2 个版本
0.1.1 | 2022 年 9 月 3 日 |
0.1.0 | 2022 年 9 月 3 日 |
#20 在 #wei
每月 65 次下载
在 etherscan_explorer_cmd_li… 中使用
69 行
在 Rust 中转换 eth 单位(wei、gwei、eth)
cargo添加 web3-unit-converter
use web3_unit_converter::Unit;
fn main() {
// Convert 1 Wei to ETH
let one_wei_in_eth = Unit::Wei(&1u128.to_string()).to_eth_str().unwrap();
println!("One Wei in ETH is: {}", one_wei_in_eth);
// One Wei in ETH is: 0.000000000000000001
// Convert 1 Gwei to ETH
let one_gwei_in_eth = Unit::Gwei(&1u128.to_string()).to_eth_str().unwrap();
println!("One Gwei in ETH is: {}", one_gwei_in_eth);
// One Gwei in ETH is: 0.000000001
// Convert 1 Eth to Gwei
let one_eth_in_gwei = Unit::Ether(&1u128.to_string()).to_gwei_str().unwrap();
println!("One ETH in Gwei is: {}", one_eth_in_gwei);
// One ETH in Gwei is: 1000000000
// Convert 1 Gwei to Wei
let one_gwei_in_wei = Unit::Gwei(&1u128.to_string()).to_wei_str().unwrap();
println!("One Gwei in Wei is: {}", one_gwei_in_wei);
// One Gwei in Wei is: 1000000000
// 15 decimals
println!("1.111111111111112 ETH(float, 15 decimals) in Wei is: {}", Unit::Ether(&(1.111111111111112f64).to_string()).to_wei_str().unwrap());
// 1.111111111111112 ETH(float, 15 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111112000
// 16 decimals
println!("1.1111111111111112 ETH(float, 16 decimals) in Wei is: {}", Unit::Ether(&(1.1111111111111112f64).to_string()).to_wei_str().unwrap());
// 1.1111111111111112 ETH(float, 16 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111111200
// When working with decimal more than 16, remember Not to parse the value from float to string
// f64 only support up to 16 decimals.
// 17 decimals
println!("1.11111111111111112 ETH(float, 17 decimals) in Wei is: {}", Unit::Ether(&(1.11111111111111112f64).to_string()).to_wei_str().unwrap());
// 1.11111111111111112 ETH(float, 17 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111111200
// Correct result should be 1111111111111111120
// 18 decimals
println!("1.111111111111111112 ETH(float, 18 decimals) in Wei is: {}", Unit::Ether(&(1.111111111111111112f64).to_string()).to_wei_str().unwrap());
// 1.111111111111111112 ETH(float, 18 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111111200
// Correct result should be 1111111111111111112
println!("1.111111111111111112 ETH(string) in Wei is: {}", Unit::Ether("1.111111111111111112").to_wei_str().unwrap());
// 1.111111111111111112 ETH(string) in Wei is: 1111111111111111112
$ git clone https://github.com/p0p3yee/rust-web3-unit-converter
$ cd rust-web3-unit-converter
$ cargo run --example main
One Wei in ETH is: 0.000000000000000001
One Gwei in ETH is: 0.000000001
One ETH in Gwei is: 1000000000
One Gwei in Wei is: 1000000000
1.111111111111112 ETH(float, 15 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111112000
1.1111111111111112 ETH(float, 16 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111111200
1.11111111111111112 ETH(float, 17 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111111200
1.111111111111111112 ETH(float, 18 decimals) in Wei is: 1111111111111111200
1.111111111111111112 ETH(string) in Wei is: 1111111111111111112
~24K SLoC