48 个版本 (13 个破坏性版本)
0.13.1 | 2023 年 2 月 20 日 |
0.12.2 | 2023 年 2 月 7 日 |
0.12.1 | 2022 年 11 月 8 日 |
0.10.1 | 2022 年 7 月 11 日 |
0.0.5 | 2020 年 11 月 30 日 |
#12 在 #safe-network
每月 228 次下载
在 safe_network 中使用
454 行
Safe Network 启动工具
一个跨平台工具,可轻松从家中启动 Safe Network 测试部分
安装 Safe Network 节点
本地 Safe 网络通过运行几个 Safe 节点 来引导启动,这些节点会自动连接形成一个网络。
- 下载最新的 sn_node 发布版
- 将下载的文件解压到您选择的目录中
- 执行此工具,指定
以下是在 Linux 或 Mac 上执行此操作的示例
$ mkdir ~/my-local-network
$ cd ~/my-local-network
$ curl -LO https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_network/releases/download/0.8.2-0.7.1-0.68.2-0.64.2-0.66.3-0.59.3/sn_node-0.64.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf sn_node-0.64.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
在当前 Safe 项目 状态下,我们的系统可以本地启动单个部分的 Safe 网络。如果按照上述说明将 Safe 节点二进制文件下载并提取到 ~/my-local-network/
$ git clone https://github.com/maidsafe/sn_launch_tool
$ cd sn_launch_tool
$ cargo run -- --local --num-nodes 15 --node-path ~/my-local-network/sn_node --nodes-dir ~/my-local-network/nodes
2022-07-11T10:24:47.007035Z INFO sn_launch_tool: Using RUST_LOG 'safe_network=debug'
Starting logging to directory: "/home/me/my-local-network/nodes/sn-node-genesis"
Node PID: 74681, prefix: Prefix(), name: 031758(00000011).., age: 255, connection info:
2022-07-11T10:24:49.107884Z INFO sn_launch_tool: Launching nodes 2..=15
Starting logging to directory: "/home/me/my-local-network/nodessn-node-2"
Node PID: 74718, prefix: Prefix(), name: 8d3072(10001101).., age: 98, connection info:
Starting logging to directory: "/home/me/my-local-network/nodes/sn-node-3"
Node PID: 74755, prefix: Prefix(), name: 0f31a0(00001111).., age: 96, connection info:
Starting logging to directory: "/home/me/my-local-network/nodes/sn-node-4"
Starting logging to directory: "/home/me/my-local-network/nodes/sn-node-5"
Node PID: 74819, prefix: Prefix(), name: f6bda3(11110110).., age: 94, connection info:
Starting logging to directory: "/home/me/my-local-network/nodes/sn-node-6"
Node PID: 74856, prefix: Prefix(), name: 757076(01110101).., age: 92, connection info:
Starting logging to directory: "/home/me/my-local-network/nodes/sn-node-7"
Node PID: 74899, prefix: Prefix(), name: b493f4(10110100).., age: 90, connection info:
2022-07-11T10:26:49.537676Z INFO sn_launch_tool: Done
为了关闭运行中的本地网络,必须终止所有 sn_node 进程实例,例如在 Linux 或 Mac 上,您可以使用 killall
$ killall sn_node
此工具允许您更改默认值以自定义过程的一部分,您可以使用 --help
sn_launch_tool 0.10.0
Tool to launch Safe nodes to form a local single-section network
Currently, this tool runs nodes on localhost (since that's the default if no IP address is given to
the nodes)
sn_launch_tool [OPTIONS]
IP used to launch the nodes with
-d, --nodes-dir <NODES_DIR>
Path where the output directories for all the nodes are written
[default: ./nodes]
Run the nodes using `cargo flamegraph` (which needs to be preinstalled.) It is
recommended to manually run `cargo flamegraph --root --bin=sn_node -- --first` to ensure
everything is built. (This command will fail dur to insufficient args, but that's okay,
carry testnetting w/ --flame thereafter)
-h, --help
Print help information
-i, --interval <INTERVAL>
Interval in milliseconds between launching each of the nodes
[default: 100]
--idle-timeout-msec <IDLE_TIMEOUT_MSEC>
Interval in seconds before deeming a peer to have timed out
--ip <IP>
IP used to launch the nodes with
Output logs in json format for easier processing
--keep-alive-interval-msec <KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL_MSEC>
Interval in seconds between qp2p keep alive messages
-l, --rust-log <RUST_LOG>
RUST_LOG env var value to launch the nodes with
Run the section locally
-n, --num-nodes <NUM_NODES>
Number of nodes to spawn with the first one being the genesis. This number should be
greater than 0
[env: NODE_COUNT=]
[default: 15]
-p, --node-path <NODE_PATH>
Path where to locate sn_node/sn_node.exe binary. The SN_NODE_PATH env var can be also
used to set the path
[env: SN_NODE_PATH=]
-V, --version
Print version information
-y, --nodes-verbosity
Verbosity level for nodes logs (default: INFO)
此 Safe Network 工具根据您的选择在修改后的 BSD (LICENSE-BSD https://open-source.org.cn/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) 或 MIT 许可证 (LICENSE-MIT https://open-source.org.cn/licenses/MIT) 下双许可。
想贡献吗?太好了 🎉
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