9个版本 (稳定版)
2.0.0 | 2021年3月10日 |
1.2.1 | 2021年1月19日 |
1.1.0 | 2020年12月31日 |
1.0.0 | 2020年11月17日 |
0.1.3 | 2020年11月12日 |
#596 in 数据结构
- SuffixTree
use suff_collections::{array::*, tree::*, lcp::*};
let word: &str = "Some word";
let find: &str = "word";
// construct suffix tree
let st: SuffixTree = SuffixTree::new(word);
// finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
let res: Option<usize> = st.find(find);
// construct lcp
// lcp[i] = max_pref(sa[i], sa[i - 1]) && lcp.len() == sa.len()
// let lcp: LCP<u8> = st.lcp::<u8>();
// let lcp: LCP<u16> = st.lcp::<u16>();
// let lcp: LCP<u32> = st.lcp::<u32>();
let lcp: LCP<usize> = st.lcp::<usize>();
// convert suffix tree to suffix array
// let sa = SuffixArray::<u8>::from(st);
// let sa = SuffixArray::<u16>::from(st);
// let sa = SuffixArray::<u32>::from(st);
let sa = SuffixArray::<usize>::from(st);
// construct online suffix tree
let mut ost: OnlineSuffixTree = OnlineSuffixTree::new();
// add word to online suffix tree
// finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
let res: Option<usize> = ost.find(find);
// convert online suffix tree to suffix tree
let st: SuffixTree = ost.finish();
let graph = SuffixTree::new("mississippi").to_graphviz(&mut buff);
println!("{}", &graph);
- SuffixArray
use suff_collections::{array::*, tree::*, lcp::*};
// let word = "Some word";
let word: &str = "Some word\0";
let find: &str = "word";
// construct suffix array
// let sa = SuffixArray::<usize>::new_stack(word);
// let sa = SuffixArray::<u8>::new(word);
// let sa = SuffixArray::<u16>::new(word);
// let sa = SuffixArray::<u32>::new(word);
let sa = SuffixArray::<usize>::new(word);
// construct lcp
// lcp[i] = max_pref(sa[i], sa[i - 1]) && lcp.len() == sa.len()
let lcp: LCP<usize> = sa.lcp();
// finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
// O(|find| * log(|word|))
let res: Option<usize> = sa.find(find);
// finds all the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
// O(|find| * log(|word|))
let res_all: &[usize] = sa.find_all(find);
// finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
// O(|word|)
let res: Option<usize> = sa.find_big(&sa.lcp(), find);
// finds all the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
// O(|word|)
let res_all: &[usize] = sa.find_all_big(&sa.lcp(), find);
// convert suffix array to suffix tree
let st = SuffixTree::from(sa);
let word = "mississippi";
let sa = SuffixArray::<u32>::new(word);
let lcp = sa.lcp();
println!("LCP index suffixe's");
sa.iter().zip(lcp.iter()).for_each(|(&sa, &lcp)| {
let suff = std::str::from_utf8(&word.as_bytes()[sa as usize..]).unwrap();
println!("{} {} {}", lcp, sa, suff);
LCP index suffixe's
0 11
0 10 i
1 7 ippi
1 4 issippi
4 1 ississippi
0 0 mississippi
0 9 pi
1 8 ppi
0 6 sippi
2 3 sissippi
1 5 ssippi
3 2 ssissippi