#导入导出 #数据传输 #导出 #导入 #命令行工具 #CLI #shopware

app sw-sync-cli


9个版本 (重大更改)

新版本 0.8.0 2024年8月20日
0.7.1 2024年7月15日
0.6.0 2024年7月4日
0.5.0 2024年6月30日
0.1.0 2024年6月22日

#1080 in 开发工具

Download history 342/week @ 2024-06-18 252/week @ 2024-06-25 250/week @ 2024-07-02 127/week @ 2024-07-09 47/week @ 2024-07-16 1/week @ 2024-07-23


MIT 许可证

2.5K SLoC






  • 速度快,注重性能
  • Shopware API中可用的每个实体和字段都可以导出/导入
  • 支持使用API条件进行数据过滤和排序
  • 导入/导出配置文件是.yaml文件
    • 定义数据导入和导出时的处理方式
    • 可以自由复制、修改和共享
    • 包括一个用于任意数据转换的脚本引擎
  • 目前仅支持CSV数据文件


使用Cargo (Rust工具链)

cargo install sw-sync-cli





  1. 克隆此仓库
  2. 安装最新的Rust工具链
  3. 在仓库根目录下运行 cargo build --release
  4. 您的可执行文件将在这里 ./target/release/sw-sync-cli


  1. 在 shopware 中设置一个 集成
  2. 使用所需的参数(凭证)调用 sw-sync-cli auth

这将在您的当前工作目录中创建一个 .credentials.toml 文件。此文件包含您的凭证(纯文本),您可能希望在同步完成后将其删除。

  1. -m import-m export 模式调用 sw-sync-cli sync,并带有配置文件(profile.yaml)和数据文件 data.csv

您可以在任何时候调用 sw-sync-cli help 以获取更多信息


配置文件用于定义(CSV)文件列与 Shopware 实体字段之间的映射,以及导入/导出时的附加配置。要开始,请查看此存储库中的配置文件。配置文件 .yaml 的结构如下

entity: product

# optional filtering, only applied on export
  # export main products (parentId = NULL) only
  - type: "equals"
    field: "parentId"
    value: null

# optional sorting, only applied on export
  - field: "name"
    order: "ASC"

# optional additional associations (that you need in your deserialization script)
# note: entity_path associations are already added by default
# only applied on export
  - "cover"

# mappings can either be
# - by entity_path
# - by key
# the latter needs to be resolved by custom scripts
  - file_column: "id"
    entity_path: "id"
  - file_column: "name (default language)"
    entity_path: "name"
  - file_column: "product number"
    entity_path: "productNumber"
  - file_column: "stock"
    entity_path: "stock"
  - file_column: "tax id"
    entity_path: "taxId"
  - file_column: "tax rate"
    # entity path can resolve "To-One-Associations" of any depth
    entity_path: "tax.taxRate"
  - file_column: "manufacturer name"
    # They can also use the optional chaining '?.' operator to fall back to null
    # if the association is null
    entity_path: "manufacturer?.name"
  - file_column: "manufacturer id"
    # for importing, you also need the association id in the association object
    entity_path: "manufacturer?.id"
  - file_column: "gross price EUR"
    key: "gross_price_eur"
  - file_column: "net price EUR"
    key: "net_price_eur"

# optional serialization script, which is called once per entity
serialize_script: |
  // See https://rhai.rs/book/ for scripting language documentation
  // you receive an entity object, which consists of the whole entity API response for that single entity
  // you also receive an empty row object where the specified keys above are missing (you need to set them)
  // the other simple mappings are executed (added to the row object) after this script

  // debugging utils
  // debug(entity); // contains the full entity object from the API (can be huge!)
  // print(row); // will be empty

  // Use 'get_default' to look up a value equivalent to Defaults.php
  let default_currency = get_default("CURRENCY");
  let price = entity.price.find(|p| p.currencyId == default_currency);
  row.gross_price_eur = price.gross;
  row.net_price_eur = price.net;

# optional deserialization script, which is called once per entity
deserialize_script: |
  // See https://rhai.rs/book/ for scripting language documentation
  // you receive 'row' as an object that has all the keys defined above with the corresponding value
  // you also receive an empty entity object, where you need to resolve your keys
  // the other simple mappings are executed (added to the entity object) after this script

  // print(entity); // will be empty
  // debug(row); // will contain only the specified keys + their values

  entity.price = [];
    gross: row.gross_price_eur,
    net: row.net_price_eur,
    linked: true,
    currencyId: get_default("CURRENCY"),

  // You can get the default language or a specific language id by their ISO code
  // Default language is used here and will return the default language id
  let default_language_id = get_default("LANGUAGE_SYSTEM");
  // For a specific language id you can use the get_language_by_iso function:
  let specific_language_id = get_language_by_iso("de-DE"); // It will return the language id for "de-DE"

  // You can also get different currencies by their ISO code
  // Default currency is used here and will return the default currency id
  let default_currency_id = get_default("CURRENCY");
  // For a specific currency id you can use the get_currency_by_iso function:
  let eur_currency_id = get_currency_by_iso("EUR"); // It will return the currency id for "EUR"


sw-sync-cli 在 MIT 许可证的条款下分发。
有关详细信息,请参阅 LICENSE 文件。


~364K SLoC