#dispatch #instructions #interpreter #closures #proc-macro #function

no-std union-fn

创建高效 "inline closures" 的过程宏。

2 个不稳定版本

0.2.0 2023年1月16日
0.1.0 2023年1月11日

数据结构 中排名 #822

MIT 许可证


[2]: https://github.com/Robbepop/union-fn/actions/workflows/rust.yml [4]: https://docs.rs/union-fn [6]: https://crates.io/crates/union-fn

持续集成 文档 Crates.io
[ci][2] [docs][4] [crates][6]

#[union_fn]: 高效解释器的数据结构

这个crate提供了一个过程宏#[union_fn],可以应用于Rust trait 定义。




#[union_fn] 宏通过将函数指针直接嵌入到函数参数旁边的类型中,将调度成本降低到最小,从而避免了分支表,调用调度等于间接函数调用。

由于Rust enum 分辨符的对齐,enum 表示方式中有大量的空间被浪费,这些空间被优化表示方式正确利用,通过存储函数指针而不是enum 分辨符来使用。因此,这两种类型通常具有相同的 size_of。所指向的函数知道如何通过union以零开销解码通过编码的函数参数。


#[union_fn] 宏主要生成两种不同类型

  • 枚举表示所有由特质标识符引用的特质方法。
    • 用于检查、调试和创建不同的调用。
    • 通过特质的标识符访问,例如 Foo
    • 每个方法生成一个具有相同名称和参数的构造函数。
  • 一种优化数据局部性和多态调用的类型。
    • 主要用于计算阶段的实际调用。
    • 通过 <Foo as union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt> 访问,其中 Foo 是特质的标识符。
    • 每个方法生成一个具有相同名称和参数的构造函数 OR;可以通过 union_fn::IntoOpt 特质从 enum 表示形式进行转换。





给定以下 Rust 代码

use union_fn::union_fn;

trait Counter {
    type Context = i64;

    /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
    fn bump_by(value: &mut Self::Context, by: i64) {
        *value += by;

    /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
    fn select(value: &mut Self::Context, choices: [i64; 4]) {
        *value = choices.get(*value as usize).copied().unwrap_or(0)

    /// Resets the `value` to zero.
    fn reset(value: &mut Self::Context) {
        *value = 0;

fn main() {
    let mut value = 0;

    Counter::bump_by(1).call(&mut value);
    assert_eq!(value, 1);

    Counter::bump_by(41).call(&mut value);
    assert_eq!(value, 42);

    Counter::reset().call(&mut value);
    assert_eq!(value, 0);

    let choices = [11, 22, 33, 44];
    let opt = Counter::select(choices).into_opt();
    for i in 0..5 {
        let mut value = i;
        opt.call(&mut value);
        assert_eq!(value, choices.get(i as usize).copied().unwrap_or(0));

此过程宏将扩展为以下代码(注意,为了演示目的,空白和 derive 宏扩展已被更改。)

#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)]
pub enum Counter {
    /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
    BumpBy { by: i64 },
    /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
    Select { choices: [i64; 4] },
    /// Resets the `value` to zero.
    Reset {},

impl Counter {
    /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
    pub fn bump_by(by: i64) -> Self {
        Self::BumpBy { by }

    /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
    pub fn select(choices: [i64; 4]) -> Self {
        Self::Select { choices }

    /// Resets the `value` to zero.
    pub fn reset() -> Self {
        Self::Reset {}

impl ::union_fn::CallWithContext for Counter {
    type Context = i64;

    fn call(
        ctx: &mut Self::Context,
    ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
        match self {
            Self::BumpBy { by } => {
                <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::bump_by(ctx, by)
            Self::Select { choices } => {
                <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::select(ctx, choices)
            Self::Reset { } => {
                <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::reset(ctx,)

const _: () = {
    ///Call optimized structure of the [`Counter`] type.
    #[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)]
    pub struct CounterOpt {
        handler: fn(
            ctx: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output,
        args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,

    impl ::union_fn::IntoOpt for Counter {
        type Opt = CounterOpt;
        type Delegator = CounterDelegate;
        type Impls = CounterImpls;

        fn into_opt(self) -> Self::Opt {
            match self {
                Self::BumpBy { by } => <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt::bump_by(by),
                Self::Select { choices } => {
                    <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt::select(choices)
                Self::Reset {} => <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt::reset(),

    impl ::union_fn::CallWithContext for CounterOpt {
        type Context = i64;

        fn call(
            ctx: &mut Self::Context,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            (self.handler)(ctx, &self.args)

    impl CounterOpt {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        pub fn bump_by(by: i64) -> Self {
            Self {
                handler: <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Delegator::bump_by,
                args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args::bump_by(by),

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        pub fn select(choices: [i64; 4]) -> Self {
            Self {
                handler: <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Delegator::select,
                args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args::select(choices),

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        pub fn reset() -> Self {
            Self {
                handler: <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Delegator::reset,
                args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args::reset(),

    ///Efficiently packed method arguments for the [`Counter`] type.
    #[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)]
    pub union CounterArgs {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        bump_by: i64,
        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        select: [i64; 4],
        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        reset: (),

    impl CounterArgs {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        pub fn bump_by(by: i64) -> Self {
            Self { bump_by: by }

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        pub fn select(choices: [i64; 4]) -> Self {
            Self { select: choices }

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        pub fn reset() -> Self {
            Self { reset: () }

    impl ::union_fn::UnionFn for CounterOpt {
        type Output = ();
        type Args = CounterArgs;

    impl ::union_fn::UnionFn for Counter {
        type Output = ();
        type Args = CounterArgs;

    ///Decodes and delegates packed arguments to the implementation of [`Counter`] methods.
    pub enum CounterDelegate {}

    impl CounterDelegate {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        fn bump_by(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            args: &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            let by = unsafe { args.bump_by };
            <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::bump_by(value, by)

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        fn select(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            args: &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            let choices = unsafe { args.select };
            <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::select(value, choices)

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        fn reset(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            args: &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            let () = unsafe { args.reset };
            <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::reset(value)

    ///Implements all methods of the [`Counter`] type.
    pub enum CounterImpls {}

    impl CounterImpls {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        fn bump_by(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            by: i64,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            *value += by;

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        fn select(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            choices: [i64; 4],
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            *value = choices.get(*value as usize).copied().unwrap_or(0);

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        fn reset(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            *value = 0;


以下是针对 Call[WithContext] 特质生成的汇编代码,该代码根据编译器探索器为生成的用户界面 enum 和针对上述 Counter 示例的调用优化的 opt 类型。

调用[WithContext] for <enum>

<example::Counter as example::union_fn::CallWithContext>::call:
        sub     rsp, 40
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rdi]
        test    rax, rax
        je      .LBB3_8
        cmp     eax, 1
        jne     .LBB3_6
        movups  xmm0, xmmword ptr [rdi + 8]
        movups  xmm1, xmmword ptr [rdi + 24]
        movaps  xmmword ptr [rsp + 16], xmm1
        movaps  xmmword ptr [rsp], xmm0
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rsi]
        cmp     rax, 3
        ja      .LBB3_3
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rsp + 8*rax]
        mov     qword ptr [rsi], rax
        add     rsp, 40
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
        add     qword ptr [rsi], rax
        add     rsp, 40
        mov     qword ptr [rsi], 0
        add     rsp, 40
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     qword ptr [rsi], rax
        add     rsp, 40

调用[WithContext] for <opt>

<example::_::CounterOpt as example::union_fn::CallWithContext>::call:
        mov     rax, rsi
        mov     rcx, qword ptr [rdi]
        lea     rsi, [rdi + 8]
        mov     rdi, rax
        jmp     rcx


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