20 个不稳定版本 (9 个破坏性更改)
0.9.0 | 2024年5月9日 |
0.8.3 | 2024年3月15日 |
0.8.1 | 2024年2月21日 |
0.7.1 | 2023年10月29日 |
0.2.0 | 2021年8月24日 |
#2399 in 密码学
用于 miden-node-block-producer
此包包含 Winterfell STARK 推理器和验证器。它简单导出在 推理器 和 验证器 包中定义的组件。
此项目遵循 MIT 许可证。
此包包含 Winterfell STARK 推理器和验证器。
STARK 是一种新型的计算证明方案,用于创建可高效验证的计算正确执行证明。该方案由以色列理工学院 Eli Ben-Sasson、Michael Riabzev 等人开发。STARK 不需要初始可信设置,并且依赖于非常少的加密假设。有关更多信息,请参阅 参考文献。
- 为您的工作定义一个 代数中间表示 (AIR)。这可以通过实现 [Air] 特性来完成。
- 为您的工作定义一个执行跟踪。这可以通过实现 [Trace] 特性来完成。或者,您可以使用已经实现 [Trace] 特性的 [TraceTable] 结构体,在通用实现适用于您的用例时。
- 执行您的计算并记录其执行跟踪。
- 通过实现 [Prover] 特性来定义您的证明器。然后,执行 [Prover::prove()] 函数,将上一步生成的跟踪作为参数传递给它。该函数将返回一个 [Proof] 实例。
此 Proof
可以序列化并发送给 STARK 验证器进行验证。证明的大小取决于特定计算的具体情况,但对于大多数计算,它应在 15 KB(用于非常小的计算)到 300 KB(用于非常大的计算)之间。
- 为你的计算定义一个代数中间表示(AIR)。这个AIR必须与证明生成过程中使用的相同。
- 执行[verify()]函数,并提供你的计算AIR以及[证明]和相关公共输入作为参数。
证明验证非常快,几乎与被验证计算的复杂性无关。在绝大多数情况下,在现代中端笔记本电脑CPU(使用单个核心)上,证明可以在3 - 5毫秒内完成验证。
use winterfell::math::{fields::f128::BaseElement, FieldElement};
fn do_work(start: BaseElement, n: usize) -> BaseElement {
let mut result = start;
for _ in 1..n {
result = result.exp(3) + BaseElement::new(42);
步骤 | 状态 |
0 | 3 |
1 | 69 |
2 | 328551 |
3 | 35465687262668193 |
4 | 237280320818395402166933071684267763523 |
... | |
1,048,575 | 247770943907079986105389697876176586605 |
use winterfell::{
math::{fields::f128::BaseElement, FieldElement},
pub fn build_do_work_trace(start: BaseElement, n: usize) -> TraceTable<BaseElement> {
// Instantiate the trace with a given width and length; this will allocate all
// required memory for the trace
let trace_width = 1;
let mut trace = TraceTable::new(trace_width, n);
// Fill the trace with data; the first closure initializes the first state of the
// computation; the second closure computes the next state of the computation based
// on its current state.
|state| {
state[0] = start;
|_, state| {
state[0] = state[0].exp(3u32.into()) + BaseElement::new(42);
- 定义了我们计算应具有的公共输入的外观。这些输入被称为“公共的”,因为它们必须为证明者和验证者所知晓。
- 定义了一个具有单个转换约束的转换函数。这个约束必须对所有有效状态转换评估为零,对于任何无效状态转换评估为非零。这个约束的次数为3(有关约束次数的更多信息,请参阅[Air]特质文档中的“约束次数”部分)。
- 针对我们的计算执行跟踪定义两个断言。这些断言将一组特定的公共输入与特定的执行跟踪相关联(关于断言的更多信息,请参阅[Air]特质文档的“Trace断言”部分)。
use winterfell::{
math::{fields::f128::BaseElement, FieldElement, ToElements},
Air, AirContext, Assertion, GkrVerifier, EvaluationFrame,
ProofOptions, TraceInfo, TransitionConstraintDegree,
crypto::{hashers::Blake3_256, DefaultRandomCoin},
// Public inputs for our computation will consist of the starting value and the end result.
pub struct PublicInputs {
start: BaseElement,
result: BaseElement,
// We need to describe how public inputs can be converted to field elements.
impl ToElements<BaseElement> for PublicInputs {
fn to_elements(&self) -> Vec<BaseElement> {
vec![self.start, self.result]
// For a specific instance of our computation, we'll keep track of the public inputs and
// the computation's context which we'll build in the constructor. The context is used
// internally by the Winterfell prover/verifier when interpreting this AIR.
pub struct WorkAir {
context: AirContext<BaseElement>,
start: BaseElement,
result: BaseElement,
impl Air for WorkAir {
// We'll specify which finite field to use for our computation, and also how
// the public inputs must look like.
type BaseField = BaseElement;
type PublicInputs = PublicInputs;
type GkrProof = ();
type GkrVerifier = ();
// Here, we'll construct a new instance of our computation which is defined by 3
// parameters: starting value, number of steps, and the end result. Another way to
// think about it is that an instance of our computation is a specific invocation of
// the do_work() function.
fn new(trace_info: TraceInfo, pub_inputs: PublicInputs, options: ProofOptions) -> Self {
// our execution trace should have only one column.
assert_eq!(1, trace_info.width());
// Our computation requires a single transition constraint. The constraint itself
// is defined in the evaluate_transition() method below, but here we need to specify
// the expected degree of the constraint. If the expected and actual degrees of the
// constraints don't match, an error will be thrown in the debug mode, but in release
// mode, an invalid proof will be generated which will not be accepted by any verifier.
let degrees = vec![TransitionConstraintDegree::new(3)];
// We also need to specify the exact number of assertions we will place against the
// execution trace. This number must be the same as the number of items in a vector
// returned from the get_assertions() method below.
let num_assertions = 2;
WorkAir {
context: AirContext::new(trace_info, degrees, num_assertions, options),
start: pub_inputs.start,
result: pub_inputs.result,
// In this method we'll define our transition constraints; a computation is considered to
// be valid, if for all valid state transitions, transition constraints evaluate to all
// zeros, and for any invalid transition, at least one constraint evaluates to a non-zero
// value. The `frame` parameter will contain current and next states of the computation.
fn evaluate_transition<E: FieldElement + From<Self::BaseField>>(
frame: &EvaluationFrame<E>,
_periodic_values: &[E],
result: &mut [E],
) {
// First, we'll read the current state, and use it to compute the expected next state
let current_state = &frame.current()[0];
let next_state = current_state.exp(3u32.into()) + E::from(42u32);
// Then, we'll subtract the expected next state from the actual next state; this will
// evaluate to zero if and only if the expected and actual states are the same.
result[0] = frame.next()[0] - next_state;
// Here, we'll define a set of assertions about the execution trace which must be
// satisfied for the computation to be valid. Essentially, this ties computation's
// execution trace to the public inputs.
fn get_assertions(&self) -> Vec<Assertion<Self::BaseField>> {
// for our computation to be valid, value in column 0 at step 0 must be equal to the
// starting value, and at the last step it must be equal to the result.
let last_step = self.trace_length() - 1;
Assertion::single(0, 0, self.start),
Assertion::single(0, last_step, self.result),
// This is just boilerplate which is used by the Winterfell prover/verifier to retrieve
// the context of the computation.
fn context(&self) -> &AirContext<Self::BaseField> {
use winterfell::{
crypto::{hashers::Blake3_256, DefaultRandomCoin},
math::{fields::f128::BaseElement, FieldElement, ToElements},
DefaultTraceLde, ProofOptions, Prover, StarkDomain, Trace, TracePolyTable, TraceTable,
// Our prover needs to hold STARK protocol parameters which are specified via ProofOptions
// struct.
struct WorkProver {
options: ProofOptions
impl WorkProver {
pub fn new(options: ProofOptions) -> Self {
Self { options }
// When implementing the Prover trait we set the `Air` associated type to the AIR of the
// computation we defined previously, and set the `Trace` associated type to `TraceTable`
// struct as we don't need to define a custom trace for our computation. For other
// associated types, we'll use default implementation provided by Winterfell.
impl Prover for WorkProver {
type BaseField = BaseElement;
type Air = WorkAir;
type Trace = TraceTable<Self::BaseField>;
type HashFn = Blake3_256<Self::BaseField>;
type RandomCoin = DefaultRandomCoin<Self::HashFn>;
type TraceLde<E: FieldElement<BaseField = Self::BaseField>> = DefaultTraceLde<E, Self::HashFn>;
type ConstraintEvaluator<'a, E: FieldElement<BaseField = Self::BaseField>> =
DefaultConstraintEvaluator<'a, Self::Air, E>;
// Our public inputs consist of the first and last value in the execution trace.
fn get_pub_inputs(&self, trace: &Self::Trace) -> PublicInputs {
let last_step = trace.length() - 1;
PublicInputs {
start: trace.get(0, 0),
result: trace.get(0, last_step),
fn options(&self) -> &ProofOptions {
fn new_trace_lde<E: FieldElement<BaseField = Self::BaseField>>(
trace_info: &TraceInfo,
main_trace: &ColMatrix<Self::BaseField>,
domain: &StarkDomain<Self::BaseField>,
) -> (Self::TraceLde<E>, TracePolyTable<E>) {
DefaultTraceLde::new(trace_info, main_trace, domain)
fn new_evaluator<'a, E: FieldElement<BaseField = Self::BaseField>>(
air: &'a Self::Air,
aux_rand_elements: Option<AuxRandElements<E>>,
composition_coefficients: winterfell::ConstraintCompositionCoefficients<E>,
) -> Self::ConstraintEvaluator<'a, E> {
DefaultConstraintEvaluator::new(air, aux_rand_elements, composition_coefficients)
// We'll just hard-code the parameters here for this example. We'll also just run the
// computation just for 1024 steps to save time during testing.
let start = BaseElement::new(3);
let n = 1024;
// Build the execution trace and get the result from the last step.
let trace = build_do_work_trace(start, n);
let result = trace.get(0, n - 1);
// Define proof options; these will be enough for ~96-bit security level.
let options = ProofOptions::new(
32, // number of queries
8, // blowup factor
0, // grinding factor
8, // FRI folding factor
31, // FRI max remainder polynomial degree
// Instantiate the prover and generate the proof.
let prover = WorkProver::new(options);
let proof = prover.prove(trace).unwrap();
// The verifier will accept proofs with parameters which guarantee 95 bits or more of
// conjectured security
let min_opts = winterfell::AcceptableOptions::MinConjecturedSecurity(95);
// Verify the proof. The number of steps and options are encoded in the proof itself,
// so we don't need to pass them explicitly to the verifier.
let pub_inputs = PublicInputs { start, result };
>(proof, pub_inputs, &min_opts).is_ok());
- STARKs白皮书: 可扩展、透明和后量子安全的计算完整性
- STARKs与SNARKs: 密码证明的 Cambrian 爆发
Vitalik Buterin的zk-STARKs博客系列
StarkWare的STARK Math博客系列
~98K SLoC