#toml #document #example



24个不稳定版本 (11个重大更改)

0.11.1 2024年2月27日
0.10.3 2024年2月19日
0.10.0 2023年6月9日

#41 in #example

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  • 支持#[serde(default)]#[serde(default = "function_name")]属性(serde功能,可选)
  • 支持#[serde(rename)]#[serde(rename_all = "renaming rules")]重命名规则可以是lowercaseUPPERCASEPascalCasecamelCasesnake_caseSCREAMING_SNAKE_CASEkebab-caseSCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE
  • 提供 #[toml_example(default)]#[toml_example(default = 0)]#[toml_example(default = ""default_string"")] 属性
  • 属性宏的顺序很重要,如果同时存在不同值的 #[serde(default = ..]#[toml_example(default = ...)]


use toml_example::TomlExample;

/// Config is to arrange something or change the controls on a computer or other device
/// so that it can be used in a particular way
struct Config {
    /// Config.a should be a number
    a: usize,
    /// Config.b should be a string
    b: String,
    /// Optional Config.c is a number
    c: Option<usize>,
    /// Config.d is a list of number
    d: Vec<usize>,
    /// Config.e should be a number
    #[serde(default = "default_int")]
    e: usize,
    /// Config.f should be a string
    #[serde(default = "default_str")]
    f: String,
    /// Config.g should be a number
    #[toml_example(default =7)]
    g: usize,
    /// Config.f should be a string
    #[toml_example(default = "seven")]
    h: String,
fn default_int() -> usize {
fn default_str() -> String {

Config::to_toml_example("example.toml");  // write example to a file
let example = Config::toml_example();

基于每个字段的文档字符串的 Toml 示例

# Config is to arrange something or change the controls on a computer or other device
# so that it can be used in a particular way

# Config.a should be a number
a = 0

# Config.b should be a string
b = ""

# Optional Config.c is a number
# c = 0

# Config.d is a list of number
# d = [ 0, ]

# Config.e should be a number
e = 7

# Config.f should be a string
f = "seven"

# Config.g should be a number
g = 7

# Config.h should be a string
h = "seven"


嵌套结构体用 Option<T>Vec<T>HashMap<String, T>BTreeMap<String, T> 包装处理。请在字段上添加 #[toml_example(nesting)]#[toml_example(nesting = prefix)]#[toml_example(nesting)]

  /// Service with specific port
  struct Service {
      /// port should be a number
      #[toml_example(default = 80)]
      port: usize,
  struct Node {
      /// Services are running in the node
      #[toml_example(default = http)]
      services: HashMap<String, Service>,

Node::toml_example() 将遵循以下字符串。

# Services are running in the node
# Service with specific port
# port should be a number
port = 80

如果您想在示例中将可选字段变为必填字段,请在该字段上放置 #[toml_example(require)]。如果您想跳过某些字段,可以使用 #[toml_example(skip)]#[serde(skip)],或者 #[serde(skip_deserializing)] 也同样有效。

use toml_example::TomlExample;
struct Config {
    /// Config.a is an optional number
    a: Option<usize>,
    /// Config.b is an optional string
    b: Option<String>,
    #[toml_example(default = "third")]
    c: Option<String>,
    d: usize,
# Config.a is an optional number
a = 0

# Config.b is an optional string
b = ""

c = "third"


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