whether to zip the resulting XCFramework
# Optional. Defaults to true.
zip = true

# Enable Cargo to compile the standard library itself as part of a crate graph compilation.
# If enabled either run with `cargo +nightly xcframework`, set the default toolchain to nightly
# or set run `rustup override set nightly` in the project directory.
# Optional. Defaults to false. Requires nightly. Only useful for staticlib's, ignored for cdylibs.
build-std = false

# Whether to build for macOS
# Optional. Defaults to false.
macOS = false

# The macOS target triples
# Optional. Defaults to ["x86_64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-darwin"].
macOS-targets = ["x86_64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-darwin"]

# Whether to build the simulator targets. Not used when building for macOS.
# Optional. Defaults to false
simulators = false

# Whether to build for iOS
# Optional. Defaults to false.
iOS = false

# The iOS target triples
# Optional. Defaults to ["aarch64-apple-ios"].
iOS-targets = ["aarch64-apple-ios"]

# The iOS simulator target triples. Only used if `simulators` and `iOS` are true.
# Optional. Defaults to ["aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "x86_64-apple-ios"]
iOS-simulator-targets = ["aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "x86_64-apple-ios"]

# If there is interest, watchOS and tvOS can be added as well.

目标 iOS 和 macOS 版本可以通过环境变量 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGETIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 设置。有关默认值,请参阅 apple_base.rs


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