#sway #icons #swaywm

bin+lib swaycons

swaycons 为 sway 窗口标题添加 nerd 字体图标

4 个版本 (2 个破坏性更新)

0.3.1 2023年11月29日
0.3.0 2023年7月7日
0.2.0 2022年2月28日
0.1.0 2022年1月18日

#5 in #swaywm

每月 23 次下载




使用 nerd 字体的 Sway 窗口图标!


  • 我大量使用 sway 标签页,添加图标使得视觉上更容易找到我想要的窗口。
  • Sway 讨论窗口图标的 issue:https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/4882
  • 仅使用 sway 配置的解决方案有重大限制。Sway 只会为 for_window [title="firefox"] title_format {icon} %title 类型的配置触发一次更改。这使得它对于许多情况来说并不是理想的选择。
  • 因为 swaycons 包含默认配置,所以与在 sway 配置中手动配置字体图标相比,启动它要简单得多。





  1. 安装 Rust
  2. Sway
  3. 在你的 sway 配置中启用图标和 pango 的字体。默认配置假设使用 nerd 字体。配置应类似于以下内容
font pango:FuraCode Nerd Font 11

安装 Swaycons

  1. cargo安装 swaycons


  • 运行 swaycons
  • 建议在 sway 配置中添加类似 exec swaycons 的命令
  • 配置更改后,必须重新启动 swaycons


  • 默认情况下,配置文件应放置在 ~/.config/swaycons/config.toml,但将在配置的 XDG 配置文件夹中查找 swaycons/config.toml
  • 默认配置包含在二进制文件中,可以在此查看:这里
  • 您的自定义配置将添加到默认配置中
  • 查找 nerd 字体图标的好地方是 nerd fonts cheat sheet
  • 关于 pango 属性的更多信息请参阅 这里
  • 要查找 app_idclass,建议运行 swaymsg -t get_tree | less 并使用 / 搜索您要查找的应用程序
  • 有许多资源可以帮助您学习如何编写正则表达式。不过,标题部分的例子将涵盖大多数简单情况。
  • 以下是一个带有注释的例子

# global section. all windows will default to these settings
color = "#FFFFFF" # this must be a valid color
focused_color = "#FFFFFF" # to disable a focused_color set this to ""
icon = "󰖯" # to disable a default icon just set this to ""
size = "14pt" # must be a valid pango size value
separator = " " # anything between the icon and window title

# app_id section.  This does an exact string comparison to the app_id or
# window_properties.class value reported in swaymsg -t get_tree for the window
# It will be app_id for wayland apps and window_properties.class for X11 apps
chromium = { icon = "", color = "#a1c2fa", size = "13pt" }
firefox = { icon = "", color = "#ff8817" }
foot = { icon = "" }
neovide = { icon = "", color = "#8fff6d" }

# This does a regex match on the window title.  Matches from this section
# will take precedence over matches from the app_id section. A very basic
# algorithm is used to select the more exact regex if there are multiple
# matches. If 1 regex contains another it will choose the longer one. For
# instance mail\\.google\\.com and google\\.com/maps will be chosen over 
# google\\.com
# escape . for an exact match.  Normally . matches any character
"crates\\.io" = { icon = "󰏗", color = "#ffc933" }
"github\\.com" = { icon = "" }
"google\\.com" = { icon = "", color = "#4285f4" }
"google\\.com/maps" = { icon = "󰗵", color = "#4caf50" }
"mail\\.google\\.com" = { icon = "󰊫", color = "#ad1f1c" }

# use | for or
"sr\\.ht|sourcehut\\.org" = { icon = "" }

# can do an or around just a substring with (a|b)
"travis-ci\\.(com|org)" = { icon = "", color = "#cd324a" } 

# The app_id setting means that this will only match if both the title matches
# the regex and the app_id or window_properties.class equals one of the values
# provided in the app_id array
# For example this allows a vim logo in the terminal but keeps a github logo
# when viewing a github page with vim in the repository name
vim = { app_id = ["foot", "Alacritty"], icon = "", color = "#8fff6d" }

将 Firefox 标签页替换为 Sway 标签页

此插件在使用 sway tabs 替代浏览器标签页时非常有用。为了在 Firefox 中正确使用,需要几个步骤和插件。

  1. 打开 Firefox 设置,禁用 在标签页中打开链接而不是在新窗口中
  2. Firefox 扩展 安装 Tab-less
  3. Firefox 扩展 安装 URL in Title
  4. 隐藏标签栏 - 指导可在 sidebery github wiki 中找到


~111K SLoC