7 个不稳定版本

0.3.2 2023年6月5日
0.3.1 2021年11月12日
0.2.1 2021年10月1日
0.1.0 2021年8月3日
0.0.0 2020年10月7日

100游戏 中排名

Download history 21/week @ 2024-03-10 2/week @ 2024-03-17 19/week @ 2024-03-31 19/week @ 2024-04-21 2/week @ 2024-04-28

每月 下载量 65

MPL-2.0 许可证


Rust 3K SLoC // 0.0% comments TSX 2K SLoC // 0.0% comments JavaScript 258 SLoC // 0.0% comments TypeScript 89 SLoC // 0.2% comments Lua 36 SLoC

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Wally,Roblox 的包管理器


Wally 是一个受 Cargo (Rust) 和 npm (JavaScript) 启发的 Roblox 包管理器。它将来自其他社区的代码共享的熟悉、社区导向的世界引入 Roblox 生态系统。

Wally 由两个部分组成,它们协同工作:一个名为 wally 的命令行工具和一个托管包的注册表服务器。大多数用户将仅与命令行工具交互,但这两个工具都包含在这个存储库中。


从 GitHub

可以从 Wally 的 GitHub 发布页面 获取 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 的预构建二进制文件。

使用 Foreman

Foreman 是为 Roblox 社区开发的工具链管理器。您可以使用它来安装 Wally。

wally = { source = "UpliftGames/wally", version = "0.3.2" }


从源代码编译 Wally 非常简单。Wally 需要 Rust 1.51.0 或更高版本。


cargo install --locked --path .


wally init


  • cargoinit
  • npm init

wally install[--锁定]


--lockedcargo XXX --locked 匹配,如果没有最新的锁定文件将产生错误。旨在在 CI 机器上使用。(锁定是一个计划中的功能,尚未实现)

  • npm install 不带参数

wally update [package-names](未实现)

递归更新包。默认情况下,将更新所有包。如果提供了包名(形式为 作用域//名称作用域//名称@版本-要求),则只更新这些包。

  • cargo发布
  • npm update(npm 7+,相当于 npm 6.x 及更早版本中的 --depth 9999

wally publish


  • cargo发布
  • npm publish

wally login


您也可以通过 wally login --token "$WALLY_AUTH_TOKEN" 直接提供令牌。

  • cargo登录
  • npm login

wally logout


  • cargo注销
  • npm logout

wally package[--list] --output<path>

将当前项目打包为适用于上传到包注册表的 zip 文件。对于向注册表添加条目和调试最终将上传到 blob 中的内容非常有用。--list 将输出将包含哪些文件,而不是创建 zip 文件。

  • cargopackage

wally manifest-to-json

以 JSON 行的形式打印当前项目的清单。用于向包索引添加条目。

  • cargoread-manifest

wally search<query>



Wally 希望站在巨人的肩膀上。我们做出的决策部分是基于查看其他包管理器和公共文档。


包清单文件描述了一个包及其所有依赖项。包清单以 TOML 编写,并存储在名为 wally.toml 的文件中。




# Package names are always "SCOPE/NAME"
# They can include lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes.
name = "lpghatguy/asink"

# Descriptions are free-form. These will be used as part of package listings
# and search results.
description = "Asynchronous programming primitives"

# Versions follow Semantic Versioning.
# https://semver.org/
version = "2.0.7"

# Contains an SPDX License Expression.
# Licenses are required for publishing code to public registries.
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

# The author list is a free-form list, but conventionally contains names and
# email addresses.
authors = ["Lucien Greathouse <[email protected]>"]

# Packages belong to a "realm", which helps prevent using code in the wrong
# context. For now, we have "server" and "shared" realms.
# The server realm should only be used for packages which shouldn't be replicated.
realm = "shared"

# Wally supports multiple registries.
# This feature can be used to have split public/private registries to
# keep internal code private and isolated.
registry = "https://github.com/upliftgames/wally-index"

# You can also specify files to include or exclude from the package
# By default gitignore files are respected and Wally won't include hidden
# files/directories or packages downloaded by Wally.
# include = []
exclude = ["node_modules"]

# Packages can be marked as private to prevent them from being published.
private = true

# Most dependencies will look like this.
# The name on the left is an alias. It defines what name we would like to
# use to refer to this package.
# The value on the right will usually be a string of the form
# Versions are SemVer version requirements. The default behavior matches
# Cargo, or npm with the `^` version specifier.
Roact = "roblox/[email protected]"
Promise = "evaera/[email protected]"

# Dependencies in the server realm can be required here as shown above.
# These are dependencies which should only ever exist on the server.

# Dev dependencies can be server or shared but are only needed during development.
TestEZ = "roblox/[email protected]"



锁定文件以 TOML 编写,并存储在名为 wally.lock 的文件中。它们是可读的,但仅由工具编写。我们对锁定文件格式进行了优化,以便于阅读和比较,以便尽可能容易地进行审查。

name = "registry:lpghatguy/asink"
version = "2.0.7"
dependencies = [

name = "registry:evaera/roblox-lua-promise"
version = "2.1.0"
checksum = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"

name = "registry:roblox/mono-thing"
version = "1.3.2"
checksum = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"

name = "git:https://github.com/Roblox/cool-thing.git"
rev = "foo"
commit = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"


像许多编程语言包管理器一样,Wally 包被发布到注册表中。

Wally 注册表由两部分组成,灵感来自 Cargo 和 crates.io

  • 包含包索引的 Git 仓库
  • 处理包内容下载和发布的注册表 API

官方 Wally 注册表可在 https://github.com/upliftgames/wally-index 上找到。


  • GET /v1/package-contents/<scope>/<name>/<version>
    • 返回安装包的内容
    • 包内容是ZIP文件
  • GET /v1/package-metadata/<scope>/<name>
    • 返回包的元数据
  • GET /v1/package-search?query=phrase
    • 查询此注册表上可用的包
  • POST /api/v1/publish
    • 客户端将发布一个从服务器提取并发布的包tar包。




~817K SLoC