2 个版本
0.1.1 | 2024年1月25日 |
0.1.0 | 2024年1月5日 |
#495 在 文件系统
1,630 每月下载次数
630 代码行
Tower Serve Static
Tower 文件服务,使用 include_dir 和 include_bytes 将资源嵌入到二进制文件中。
tower-serve-static = { git = "https://github.com/jannik4/tower-serve-static", version = "0.1.0" }
include_dir = "0.7.0"
use tower_serve_static::{ServeFile, include_file};
// File is located relative to `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` (the directory containing the manifest of your package).
// This will embed and serve the `README.md` file.
let service = ServeFile::new(include_file!("/README.md"));
// Run our service using `axum`
let app = axum::Router::new().nest_service("/", service);
// run our app with axum, listening locally on port 3000
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?;
axum::serve(listener, app).await?;
use tower_serve_static::{ServeDir};
use include_dir::{Dir, include_dir};
// Use `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` to make path relative to your package.
// This will embed and serve files in the `src` directory and its subdirectories.
static ASSETS_DIR: Dir<'static> = include_dir!("$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/src");
let service = ServeDir::new(&ASSETS_DIR);
// Run our service using `axum`
let app = axum::Router::new().nest_service("/", service);
// run our app with axum, listening locally on port 3000
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?;
axum::serve(listener, app).await?;
实现基于 tower-http 文件服务(更具体地说,是 版本 0.1.2)并修改为在运行时使用 include_dir/include_bytes 而不是文件系统。
~100K SLoC