#data #cli #cache #data-file #time #fetch #default


适用于 CLI 库的轻量级数据缓存

9 个不稳定版本 (4 个破坏性更改)

0.5.1 2022年5月14日
0.5.0 2021年10月25日
0.4.2 2021年10月7日
0.3.2 2021年10月2日
0.1.0 2020年8月15日


每月下载量 24

MIT 许可证

208 代码行

Tote Rust

适用于 CLI 库的轻量级数据文件缓存

对于每次调用都查询默认信息集的 CLI,Tote 提供了一种方便的方式将数据缓存到文件中,以便更快地执行后续的 CLI 运行。

Tote 用于缓存(以下示例)时,tote.get() 调用将

  • 检查 Tote 文件路径是否存在以及是否在指定的过期时间内被修改
  • 反序列化并返回数据


  • 使用 Fetch::fetch 方法检索数据
  • 使用 serde_json 序列化数据并将数据写入 Tote 文件路径
  • 返回新检索的数据



默认功能使用同步的 Fetch 特性

use std::time::Duration;

use serde_derive::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use tote::{Fetch, Tote};

// Implement `serde`'s `Serialize`/`Deserialize` for you own data
// or make a NewType and `derive` so `Tote` can read and write the cached data
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct NearbyCities(Vec<String>);

impl Fetch for NearbyCities {
    type Cached = NearbyCities;

    fn fetch() -> Result<NearbyCities, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        let resp = reqwest::blocking::get("http://getnearbycities.geobytes.com/GetNearbyCities?radius=10")?
        let cities = resp.into_iter().map(|city| format!("{}, {}", city[1], city[2])).collect();

fn main () -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Create a Tote at the given path, with data expiry of 1 day
    let cache: Tote<NearbyCities> = Tote::new(".my_tool.cache", Duration::from_secs(86400));

    // This `.get()` call will use data cached in ".my_tool.cache" if:
    // - The file exists & has valid data
    // - The file has been modified in the past 1 day
    // Otherwise `NearbyCities::fetch` is called to get the data and populate the cache file
    let nearby_cities = cache.get()?;
    println!("Cities near you are: {:?}", nearby_cities);
    # std::fs::remove_file(".my_tool.cache")?; // Cleanup for doctest


“异步”功能添加了 AsyncFetch 特性,如果您想使用异步 I/O 来获取数据。调用 Tote::get_async().await 获取 Tote 内容。


tote = { version = "*", features = ["async"] }
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::IpAddr;
use std::time::Duration;

use async_trait::async_trait;
use serde_derive::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use tote::{AsyncFetch, Tote};

// Implement `serde`'s `Serialize`/`Deserialize` for you own data
// or make a NewType and `derive` so `Tote` can read and write the cached data
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct MyPublicIp(IpAddr);

impl AsyncFetch for MyPublicIp {
    type Cached = MyPublicIp;

    async fn fetch_async() -> Result<MyPublicIp, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
       let resp = reqwest::get("https://httpbin.org/ip")
           .json::<HashMap<String, String>>()
        let origin_ip = resp["origin"].parse()?;

async fn main () -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Create a Tote at the given path, with data expiry of 1 day
    let cache: Tote<MyPublicIp> = Tote::new(".my_tool.cache", Duration::from_secs(86400));
    // This `.get_async().await` call will use data cached in ".my_tool.cache" if:
    // - The file exists & has valid data
    // - The file has been modified in the past 1 day
    // Otherwise `MyPublicIp::fetch_async` is called to get the data and populate the cache file
    let public_ip = cache.get_async().await?;
    println!("Your public IP address is {}", public_ip.0);
    # std::fs::remove_file(".my_tool.cache")?; // Cleanup for doctest


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