0.3.9 | 2024年5月3日 |
0.3.8 | 2024年4月6日 |
0.3.7 |
0.3.3 |
0.1.9 |
#230 in 文本处理
740 行
该库使Rust中的正则表达式处理变得更加容易。它基于标准正则表达式crate,regex。它没有其他依赖,但补充了 simple-string-patterns,该库提供了一系列正则表达式扩展方法,通过字符类型或范围匹配、分割和过滤字符串,仅依赖于标准库。
这些crate共同的目标是使Rust中的字符串处理与JavaScript或Python一样简单,语法更简洁。像 starts_with、contains 或 ends_with 这样的简单字符串匹配方法始终会表现得更好,尤其是在处理大量数据集时。
核心 PatternMatch 和 PatternReplace trait 为字符串数组或向量实现,以避免在循环中编译正则表达式。您可能需要根据下面的示例重新实现这些内容,用于自定义结构体的向量。在循环中简单地调用 my_string.pattern_match_ci("complex_regex") 是一种反模式,会导致相同的正则表达式进行昂贵的重新编译。同样的原则适用于替换方法,仅针对 String
和 Vec<String>
版本0.3.8引入了 _replace_first 方法,用于仅替换样本字符串中的第一个匹配项,实现 re.replace 而不是 re.replace_all。当您只需要在每个字符串中替换一个匹配模式时,这将更快。
组件(s) | 含义 |
_result ⇥ | 如果正则表达式失败,返回一个带有 regex::Error 的 Result |
- ⇥ | 许多不带 _ci 或 _cs 后缀的匹配和替换方法需要布尔型 case_insensitive 参数。 |
_cs ⇥ | 区分大小写 |
_ci ⇥ | 不区分大小写 |
_replace ↔︎⇥ | 替换所有匹配项 |
_replace_first ↔︎⇥ | 仅替换第一个匹配项 |
_word(s) ↔︎⇥ | 根据边界规则匹配整个或部分单词 |
_match_all ↔︎⇥ | 要求数组内所有模式都匹配 |
_match_any ↔︎⇥ | 如果数组内任何模式匹配则返回 true |
_captures ⇥ | 返回可迭代的正则表达式捕获对象 |
_matches ↔︎⇥ | 返回带有正则表达式模式数组的布尔结果向量 |
_matches_vec ⇥ | 返回带有起始和结束偏移量的 Regex::Match 对象向量 |
_matches_outer ⇥ | 返回带有起始和结束偏移量的外部(或整个模式)Match 对象向量 |
_matches_filtered ⇥ | 返回匹配字符串切片的过滤向量 |
_split ↔︎⇥ | 返回向量或元组对 |
_filter, _filter_word ↔︎⇥ | 根据正则表达式模式过滤字符串数组或向量 |
版本 0.3.4 添加了一个 PatternFilter,它包含通过正则表达式模式过滤字符串数组或向量的方法。这些方法与 simple-string-patterns 中的 filter_all_conditional 功能相似,但使用单个正则表达式而不是一组规则。
从版本 0.3.0 开始,该软件包仅包含依赖于正则表达式的核心文本处理扩展。早期版本中捆绑的其他方法已迁移到 simple-string-patterns 软件包。这些软件包相互补充,但如果您只需要它们的一些功能,则可以单独安装。
在不区分大小写的模式下,非捕获的 /(?i)/
标志会自动添加,但如果您在正则表达式的开头添加另一个非捕获组,则会省略。 _ci
后缀在 /my_complex_regex/i
中相当于 i 修饰符,正如在 JavaScript、Perl 和许多命令行工具中使用的那样。
在其他方面,以模式为前缀的方法的行为与 Regex crate 中的 re.is_match、re.replace_all、re.replace、re.find 和 re.capture_iter 方法类似。String-patterns 释放了 Regex crate 的核心功能的大部分,它依赖于它,以覆盖文本处理中的大多数常见用例,并作为特定验证器(例如电子邮件验证)和文本转换器的构建块。
大多数 match 方法将适用于 &str 和 String,而替换方法仅适用于 拥有字符串。同样,匹配方法适用于字符串数组或 string slices 的数组,而替换方法仅适用于 拥有字符串 的数组。这些特性可以用于具有字符串字段的结构体或元组。
使用 Regex 库在标准 Rust 中的正则表达式匹配
fn is_valid_time_string(input: &str) -> bool {
let time_format_pattern = r#"^([01]\d|2[0-3])?:[0-5]\d(:[0-5]\d)?$"#;
if let Ok(re) = Regex::new(time_format_pattern) {
} else {
使用 string-patterns 库的更简洁语法
fn is_valid_time_string(input: &str) -> bool {
使用 Regex 库在标准 Rust 中的示例替换
fn replace_final_os(input: &str) -> String {
let regex_str = r#"(\w)o\b"#;
if let Ok(re) = Regex::new(regex_str) {
re.replace_all(input, "${1}um").to_string()
} else {
使用 string-patterns 库的更简洁语法
fn replace_final_os(input: &str) -> String {
// case-insensitive replacement,
// NB: the regex syntax and capture rules are enforced by the Regex library
input.to_string().pattern_replace_ci(r#"(\w)o\b"#, "${1}um")
let sample_path = "/User/me/Documents/Accounts/docs/2023/earnings-report.pdf".to_string();
// should match any segment between / characters starting with 'doc' and ending in 's'
let pattern = r#"/doc[^/]*s/"#;
let replacement = r#"/files/"#;
// Only replace the first segment matching the above pattern case-insensitively
let new_path_1 = sample_path.pattern_replace_first_ci(pattern, replacement);
// should yield = "/User/me/files/Accounts/docs/2023/earnings-report.pdf"
// replace all matches. Will replace /docs/ as well as /Documents/
let new_path_2 = sample_path.pattern_replace_ci(pattern, replacement);
// should yield = "/User/me/files/Accounts/files/2023/earnings-report.pdf"
let str_1 = "The park has many lions, spotted hyenas, leopards, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, giraffes, cheetahs and baboons";
if let Some(matched_item) = str_1.pattern_first_match(r#"\bspotted\s+\w+\b"#, true) {
println!("`{}` occurs between positions {} and {}", matched_item.as_str(), matched_item.start(), matched_item.end());
let sample_strs = [
let test_pattern = r#"[^a-z]ital(y|ia)"#; // matches 'italy' or 'italia'
// The regular expression will only be compiled once
if sample_strs.pattern_match_ci(test_pattern) {
println!("Some of these folders are related to Italy");
// Filter the above array
let filtered_strs = sample_strs.pattern_matches_filtered_ci(test_pattern);
// should yield ["pictures_Italy-1997","imagini-italia_2002"]
let sample_text = r#"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again."#;
let sample_word = "humpty";
// count the number of whole words in case-insensitive mode
let num_occurrences = sample_text.count_word("humpty", true);
println!("{} occurs {} times in the above text", sample_word, num_occurrences );
let sample_strings = ["apples", "bananas", "carrots", "dates"].to_strings(); /// cast to vector of owned strings
let pattern = r#"a([pr])"#;
let replacement = "æ$1";
// With arrays or vectors the regex need only be compiled once
// case-insensitive replacement
let new_strings = sample_strings.pattern_replace_ci(pattern, replacement);
/// should yield the strings "æpples", "bananas", "cærrots", "dates"
/// only replacing 'a' with 'æ' before 'p' or 'r'
let source_str = "Colourful fishing boats adorned the island's harbours.".to_string();
let pattern_replacements = [
("colour", "color"),
("harbour", "harbor"),
/// Should read "Colorful fishing boats adorned the island's harbors"
let target_str = source_str.pattern_replace_pairs_cs(&pattern_replacements);
// NB: Prior to version 0.2.19 this was pattern_replace_pairs()
// which now requires a second parameter
let source_strs = [
/// filter by file names referencing Venice in various languages, but not Venezuela or venetian blinds
let pattern = "ven(ezia|ecia|edig|ice|ise)[^a-z]*";
let filtered_strs = source_strs.pattern_filter_ci(pattern);
// should yield ["Ristorante-Venezia-2019.jpg", "Mercado_venecia_2000.jpg", "Venice_Oct_2012.png", "2venice2003.jpg"]
/// This should have the same result as above but with cleaner and less error-prone syntax
let source_str = "The dying King Edmund decides to try to save Lear and Cordelia.";
let pattern_replacements = [
("Edmund", "Edward"),
("Lear", "Larry"),
("Cordelia", "Cecilia")
/// Should read "The dying King Edward decides to try to save Larry and Cecilia."
let target_str = source_str.to_string().replace_words_cs(&pattern_replacements);
let source_str = "Two cheetahs ran across the field";
let cat_like_words = [
"lions?","tigers?", "pumas?",
"panthers?", "jaguars?", "leopards?",
"lynx(es)?", "cheetahs?"
if source_str.match_any_words_ci(&cat_like_words) {
println!("`{}` is related to cats", source_str);
let sample_string = "books, records and videotapes";
let pattern = r#"\s*(,|and)\s"#;
// case-insensitive split
let items = sample_string.pattern_split_ci(pattern);
// should yield a vector of strings: vec!["books", "records", "videotapes"]
let sample_string = "first / second - third ; fourth";
let pattern = r#"\s*[/;-]\s*"#;
// case-sensitive split
let (head, tail) = sample_string.pattern_split_pair_cs(pattern);
// should yield => head: "first" and tail: "second - third ; fourth"
let sample_string = "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.";
// Words ending in 'men' with 0 to 4 preceding characters. the sequence in parentheses is an inner capture.
let pattern = r#"\b\w{0,4}(men)\b"#;
let outer_matches = sample_string.pattern_matches_outer(pattern,true);
// should yield a vector with the outer matches only, but with with start and end offsets
if let Some(second_match) = outer_matches.get(1) {
println!("the second match '{}'' starts at {} and ends at {}", second_match.as_str(), second_match.start(), second_match.end());
// should print the matched word 'woman' and its start and end indices
let all_captures = sample_string.pattern_captures(pattern, true);
/// Yields an iterable regex::Captures object with all nested captured groups
let input_str = "-78.29826, 34.15 160.9";
// the pattern expects valid decimal numbers separated by commas and/or one or more spaces
let split_pattern = r#"(\s*,\s*|\s+)"#;
let numbers: Vec<f64> = input_str.pattern_split_cs(split_pattern)
.into_iter().map(|s| s.to_first_number::<f64>())
.filter(|nr| nr.is_some())
.map(|s| s.unwrap()).collect();
// yields a vector of three f64 numbers [-78.29826, 34.15, 160.9];
use string_patterns::PatternMatch;
// Simple struct with a core text field
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Message {
text: String,
timestamp: i64,
from: String,
to: String,
impl PatternMatch for Message {
// All other pattern_match variants with a single regular expression are implemented automatically
fn pattern_match_result(&self, pattern: &str, case_insensitive: bool) -> Result<bool, Error> {
self.text.pattern_match_result(pattern, case_insensitive)
/// The regular expression is compiled only once. If the regex fails, all items are returned
impl<'a> PatternFilter<'a, Message> for [Message] {
fn pattern_filter(&'a self, pattern: &str, case_insensitive: bool) -> Vec<Message> {
if let Ok(re) = build_regex(pattern, case_insensitive) {
self.into_iter().filter(|m| re.is_match(&m.text)).map(|m| m.to_owned()).collect::<Vec<Message>>()
} else {
名称 | 描述 |
PatternMatch | 核心正则表达式匹配方法,re.is_match的包装,具有不区分大小写(_ci)和区分大小写(_cs)变体 |
PatternMatchMany | 提供方法以匹配由元组数组或简单字符串表示的多个模式。 |
PatternMatchesMany | 与上述类似,但返回包含每个模式结果的布尔值向量,并提供用于整个单词匹配的变体方法。 |
PatternMatches | 仅针对数组或向量的模式方法,返回布尔结果的布尔值对、字符串切片的向量,或匹配字符串切片的过滤向量。 |
PatternReplace | 核心正则表达式替换方法。 |
PatternFilter | 通过单个正则表达式模式过滤字符串数组或向量。 |
PatternReplaceMany | 提供方法以替换由元组数组表示的多个模式。 |
PatternSplit | 提供方法将字符串分割成字符串向量或字符串的头/尾元组。 |
MatchWord | 提供各种单词边界规则匹配单词的便利方法。 |
ReplaceWord | 提供使用清晰语法替换一个或多个单词的方法。 |
PatternCapture | 返回捕获或每个匹配的向量,无论是否重叠,以及匹配模式或单词的计数。 |
- WordBounds:具有Start(起始)、End(结束)和Both(两者)选项,并提供方法以正确呈现正则表达式子模式,具有单词边界选项
- None:无边界
- Start:从单词起始位置
- End:到单词结束位置
- Both:整个单词,但模式中可能包含空格或其他标点符号以匹配一个或多个单词
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