#daemon-process #process-manager #daemon #process #manager #watchmen #ahriknow

bin+lib watchmend

Watchmen 是一个守护进程管理器,可让您全天候在线管理您的应用程序

1 个不稳定版本

0.0.1 2024 年 1 月 2 日

#9 in #daemon-process


2.5K SLoC

Watchmen (0.0.1)

Watchmen 是一个守护进程管理器,用于管理您的应用程序并保持其在线状态24/7

简体中文 | English



# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ahriroot/watchmen.git

# Go into the repository
cd watchmen

# Install watchmen daemon
cargo install --path watchmend

# Install cli tool
cargo install --path watchmen

从 crates.io 安装

# Install watchmen daemon
cargo install watchmend

# Install cli tool
cargo install watchmen



"" 默认为 ${HOME}/.watchmen/config.toml


# The engine to use for the watchmen server
# Valid values are "sock", "socket", "http", "redis"
# sock: Unix socket
# socket: TCP socket
# http: HTTP Api (Include Web panel)
# redis: Redis pub/sub
engines = ["sock"]

# The default engine to use for connecting to the watchmen server
engine = "sock"

# The log directory of the watchmen server
log_dir = "$HOME/.watchmen/logs"

# The log level of the watchmen server
# Valid values are "debug", "info", "warn", "error". Default is "info"
log_level = "info"

# The standard output of the watchmen server
# Default is None
stdout = "$HOME/.watchmen/watchmen.stdout.log"

# The standard error of the watchmen server
# Default is None
stderr = "$HOME/.watchmen/watchmen.stderr.log"

# The pid file of the watchmen server
# Default is `$HOME/.watchmen/watchmen.pid`
pid = "$HOME/.watchmen/watchmen.pid"

# The task config file name matching pattern
# Default is `^.*\\.(toml|ini|json)$`
mat = "^.*\\.(toml|ini|json)$"

# Tasks cache file, json format
cache = "$HOME/.watchmen/cache.json"

# The unix socket path of the watchmen server
path = "/tmp/watchmen.sock"

host = ""
port = 1949

host = ""
port = 1997

host = "localhost"
port = 6379
username = ""
password = ""
queue_index = 0
queue_name = "watchmen"
subscribe_channels = ["watchmen"]
subscribe_name = "watchmen"

启动 watchmen 守护进程



id = 1
name = "Async Task 1"
command = "command"
args = ["arg1", "arg2"]
dir = "/path/to/directory"
env = { key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2" }
stdin = true
stdout = "output.txt"
stderr = "error.txt"
task_type = { Async = { max_restart = 2, has_restart = 0, started_at = 0, stopped_at = 0 } }

id = 2
name = "Periodic Task 1"
command = "command"
args = ["arg1", "arg2"]
dir = "/path/to/directory"
env = { key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2" }
stdin = false
stdout = "output.txt"
stderr = "error.txt"
task_type = { Periodic = { started_after = 0, interval = 60, last_run = 0, sync = false } }
[Async Task]
id = 1
name = Async Task 1
command = command
args = arg1 arg2
dir = /path/to/directory
env = key1=value1 key2=value2
stdin = true
stdout = "output.txt"
stderr = "error.txt"
task_type = async
max_restart = 2

[Periodic Task]
id = 2
name = Periodic Task 1
command = command
args = arg1 arg2
dir = /path/to/directory
env = key1=value1 key2=value2
stdin = false
stdout = "output.txt"
stderr = "error.txt"
task_type = periodic
started_after = 0
interval = 60
sync = false
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Async Task 1",
        "command": "command",
        "args": ["arg1", "arg2"],
        "dir": "/path/to/directory",
        "env": {},
        "stdin": true,
        "stdout": "output.txt",
        "stderr": "error.txt",
        "created_at": 0,
        "task_type": { "Async": { "max_restart": 2, "has_restart": 0, "started_at": 0, "stopped_at": 0 } }
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Periodic Task 1",
        "command": "command",
        "args": ["arg1", "arg2"],
        "dir": "/path/to/directory",
        "env": {},
        "stdin": false,
        "stdout": "output.txt",
        "stderr": "error.txt",
        "created_at": 0,
        "task_type": { "Periodic": { "started_after": 0, "interval": 60, "last_run": 0, "sync": false } }


watchmen -h

Watchmen is a daemon process manager that for you manage and keep your application online 24/7

Usage: watchmen [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  run      Add and run tasks
  add      Add tasks
  reload   Reload tasks
  start    Start tasks
  restart  Restart tasks
  stop     Stop tasks
  remove   Remove tasks
  list     Get tasks list
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -c, --config <CONFIG>      Config file path. Default: $HOME/.watchmen/config.toml
  -g, --generate <GENERATE>  Generate config file
  -e, --engine <ENGINE>      Engine for send message [default: sock]
  -v, --version              Print version
  -h, --help                 Print help

watchmen run -h

Add and run tasks

Usage: watchmen run [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>        Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>      Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>    Task config file
  -n, --name <NAME>        Task name (unique)
  -c, --command <COMMAND>  Task command
  -a, --args <ARGS>        Task arguments
  -d, --dir <DIR>          Task working directory
  -e, --env <ENV>          Task environment variables
  -i, --stdin              Task standard input
  -o, --stdout <STDOUT>    Task standard output
  -w, --stderr <STDERR>    Task standard error
  -h, --help               Print help

watchmen add -h

Add tasks

Usage: watchmen add [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>        Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>      Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>    Task config file
  -n, --name <NAME>        Task name (unique)
  -c, --command <COMMAND>  Task command
  -a, --args <ARGS>        Task arguments
  -d, --dir <DIR>          Task working directory
  -e, --env <ENV>          Task environment variables
  -i, --stdin              Task standard input
  -o, --stdout <STDOUT>    Task standard output
  -w, --stderr <STDERR>    Task standard error
  -h, --help               Print help

watchmen reload -h

Reload tasks

Usage: watchmen reload [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>        Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>      Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>    Task config file
  -n, --name <NAME>        Task name (unique)
  -c, --command <COMMAND>  Task command
  -a, --args <ARGS>        Task arguments
  -d, --dir <DIR>          Task working directory
  -e, --env <ENV>          Task environment variables
  -i, --stdin              Task standard input
  -o, --stdout <STDOUT>    Task standard output
  -w, --stderr <STDERR>    Task standard error
  -h, --help               Print help

watchmen start -h

Start tasks

Usage: watchmen start [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>      Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>    Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>  Task config file
  -i, --id <ID>          Task id (unique)
  -n, --name <NAME>      Task name (unique)
  -m, --mat              Is match regex pattern by namae
  -h, --help             Print help

watchmen restart -h

Restart tasks

Usage: watchmen restart [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>      Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>    Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>  Task config file
  -i, --id <ID>          Task id (unique)
  -n, --name <NAME>      Task name (unique)
  -m, --mat              Is match regex pattern by namae
  -h, --help             Print help

watchmen stop -h

Stop tasks

Usage: watchmen stop [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>      Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>    Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>  Task config file
  -i, --id <ID>          Task id (unique)
  -n, --name <NAME>      Task name (unique)
  -m, --mat              Is match regex pattern by namae
  -h, --help             Print help

watchmen remove -h

Remove tasks

Usage: watchmen remove [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>      Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>    Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>  Task config file
  -i, --id <ID>          Task id (unique)
  -n, --name <NAME>      Task name (unique)
  -m, --mat              Is match regex pattern by namae
  -h, --help             Print help

watchmen pause -h

Pause interval tasks

Usage: watchmen pause [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>      Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>    Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>  Task config file
  -i, --id <ID>          Task id (unique)
  -n, --name <NAME>      Task name (unique)
  -m, --mat              Is match regex pattern by namae
  -h, --help             Print help

watchmen resume -h

Resume interval tasks

Usage: watchmen resume [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>      Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>    Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>  Task config file
  -i, --id <ID>          Task id (unique)
  -n, --name <NAME>      Task name (unique)
  -m, --mat              Is match regex pattern by namae
  -h, --help             Print help

watchmen list -h

Get tasks list

Usage: watchmen list [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>      Task config directory
  -r, --regex <REGEX>    Task config filename regex pattern [default: ^.*\.(toml|ini|json)$]
  -f, --config <CONFIG>  Task config file
  -i, --id <ID>          Task id (unique)
  -n, --name <NAME>      Task name (unique)
  -R, --mat              Is match regex pattern by name
  -m, --more             Show more info
  -l, --less             Show less info
  -h, --help             Print help

Apache License 2.0



~336K SLoC