4 个版本
0.1.4 | 2024 年 3 月 13 日 |
0.1.3 | 2024 年 1 月 28 日 |
0.1.2 |
0.1.1 | 2024 年 1 月 7 日 |
0.1.0 | 2024 年 1 月 3 日 |
#321 在 命令行接口
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379 行
参数解析 - 简单易用
什么是 TAAP?
TAAP 是一个为 Rust 制作的参数解析器,以易用性为设计理念!
(TAAP 的缩写为 "totally acceptable argument parser")
此包提供 Argument 结构体,它有几个实现,您可以使用这些实现来创建和解析参数。要开始,请查看下面的示例,该示例使用此包创建了一个具有参数的简单程序!
(提示!所有这些,以及更多,都在 docs.rs 页面 上提供)
要将此包包含到您的项目中,请在您的 Cargo.toml
taap = "0.1.4"
或者,在您的 cargo 项目目录中运行此命令
cargo add taap
添加后,您就可以使用 TAAP 了!
- 一个位置参数
- 一个可选参数
- 一些退出状态
- 如何解析参数(并使用它们)(此示例/代码块也位于 示例文件夹 中)
// First, import taap so we can use it
use taap;
fn main() {
// Next, in the main function, create a MUTABLE variable using Argument::new()
let mut arguments = taap::Argument::new("example-1", "The first example program for TAAP!", "The text at the bottom of the help!", "SpamixOfficial 2023");
// Now we will add our first positional argument!
// First we add our letter we want to use, in this case 'f'
// Next we add our long name we want to use, in this case "foo"
// To add an argument without a "short name", set the short name to '-' or ' '
arguments.add_option('f', "foo", "0", Some("Some help!"));
arguments.add_option('-', "no-help", "2", None);
// Here I'll add a positonal argument. Positional arguments takes almost the same parameters as
// optional arguments, except that it doesn't take a "long name" and a "short name". Instead it
// just takes a placeholder
arguments.add_arg("BAR", "1", None);
// Now let's also add some exit statuses!
arguments.add_exit_status(0, "Everything went just fine");
arguments.add_exit_status(1, "Something went a little wrong");
arguments.add_exit_status(2, "Something went horribly wrong!");
// Finally, let's parse the args and make use of them!
// We parse the args by calling parse_args(), which returns a HashMap<String, (bool, String)>
// I'll explain what every part means in a second!
// When we have parsed our args, we also want to save the result!
// To do this we create a new variable, and contain our parsed args in that variable
// If we want to use a custom argument-list we can pass it using Some(Vec<String>)
// In this case we don't want to do that, so we pass None
let parsed_arguments = arguments.parse_args(None);
// Now let's use our arguments!
// First, let's grab our first positional argument, named "BAR"
let bar = parsed_arguments.get("BAR").unwrap();
println!("BAR is: {}", bar.0);
// Next, let's see if our optional argument foo was used
// The process here is the same as the previous lines
// If your optional argument take no arguments, then your Vec<String> will be an empty vector
let foo = parsed_arguments.get("f").unwrap();
// Finally, let's see how we would handle an output with values!
let no_help = parsed_arguments.get("no-help").unwrap();
if no_help.0 {
println!("--no-help was used with arguments:");
for argument in no_help.1.iter() {
println!("{}", argument);
} else {
println!("--no--help was not used!");
fn was_foo_used(info: &(bool, Vec<String>)) {
// As you see here, we use info.0 to retreive if foo was used or not, which is a boolean value
if info.0 {
println!("Foo was used!");
} else {
println!("Foo was not used!");
如果您想了解更多“深入”的解释和注释,请参阅 GitHub 仓库中示例文件夹中的第一个示例
[user@the_machine taap-rs]$ ./example-1
Error! BAR requires 1 arguments,
[user@the_machine taap-rs]$ ./example-1 -h
Usage: example-1 BAR [OPTIONS]
The first example program for TAAP!
Positional Arguments:
-h --help Use this to print this help message
-f --foo Some help!
Exit Statuses:
0 Everything went just fine
1 Something went a little wrong
2 Something went horribly wrong!
The text at the bottom of the help!
SpamixOfficial 2023
嗯,我们没有定义帮助参数,不过,如您从上面的输出中看到的,TAAP 已经为我们处理了这一点!
当我们添加参数时,它也会自动将其添加到帮助信息中。如果您也想自己打印帮助信息,可以调用 print_help() 函数!
[user@the_machine taap-rs]$ ./example-1 "I am BAR" -f Im_foo --no-help "I take" "Two arguments!"
BAR is: true
Foo was used!
--no-help was used with arguments:
I take
Two arguments!
如果其中一个参数会有一个未指定的参数数量(无限数量),我们可能需要使用 - 来终止它。
这意味着,如果 BAR 有无限数量的参数,它将被 -f 选项终止,因为字符 - 用于终止无限参数。