#权限 #Windows 文件 #所有者 #大小 #文件信息 #Windows

无 std windows-file-info

此 crate 用于以开发者友好的方式收集关于 Windows 实体(存档、目录或重解析点/符号链接)的有用信息。

3 个版本 (破坏性更新)

0.3.0 2024年1月27日
0.2.0 2024年1月24日
0.1.0 2024年1月17日

#99 in Windows API

每月 26 次下载

MIT 许可证

642 代码行

Windows File Info - Windows 实体检查器

此 crate 用于以开发者友好的方式收集关于 Windows 实体(存档、目录或重解析点/符号链接)的有用信息。

此 crate 是 linux-file-info crate 的并行 crate,我为其开发了在 Linux 上处理相同功能的功能。如果您需要 Linux 的实体检查器,请查看该 crate。

虽然 Windows 和 Linux 很不同,但这个 crate 以不同的方式做了同样的事情,并且代码量更多。还添加了一些专门为 Windows 内核添加的功能。

当前情况:根据我的测试,在当前情况下,如果没有许多实体要搜索和索引,最重要的函数 current_folder_info()other_folder_info()entity_info() 的运行速度大约为 500 毫秒。对于 entity_info() 函数始终如此,而对于 current_folder_info() 函数大多数时候如此。如果有大约 50-60 个实体,函数的运行速度减半。





#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct WindowsEntity {
    pub mode: Vec<String>, // which permissions that entity has
    pub types: Vec<String>, // which types that entity has, in windows, an entity can be archive, directory and reparse point or symlink in the same time
    pub owner: String, // owning user of that entity
    pub last_write_time: String,
    pub name: String, // name of that entity
    pub creation_time: String, 
    pub attributes: String,
    pub last_access_time: String,
    pub size: i32, // as bytes
    pub absolute_path: String


use win_file_info::*;

fn main(){
    // get your current user:
    let current_user = get_current_user();

    // get entities of you current working folder:
    let current_folder = current_folder_info();

    // get your user folder's entities:
    let format_user_path = format!("C:\\Users\\{}", current_user);
    let your_user_folder = other_folder_info(&format_user_path).unwrap();

    // get the info of "cargo.exe" entity:
    let cargo_path = format!("C:\\Users\\{}\\.cargo\\bin\\cargo.exe", current_user);
    let get_cargo_exe_entity = entity_info(&cargo_path).unwrap();

    // assuming you have a windows path with only one backslash on every level and you want to format it to make 
    // 2 backslash at every path level. if it returns from a variable, you can use it directly but if you want to 
    // give it via hardcoding, you have to write it with two backslash, because rust understands one backslash as 
    // escape sequence. Also because of that if you have that path already it's pointless to use that function, but 
    // for example, if you used "std::env::current_dir" function it returns windows paths with only one backslash, 
    // you can use it:

    let current_directory_path = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
    let current_directory_path = current_directory_path.as_path().to_str().unwrap();
    let format_the_windows_path = windows_path_two_backslash(current_directory_path);

    // or if you want to have a path with only one backslash and you have a path that has two backslash, you can use that function:

    let format_desktop_path = format!("C:\\\\Users\\\\{}\\\\Desktop", current_user);
    let format_the_windows_path = windows_path_one_backslash(&format_desktop_path);

    // checking the entity type:

    let is_users_folder_a_directory = is_directory("C:\\Users");
    let is_users_folder_a_archive = is_archive("C:\\Users");
    let is_users_folder_a_reparse_point_or_symlink = is_reparse_point_or_symlink("C:\\Users");

    // in windows, entities can be both directory, archive or reparse point or symlink, because of that we have
    // functions which checks all situations. And since, "OneDrive" folder has all 3 of that types, we use it as
    // example:

    let format_one_drive_path = format!("C:\\\\Users\\\\{}\\\\OneDrive", current_user);
    let mixed_types_one = is_directory_and_archive(&format_one_drive_path);
    let mixed_types_two = is_directory_and_reparse_point_or_symlink(&format_one_drive_path);
    let mixed_types_three = is_archive_and_reparse_point_or_symlink(&format_one_drive_path);
    let mixed_types_four = is_directory_and_archive_and_reparse_point_or_symlink(&format_one_drive_path);

